I'm a failure

>graduated Uni in 2016
>get degree in Biology
>pretty good internship
>lots of lab experience
>can't find a job in my field that will hire me
>applied to at least 30 places but nothin
>only been able to work at shitty minimum wage places
>22 years old almost 23
Well Veeky Forums should I throw in the towel and accept my fate that I really am a failure and should just stay at my shit jobs? Anyone having the same experience or any actual advice?

No offence but you got a bachelor's in Biology.
What did you expect would happen?

im not sure it's really the only thing I'm good at, I figured that there would be something out there

Did you really not research your "potential future jobs" before applying?
Like, if you even thought you could become a labcoat scientist then that is unfortunate for you.
If you have money and don't care about your life, continue forth and get a PhD

>applied to at least 30 places

nigga, get on my level. i have 200+ applications just in the federal/state sector alone. 30 applications is a saturday afternoon.

-F, apply yourself.

>degree in Biology
Apply for a zookeeper position or something.

>graduated less than a year ago at 22
>Am I doomed???

I'm starting to apply again I just recently moved

I just don't want employers to see a huge gap between graduating and now and think I've forgotten everything, plus it's hard to retain all the information I acquired in college when I'm not applying it everyday

Get a Ph.D. and make more connections?

where does one get the money or the time to continue firth and get a PhD? I don't want to be in a huge amount of debt and never be able to pay it off.

>think I've forgotten everything
it's not like you knew much to begin with.

If you're a millennial then you'll never have a reason to save money anyway.

>has no time


Get a Ph.D. scholarship. Apply for grants.

I'll look into after work today, thanks

who said I was unemployed? I work full time but the pay is shit and it's not worth my time.

you are young, i'm same age and just going to college.
also you are just 22 years old go get a Ph.D because nobody is going to hire a 22 year old for jobs in biology.

you never had a chance

the people who I was at uni with doing chemical engineering (Which everyone always tells you is the most employable profession there is, with jobs everywhere!) always posts on facebook begging people who know of a job to tell them, at least 5 of them didn't have a single job after 2 years (dont know now, its been long since I heard of them, maybe they offed themselves). One guy who was in the top 10% of our class had to take a tob stocking shelves at a supermarket because he needed the money and couldn't get an engineering job. Some of us got a job at the same place, a shitty place with low pay and shitty work conditions, everyone was always looking for other jobs, but could never find any (I quit a while back and started studying pure math, but the others were still there last I heard.)

Same here but I graduated in physics

>graduated uni in 2013
>get degree in physics
>get into prestigious phd program
>get kicked out after the first year because I failed to publsh a paper as part of the mandatory requirement
>apply to graduate jobs
>get rejected from all of them
>only able to get min wage jobs in call centre support or admin work

Biologys fine but you really need a phd for any sort of real job

I am finishing my masters this year and going to phd in August

Grad school really does suck though compared to undergrad but really the job prospects with just a bachelors in biology suck ass unless you wanna be a lab slave

>hurrr look at me I made more applications than you!
>still doesn't get the job

OP here, it seems to me that STEM is on its way out and no longer useful as seen by the job force. I mean fuck I'm no good at business shit and I hate it but it seems like the only chance I have is to go to school for another 4 years and get a degree in business or accounting. Since science never pays off

im fine with being a lab slave, because I love science and just getting to be in a lab would make me infinitely more happy than being matienance at an airport. Plus they might even pay for further education. It's hard finding even lab work


Banks do loans.

yea I guess you're right. a bachelor's pretty much amounts to nothing nowadays

Honestly m8 I have come to accept my fate.

I don't even tell people I have a physics degree anymore because its a worthless piece of paper now anyway.

