Are you ready for “Inter-universal Mellin transform”?

Are you ready for “Inter-universal Mellin transform”? Teichmuller Theory IV.pdf

Remark 2.2.1

Mochizuki hopes to solve the Riemann Hypothesis

Is the Riemann Hypothesis useful for anything, proved either way?

There's quite a lot of theorems that depend on the riemann hypothesis.


Would it be like mathematical dominoes?
If it's proved false will everyone be mad?

Is Riemann Hypothesis not solved yet?

The Reimann hypothesis has been demonstrated trillions of times, and nobody has come close to a counter example. It's true, we just have to prove it.

>hypothesis based on fake math and imaginary numbers

It's like proving that haboobadoo equels memematoochie

>It's true, we just have to prove it.

t. theoretical physicist

>The Reimann hypothesis has been demonstrated trillions of times
>It's true, we just have to prove it.
Take your meds.

If Mathematicians solve the Riemann hypothesis before Biologists cure Alzheimer's disease, then Mathematicians win. Otherwise, Biologists win.

What if Biologists solve the Riemann hypothesis?

>one saves thousands, if not millions, of lives

>one satisfies autism


what if Mochizuki cures Alzheimer's with inter-universal geometry?

Mochizuki anime when?

>The Reimann hypothesis has been demonstrated trillions of times
give me one (1) example of this

>It's true, we just have to prove it.


I wonder, if Mochizooka publishes a 500 page unreadable proof of the Riemann Hypothesis today, and lets say that it takes the math world 10 years to confirm it, and for the sake of argument lets assume that his proof is actually correct.

What if I publish an elementary proof of the Riemann Hypothesis, similar to the elementary proofs there now are for the prime number theorem, after he published his results, but before they get confirmed.

Who gets the million dollars? Do I get them simply because it was easier to read? Or does he get them because he published first?

What if I publish mine 1 week before his results get confirmed but mine gets immediately confirmed?

These are the things that really make me think.

>2k+ pages full of bullshit

You mathcucks are really desesperate huh

Maybe theres a limit of theorems that you can deduce given some axioms

Yeah as a mathematician and someone that loves math I have to say that given the choice to automatically unlock one of these it's an absolute no brainer to cure Alzheimers

Even if our choice was mutually exclusive i.e. choosing one forever prevented the other it's still Alzheimers to me, in the far future it would end up being the only age-related cause of death or injury once we cure other aspects of aging and cancer etc

Usually he would get it, but if he has a "proof" that is still years from potential confirmation and you have an elementary proof that is confirmed immediately you may well be given the prize. 50 years in the future the wikipedia pages will still say he proved it first, but they will mention you as providing the first elementary proof shortly after

Why not both?

I was thinking muchizuki wants prove goldbach conjeture