Hi /sci

Hi /sci,

Recently I have been getting into frequent arguments with friends/family about race issues

Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of good information and was wondering if anyone could help me out?

Specifically, I'm looking for some sources to debunk the claim that African Americans commit a disproportionate amount of crime in the USA

Any help would be much appreciated!

Other urls found in this thread:


Sure, here you go.
The disparity between poor and wealthy vastly overshadows the disparity between races. If you want to stop crime you better get rid of money.

Nice bait /pol/ but it isn't going to work here because the only people who think that liberals claim that blacks don't commit too much crime are people like you.

Everyone knows that black people commit waaay more crime than they "should". But we actually disagree on two fronts:

1) Why they do it
You say it is because of their inferior ungo bongo genes. We say it is because of cultural issues brought up by hundreds of years of poverty and social exclusion.

2) Wether or not we should discriminate against black people because of it

You say that yes because they are a race of criminals. We say that no because the actions of the black race as a whole are not representative of black individuals.

That is all /pol/. Now, it's time to go back.


Thanks user!

Quick question, do you have anything that covers the demographics of offenders? This study just covers the demographics of victims

Though it is good evidence that victimization rates for whites and blacks are nearly identical at high levels of poverty and that for some reason the Hispanic rate of victimization is almost half. That surprised me, i figured all three groups would have roughly equal rates

I realize African Americans are disproportionately arrested compared to Whites, but isn't this due to bias in the criminal justice system/police departments?

i.e. over policing of minority neighborhoods?

Maybe, and by maybe I mean that it is very likely that this is the case.

But it is not only this. If you police a neighbourhood of angels then no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to arrest an angel because even if you are a racist, in our legal system you can't arrest someone who isn't doing something that legally allows you to do so

And here is where the cultural issues caused by generations of poverty come in.

Institutional racism is basically a milkshake of bad history and bad people.

This in no way debunks the claim OP is making, though, it's just a complete movement of the goalposts.

OP you're not going to find strong evidence of the platform you're defending because that platform is statistically wrong. African Americans DO commit a disproportionate amount of crime in the U.S.
You can make an argument against this being a specifically genetic problem by making all kinds of deterministic evaluations (poverty, access to education, geographical location etc) but you aren't going to get an easy out and just pointing out that other demographics also commit crime does not disprove the thesis.

Learn to into debate

>Institutional racism
Does not exist. Interpersonal racism on broad scales DOES exist, but that's not the same as having an intrinsically racist power structure.
You cannot have a black president serve two terms in a system that is racist as an institution.

>Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of good information

Yet you're confident that you're right without evidence.

>I'm looking for some sources to debunk the claim that African Americans commit a disproportionate amount of crime in the USA

Not "whether or not African Americans commit a disproportionate amount of crime in the USA" but only stuff that confirms your biases.

>Any help would be much appreciated!

Learn how to approach stuff with an open mind and have the intellectual honesty to follow where the data leads and not not where you hope to end up..

Yeah darkies are evil and we should kill or deport or segregate all of them haha I'm only joking btw I'm nof racist. Saying this all the time everywhere online can't possibly hurt them and make them act violent because it's only online it's not real like nigger just get offline if it triggers you.

The presidency is not the only institution.

What about local institutions? Like the local police? There is a lot of evidence that various scattered police departments around the country are pretty racist at an institutional level.

Is that not institutional racism?

>You cannot have a black president serve two terms in a system that is racist as an institution.
What? First of all, this is like saying you can't be racist if you have a black friend, but it's dumber than that because the institution did not even elect a black president.

Well, how can you explain the amount of outrage and social activism occuring currently in the USA if African Americans are not in fact equally likely to commit a crime as whites?

Politicians and Social organizations as varied as the DOJ, Black Lives Matter, Senator Rand Paul, the news media and other agencies of the US Federal Government all seem to be casting doubt on the myth of "Black Criminality"

Go to a poor white neighborhood and then go to any black neighborhood. You'll know that it isn't because of over policing. This news crew found out the hard way: businessinsider.com/dc-news-robbed-while-reporting-on-sketchy-neighborhood-app-2014-8

After all the #BLM bullshit, cops backed off and started policing black neighborhoods less. Afterwards, black activists went on the news begging for the cops to do their jobs as the crime rate skyrocketed and blamed them for not caring.

