Can you be to smart for The Big Bang Theory?
Can you be to smart for The Big Bang Theory?
I stopped watching this show after they made a feud over "loop quantum gravity" and string theory.
Regardless of how smart I am the show isn't funny.
This is a show for imbeciles to laugh at "Smart people"
>LOL it's a show about smart ppl and if I watch it then that means I totally get it so I must be soooooo smart!!! xDDDDD
is the only reason anybody watches it
Well we all knew that at some point being a geek would become sheek.
What we did not foresee is that a bunch of actors would try to impersonate this.
Frankly even Veeky Forums is more intellectually stimulating. That is what you get for using an anachronised entertainment system such as the TV where the media decides what you should watch.
>is the only reason anybody watches it
Who is Penny?
I once had a smart professor who absolutely loved the show. I don't know why.
Yes, It pisses me off how people think you have to be smart to get the show. The show is an absolute stale mess of old internet fads that died into the ground about a year ago. I wouldn't be shocked if the new seasons mentioned spongegar or Harambe.
But as for them being smart, it seems more like gobbledygook of scientific terms mashed together to create a very bad background argument.
Also Sheldon is an annoying piece of trash.
You have to really be a normie and be a pseudo intellectual to like this show.
this show is even more trash than bogdanovs' theses
>ha ha ha the smart guy has autism and is unable to interact with us normals!!
Fuck you, the bong bing theroy is awesome
"Hey Leonard..."
>The audience giggles.
"Hey Sheldon."
>Small laughs rise in anticipation.
"I've got a hangover bigger than the original X-Box..."
>There is silence. The set goes black. One lone face appears, illuminated by candlelight. It looks upwards, towards an unknowable heaven, and an even more mysterious Lord. The fifth Horseman, Comedy, rides rough over the plains, and trumpets the true end. Somewhere, a child is born, and does not cry, but instead laughs. A man on trial for murder laughs as the prosecution delivers expert testimony; the judge, while in the middle of chastising him, laughs as well. As does the family of the victim, and then the entire court. The victim, long dead and stiff with cold, laughs, muffled by the confines of the morgue shelf they are in. They are joined by many more muffled laughs. If they are alive, if only for one second, it is to laugh, and nothing more. A new constellation forms in the sky, and it forms the letters L, O, and L. Brighter than the moon, they shine down upon all providence, and all who see it know what makes the world. Not pain, or cold reason, but laughter. Pure laughter.
"Hey Sheldon, wanna see the new Harry Potter movie?"
The audience chuckles nervously
"No, Harry Potter is for children. I prefer realistic and dramatic films, such as Star Wars."
The audience laughs heartily
"Luke, I am your father!"
The audience begins laughing so hard they burst into flame and their lungs explode. They start pissing themselves from laughter, which fails to put out the flames but makes everything smell like burnt hair and urine. An older gentleman has a heart attack and dies on the floor, burning and covered in piss. The earth trembles below the studio, opening a gaping crack into the underbelly of the earth. Several members of the audience are dragged into the blackness, laughing so hard blood spills from their mouths as they descend into the molten core of the earth, smashing into the rock as they fall. The continued laughter echoes off the rock, causing the largest known earthquake in history, crippling the powergrids of several of the world's major cities, pIunging humankind into darkness for weeks. Martial law is called into effect as the riots increase in size and aggressiveness. As food begins to run out, haIf of the world's populace is dead, with the survivors now resorting to cannibalism and subsistence farming.
Sheldon: On the Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo Wii and Nintendo 3-Dimensional Screens simultaneously in comparison of their graphics and features.
>A loud shriek from a couple of people, before the entire audience leans forward as they prepare for the punchline, in such a collective fashion, the sound of leaning is actually audible to the people watching home, who are also leaning forward.
(Sheldon pauses all four games and slides a paper bag over the Gamecube)
Sheldon: Much better.
>The audience explodes with laughter, a few people very literally doing so. Unable to control themselves, the survivors from the audience roll out of the studio in hysteria. Entering the studios of coast to coast news stations, their addictive laughter is such that a wave of emotion sweeps the nation and before long, the entire population of the United States are caught in a cycle of never ending laughter, including inexplicably, the American people who were on vacation in other countries at the time. There was a great risk of the laughter spreading worldwide. One German man reported that his neighbor simply read a news article on the situation and was in hospital for two weeks due to laughing so hard. As such, the people of America were placed inside a giant soundproof dome so that the rest of the world (especially Canada) could finally get a good nights sleep again. The laughter died 70 years later, when the laughing generation America had finally died out, leaving their children to wonder just what was so funny all these years. All recordings containing the joke are now buried in a Mexican desert between several copies of ET the video game and the mascots of the 2002 FIFA World Cup of Japan to avoid such a situation happening once more
I love shit like this
*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*
What is it Dodecahedron?
Balloon Juice.
>Literally hangs himself
the show is actually pretty funny
most people hate on it simply because it's popular to do so
Man if only we could be as smart as you...
>was """the nerd""" my whole life, bullied and shit on because "lol too smart what a looser"
>now a TV show is made to laugh ABOUT us, not with us
>it's not even accurate, but just retarded cliches which retards understand (and if they don't they can still laugh at the laughing track)
How many layers of multiverse are you on?
one would think but to my surprise and horror ive actually seen math professors reference it, being a normie knows no iq limit it seems
literally a show for retards
>bunch of actors would try to impersonate this.
to be fair the woman who plays the girlfriend has a phd in neuroscience
>Frankly even Veeky Forums is more intellectually stimulating.
Poor man's Silicon Valley tbqh
I love the robot voice
Silicon valley is HBO though, so they're too different to compare
it's super legit though, everyone should watch if they haven't
Entourage with nerds innit?
I guess my biggest real complaint is that they really do way over use the laugh track. The show genuinely can't go 15 seconds without that laugh track, what is this some bad 1950s sitcom?
Also fuck Sheldon, the Game Cube was a master piece in what it's library had to offer.
I just skipped through most of the episodes. It's not very funny as it's hyped to be. The only funny character on the show are the two billionaires.
Even if the show was originally made to make fun of nerds, it was it that singlehandedly made nerds a cool thing for most people.
poor cat
>Can you be to [sic] smart for The Big Bang Theory?
I guess you don't qualify.
this is a show pantomiming normie steroetypes of smart people, the smarter & better educated that you are, the more odious the show seems
>caring about the grammar of a broken, mutted, and mutated language
>How I feel when watching the big bang theory.
>not recognizing a stale meme