Reversed Aging in Mice

>ywn die of old age
Looks like the medfags decided to be useful for once, we'll be able to stay young for a long time pretty soon. No more dieing of old age. Thoughts on this?

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I'm too tired to read, is it to do with their telomeres?

Better start saving up, the pills will cost a million dollars a month.

>Thoughts on this?

Why arnt actual scientific papers used on Veeky Forums?

It adds to the meme value, everyone knows this, or at least I thought they did.

ikr, it was the same shit with the stem cell aging reversal in mice a couple months ago, only pop-sci threads

anyway, here you go:

Somewhat, It involves increasing the amounts of compounds that your body uses to enact gene repair. So telomeres are lost when your dna makes a mistake in copying itself this should prevent those mistakes from occuring in the first place.

>Thoughts on this?
technoutopian fantasy for the weakminded
will never happen

Telomeres have literally nothing to do with aging. I don't know how this meme ever got started.

wait for someone to bioengineering a yeast cell that can produce this drug on it's own. Then you can pirate your life extending medicine.

The technology and the people who pursue it must be summarily destroyed at all costs. Those are my thoughts on this.

Happily, since early supply chains will get going slowly, and only benefit the already frail-rich, it will prove easy to put them down.

Nobody escapes.

is it shilavit?

>in mice

>what is NAD+

Wew lad

I don't want to give Peter Thiel my blood so that he may live forever, thank you very much.

Overall on fighting ageing I believe its one of the best things to happen to have people enjoy life even longer.

Discarding the shitposting, nihilism, save money/you will never buy it/rich fags, muh overpopulation only posts.

I do hope people continue research. Slowing ageing down so people can continue to be active is a great thing and will help make a brighter future.

its only young people making these posts cucking themselves into death

You're pretty dumb if you don't think so.
It's the reason why there's only a certain viable generations of cells (different for different cell types ofcourse) possible.
So telomeres are like the hard upper limit for ageing.

>The Eternal Jew can now literally be eternal
pls don't invent this until after Soros goes

Reddit is calling