I sure do love me some anecdotal evidence from a business website run by the ruling class who aims to divide and conquer lower classes rather than seeing how much they are all getting fucked.

>Well, how can you explain the amount of outrage and social activism occurring currently in Nazi Germany if Jews are not in fact undermining German society?

>Bad Analogy
I think its a bit different when you have a hateful populist demagogue fanning the flames of discontent, don't you?

Do you really believe that Mike Brown or Trayvon Martin would have died if they were White kids? Seems odd....

crooked pigs have been a thing for a long time now. its not specific to black people at all. more attention is just being paid to it now.

DK's wrote a song about it 30 years ago.


>implying #BLM isn't being fueled by the media

I agree with you, identity politics both left and right are fueled by the ruling class as a distractionary tactic. I'm just pointing out how silly it was for you to use a business website for a citation.

Are you just assuming that if lots of people say something, it must be true?

In other words, are you retarded? Or just pretending/ignorant that the media is currently heavily left-biased in the U.S. just as it was heavily right-biased in the post-9/11 period.

Remember, a LOT of people said there were nukes in the middle east. Didn't make it true.

>Specifically, I'm looking for some sources to debunk the claim that African Americans commit a disproportionate amount of crime in the USA

kill yourself

>I think its a bit different when you have a hateful populist demagogue fanning the flames of discontent, don't you?

And hateful communists fanning the flames of discontent is a-OK?

>using "populist" as a bad word

I don't even.

>I think
Nobody cares what you "think"
Reals over Feels

I mean, I'm on your side i guess, but are you really citing the Dead Kennedys in as an argument?

>/pol tier

>We say it is because of cultural issues brought up by hundreds of years of poverty and social exclusion.
why aren't polish people niggers then? they lost their independence for 123 years during which time the occupying powers actively tried to eradicate polish culture, and then after just over 20 years of independence they were invaded again, actively exterminated, and then turned into a puppet state for 50 years. polish immigrants are also frequently discriminated against and treated as second hand citizens.

so what's your excuse?

>Mike Brown

Yeah, dem white boi's be all robbing stores, assaulting cops, and goin' for er guns and shit with impunity. Oh wait...

This is fake

>i.e. over policing of minority neighborhoods?

How to spot a sheltered suburbanite: the post.

Literally the first result on google. It's an old story from before #BLM started.

Recidivism + poor = disproportionate crime numbers

It doesn't matter if blacks are supposedly more genetically inclined to commit crime. Or if they're just placed in shitty circumstances that pressure them in to it.

The disproportionate numbers comes from reoffenders who commit non-life sentence crimes and are thrown back out into environments where it is easy for them to not only relapse but also pass their behavior off to the next generation until either the streets kill them or the government does.

If you want crime to be reduced in any population then stop throwing them back into the neighborhoods, ESPECIALLY WITH POOR YOUNG KIDS IN IT!
You don't partially treat a kid with

>And hateful communists fanning the flames of discontent is a-OK?
Do you even know what communism is?

>Polish Niggers

They are in the UK

I live in Oakland

Polish people WERE considered niggers for a long time. Are you high?
For the record we stopped considering them to be dogshit under our heel sometime after or around WWII when their suffering at the hands of both Germany and later Russia became widely broadcasted, humanizing them.
Same happened with Jews and to a degree the Irish, and it's the same mentality that has soccer moms the world over defending Detroit gangbangers and Syrian rapefugees. Altruism is a helluva drug

>o you really believe that Mike Brown or Trayvon Martin would have died if they were White kids?
no, because as white kids they wouldn't chimp out and attack people for no reason.

>Same happened with Jews

This man has never been to /pol

>thinks /pol/'s opinion is somehow mainstream or even relevant
Delete your post

So is 1984, Fahrenheit 451, etc but you can clearly see ideas being lifted from them in modern propaganda.