As long as I earn enough to pay the bills and have access to games on STEAM, anime, and movies, my life is (depressingly) pretty comfy desu

Yea it's disappointing to have people ask me what I majored in then for me to tell them I'm not even applying it. I just need to find a better job than the one I have now and just live sad and comfy alone

this meme needs to die.

only ~38% of the US has a degree of any kind. that includes 2 year technical degree's and fly-by-night degree mill bullshit like Devry and ITT tech.

a degree from a mid tier state university puts you into the top 20% of society, even if its in gender studies. a STEM degree puts you in the single digit percentiles. you are statistically better off than the vast majority of the other people in this country, and while getting a career started can be a huge pain in the ass, you are part of a group of people who have the greatest amount of freedom and agency in our society. you are petite bourgeoisie. you are most likely to be land owners, you are most likely to make educated life decisions that end in success, and more importantly you are less of a pleb than when you began university. you simply don't see that because you surround yourself with other college educated people and it creates a bias in your perception.

for one reason or another, most people can't make it through higher education. this isn't tied to money either (except in the most extreme trust fund babby situation) because the attrition rates in europe are pretty close to the US's.

This may be true for normies.

But I am pretty much never going to get a gf let alone buy a house.

Feels good man

>not buying your own home to live in by yourself just so you can make all the noise you want, run around the backyard naked all you want, fill it with lewb anime figures and liquor, etc
Get on my level

If you can't find a job, get a masters degree in some kind of biochemistry field. Do something simple, like cell biology or protein purification. Focus on learning a bunch of techniques and make a nice, simple project that you know will work.

But getting a girlfriend is an entirely different thing from buying a house.

m8 I earn just above min wage. i can just about cover all my entertainment expenses like for steam, netflix and shit. No way will I ever be able to afford a house

it doesn't get better. I work as a research assistant and have been for the last 3 years. we just published a paper and I want to move on (I make next to nothing), but I haven't been able to find another job that pays more without moving to an even more expensive city so the net gain is essentially the same. been thinking about going to trade school or just killing myself

there are tons of uneducated blue collar plebs that make the same money you do and can still afford a house. were you one of those kids who didn't put any work into college and just coasted on talent?

because this "woe is me" attitude is what it got you. you have a job and a degree. it might take a few years, but you should be able to leverage yourself into a higher paying position eventually. you aren't done paying dues just because you finish college.

look buddy, no offence, but I don't care.

What kind of biology ? If biochem or mil bio I think you are doing something thing wrong. If just general biology then may God have mercy on your soul

Mol bio *

it was regular biology with a concentration in marine biology

Ah okay, I would look into doing a phd program in modern biology (genetics, biochem , etc). Don't worry too much about money because pretty much every uni in America funds you (either through grants or making you TA a class).

Also when you say you are applying for jobs are you just doing online apps or actually calling / emailing lab heads because the former will get you nowhere

Come back in Uni. You are young, get a master or a Ph.D.

Biology is a very popular field.

I'll check it out tonight and talk to the parents to see what they think as well just in case, and yea I just apply online through indeed or the companies personal website like I'm about to apply to University of Miami

go back to /x/ with your biology hate.

I know I should I just wanted a break and I wanted someone else to pay for it that's why I wanted an entry level job that would maybe pay for my schooling

Yeah starting emailing the lead of the lab instead of doing online apps because they either go through HR (useless since they don't know anything about lab work) or its autofiltered for some dumb reason or its just being used for statistics to see the number and quality of people looking for jobs in the field

Your post makes more sense, and I think he was pointing out that if you want to get an actually job in the biology you need a PhD

Just occupying the thread a bit here.
Am i doing right by going into CS next semester?
I'm able to pick between almost all the engineering branches. But computers is what i like. But i got to think about career possibilities and the financial stuff too. I don't live in USA, but i would love to move to the states and follow the silicon valley dream.

And also, does a masters hurt or help your degree?
I heard that companies won't hire you because you are too educated?