>because as white kids they wouldn't chimp out and attack people for no reason.


You serious?

But user, the mentally unstable are just poor little snowflakes and the evil big bad gubment is trying to brainrape them! Adam Lanza and James Holmes dindu nuffin! #NOTALLAUTISTS

My boss does /pol and he's a Boomer

It's one of the top 1,000 sites on the internet

So has everyone given up trying to help OP?

Does Veeky Forums really believe that Blacks commit more crimes than Whites?

I figured the boomers populated /pol/. You don't survive lifelong propaganda and come out mentally stable.

They do, but if you read the thread you would see the reasons why are debateable.

Several thousand, maybe a hundred thousand posters, in a country of 320 MILLION

Again, delete your post

that's why their crime rates are so low, right? or are you just another brain dead limey fuck?

i didn't argue whether they were considered niggers but whether they actually were/acted like niggers, which they did not. international/western jewery was always staunchly anti-polish, and continues to be this way to present day. it's rare to ever see poles cast in a good light in the media.

he's a hapa and he killed roasties not people.

>does Veeky Forums really believe heavily documented statistics

>Rap culture idolizes crime.
>Blacks love rap music.
>∴ Blacks commit more crime.


Wow it's almost like interpersonal racism doesn't really discriminate based on fact, and true bigotry is based on arbitrary assumptions and not facts.

You know he killed/injured more men than women, right? Elliott Rodger was a complete fuckup right until he died

there's literally no other ethnic group that commits crimes at the rates that blacks do. not even the brown goblins from the land of decapitations and live skinning.

>Several thousand, maybe a hundred thousand posters

Pic Related

In all fairness these comparisons are at least partially skewed due to differing processes of recording (or more likely NOT recording) crimes. For this reason it's usually best to keep demographic comparisons domestic.

Proof? Sincerley i want to know...

Most Black teens have never heard rap tho, primarily it is consumed by white teens

Why the fuck was crime so low in the great depression? This chart smells like bullshit citations needed.

Bydlo(s) are different from niggers

>Most Black teens have never heard rap tho

maybe that holds true for the """black""" teens in your lily white suburb.

MFW you didn't even read the graph haha

>Most Black teens have never heard rap

"Most" being defined as that one rich black kid in my otherwise all white private school.

Do your own digging
As far as I know, the 2016 stats have not yet been released but feel free to correct me if they have

I live in Oakland, people here listen to R&B and Salsa...

aka rap and bullshit

Not seeing any racial classifications for offenders...

>i anecdote therefore established well-understood trends don't exist!
Stop posting

So you are saying that the violence is a cultural factor? I can dig it.

You're not looking very hard, either

>Why the fuck was crime so low in the great depression

It's the "prison admission rate", not crime.

>This chart smells like bullshit citations needed

>The Great Depression of the 1930s resulted in greater use of imprisonment and different public attitudes about prisoners. From 1925 to 1939 the nation's rate of incarceration climbed from 79 to 137 per 100,000 residents. In large measure, this growth was driven by greater incarceration of blacks. Between 1930 and 1936 alone, black incarceration rates rose to a level about three times greater than those for whites, while white incarceration rates actually declined.
> By 1955 and the end of the Korean conflict, America's prison population had reached 185,780 and the national incarceration rate was back up to 112 per 100,000, nudged along by the "race problem."

The numbers roughly match up.

jfc you are the brainlet supreme

>line graph with no units
Ya sure convinced me

Just as dumb an argument as "Columbine happened because DOOM"

>/pol/ is this bad at making agenaposts

Lol never heard of Alexa?


Lol never heard of an argument?

Doesn't anyone on this board have any info to support OP's request?

I thought Veeky Forums was a high IQ board?

High IQ does not mean making things up. OP's platform is mathematically impossible to support, he's trying to argue that squares have 5 sides. At best we can shift goalposts, but then we're just being intellectually dishonest.

So you mean to say that Blacks most certainly commit a disproportionate amount of crime compared to whites? It isn;t due to Racial bias in the police/courts?

Of course that's a factor. That doesn't change crime rate. It's a quantified and measured statistic. If you want to discuss the causes and interpret the statistics, that's something else, not what OP requested.

>So you mean to say that Blacks most certainly commit a disproportionate amount of crime compared to whites?
No. I mean to say that Blacks most certainly (as far as has been documented) are arrested and found guilty of a disproportionately higher level of crimes than Whites. I can't say with any certain whether these cases are false arrests or wrong convictions, but I can make the pragmatic assertion that they are NOT fraudulent until such evidence is presented.

As for the cause of this phenomena, I make no claim. It's irrelevant to the thesis.

Isn't there a plethora of evidence though that most Black people in jail right now are there due to White Racism? IE the war on drugs, which was started to put Black people back in jail?

yeah dude everyone in jail is there because they're black and were smoking a joint

fkn whitey

Is there? You certainly haven't presented any evidence of such. You're just begging the question as if this is something we're all just going to agree is true.

Besides, think that through a bit - if the War on Drugs were started implicitly to arrest Blacks, that could only work if a disproportionate number of Blacks were committing felonies and misdemeanors involving drug abuse. You have a self-defeating narrative here.

>Just as dumb an argument as "Columbine happened because DOOM"

Kids don't play video games and then go out and throw turtles out of their cars at one another. They recognize it as fiction.

Black do listen to rap music and then go out and sell dope, bang hoes, and bust caps in other niggas. They recognize it as the made life.

Sorry, I was actually asking because I don;t know

It seems the media/poliiticians are certain of it, any evidence i have seen seems kind of up to interpretation

>believing whatever politicians say because "I must be too dumb to think for myself"
Good prole, stay ignorant

So present evidence that blacks are more susceptible to media subliminal messaging and more likely to repeat things they see/hear, particularly extreme antisocial and violent behavior.
Or admit that you can't, and that the causative link between blacks and higher crime rates is a separate variable.
Because right now you're just saying correlation (blacks listen to violent music and commit crime) is the same as causation (blacks commit crime BECAUSE of violent music) and I shouldn't have to tell you why that's retarded.

There are plenty of statistics out there that show black people are both arrested more often on marijuana charges, and that they receive harsher sentences for identical charges. I don't have them on hand. But that alone is not a complete explanation. There are many levels of sociological complexity going on.

Right, but turtles are illegal pets in most states....

Have you seen the Hamster death statistics?

Hamsters are a much more common pet, and are very easy to kill, I imagine Gamers kill their fair share, frankly

And assuming that evidence does exist, it doesn't explicitly demonstrate racism as a factor anyways.

That sounds awfully close to what a Racist would say....just sayin

How does getting harsher sentencing for identical charges not racism?

That's not an argument

>t. steben bolynew

Because you'd have to prove the people involved in the sentencing gave a harsher sentence BECAUSE of racism and not because of any other interpersonal factor.
Racism is prejudice based specifically on race, not just prejudice in general. Many people push for harsh sentences because of their own experiences with certain types of crime, or their personal convictions.

Conversely, is the fact that women get significantly lower sentences for identical crimes on national average (something like a 63% decrease iirc) inherent proof of sexism?

This study does measure against various other factors. It's racial. And yes, gender-based preferential treatment is a thing too. It's unfortunate, but also not as big and widespread an issue as the racial disparity.

Idk how to link to PDF. The authors are Starr and Rehavi if you want to read it.

Plus we all know when you control for prior convictions, disparities in sentencing decrease significantly

>Because right now you're just saying correlation (blacks listen to violent music and commit crime) is the same as causation (blacks commit crime BECAUSE of violent music) and I shouldn't have to tell you why that's retarded.

Ask a black kid who he wants to grow up to be like. it isn't Obama.

And that's an anecdote that has no relevance to anything. Black children can't predict the future no matter what the voodoo shamans tell us.

Then in that case you do have the beginnings of an argument, assuming the source holds up.

This states that Blacks are much more likely to be charged with crimes carrying a mandatory minimum by prosecutors

Anyone know why this is so?

The screenshot doesn;t present evidence of racial bias though