Science PhDs are generally fully funded unless you go to a terrible program

to be fair, all science bachelors have this problem, unless OP is in the US where everyone studies biology for cute animals and to become doctors

how did you get their info? and what did you say? something like "I saw you have a position open, I'm looking to apply to said position, here are my credentials?"

really I've never heard of that, also I'm almost positive you have to get your masters first right? and that's outta pocket unless given scholarships, correct? I haven't done a lot of research into graduate school yet

>I don't live in USA
what country? that matters quite a bit if you want to work in the states.

In the US, most hard science PhD programs are funded. In the US, it depends on your field whether or not you're expected to have a master's first. I'm not personally in Bio, but in the US, physics masters basically aren't offered by good universities because they're for people who failed out of PhDs

I'm from Norway. I don't mind taking a job here too, but my dream is probably to live in the warmer places of the states.

Just look for open positions and see if you can find out which lab posted the ad. Then start getting into contact with them after submitting the online app.

Something like that, make it more like a cover letter and talk about why you are interested and your skills and how excited you are and what not.

In my experience It's true for basically every job that online apps by them selves are a waste of time.

I meant to say it makes no sense*

It's the same in biology and chemistry , you can go straight for a phd. Sometimes in bio a masters is seen as a failed phd

get an EE degree and just learn programming on the side.

due to the legally defined nature of engineering, its almost always a superior choice for an undergrad degree. its why here in the states EE/CS is a very popular double major degree path.

as far as a masters hurting or helping you, its a matter of only large companies being able to afford you. if you apply for a lower paying job at a smaller company, they are going to know you are just treading water till an offer more suited to your education comes along. generally you get that more with a PhD than a masters.

i'd recommend doing an engineering undergrad with some CS electives and getting your masters in whatever you like (if you aren't burnt out by then)

Cool! Thanks user.

wow alright thanks man when applying to the University of Miami I'll see if I can find out who's in charge and shoot them an email

Oh wow, I know PhD's are difficult but how difficult would you say and what's the time span of the course? Thank you for clearing that up for me

I got an engineering degree from a state school 2 years ago. I've put out hundreds of applications. I got 3 call backs 1 interview, and no jobs. Now, I work in a warehouse chucking boxes.

Pretty close to giving up. The rejection is overwhelming.

what school?

also, what branch of engineering?

you're not even 25

i hate to use the word millennial but yeah

what does me being a millennial have to do with anything?

you wouldn't understand ;)

A PhD lasts at least 4 years. But since you will be forced to use time to teach the average time to graduation is 4.5 years.


okay thanks for all your help friendo

jesus that's a long time, I always thought it was 2. how am I supposed to pay for anything like food or housing?


Oh. I thought he just meant school not all of my livelihood expenses as well my bad

You get paid, so you use the money for livelihood. The school is paying you to be a teacher and gather research

Humboldt state university (Part of the California state university system)
Environmental Engineering - focused on waste water management

whoa that's tight. I'm gonna look into it now, thanks senpai
would I be teaching freshmen?

/x/ is anti-biology? Why? I knew they were retarded but what could they possibly have against this field of study? Is it because biologists reject the idea of cryptids and paranormal bullshit?

Inflating your application count by spamming the same resume everywhere isn't impressive. All this tells me is you're just blindly applying to jobs irrespective of whether your actual qualifications line up with what the listing says it's looking for.

you have to learn to program and apply to bioinformatics positions

this is the only hope for this dumb degree that teaches nothing but 'MUH TYROSINE KINASE CASCADE'

>he doesn't know about streaming

>been thinking about going to trade school or just killing myself
>thinking trades are beneath him
>thinking trades mean being some fatfuck joe jerking himself off while he collects unemployment
>thinking trades don't allow you to rake in the dosh
Gas yourself filthy privileged libfuck

Cant believe all this shite about US PhDs not being funded. We're making sweet minimum wage over here in the UK

I did my phd in the US and was funded. I lived slightly above the poverty level

almost all US science PhDs are funded. Also I knew plenty of bio-related majors who got jobs just fine.