Time vravel HOAX

Alright ya noobs, I'm settling this time travel hoax once and for all.

First and foremost: Time is an arbitrary notation created by man. If the whole concept were to die out, none of our maths would be any different. All you're giving meaning to is MOTION. Same with energy, there is no such thing, just different forms of motion. Kinetic energy is a pleonasm.

Now back to time. How the FUCK would you translate said arbitrary time notation to a machine somehow connected to space-"time"?
Pro tip: You can't.

Unless you manage to install a framework in the universe with a functional API it's not happening. Yes, mass and speed (same thing) slow down motion but that's it. You can slow down your RELATIVE MOTION as opposed to others but that's not time travel. There's no destination as defined by con-artists getting grant money for fake/stupid study and spend it on booze and cocaine (like my money).

Get over it. There's no such thing as fucking time travel. Niggers.

Also, time TRAVEL implies a destination. Beyond our sketchy communication method (which I'm not fond of either). Tell me, where exactly is next week? or last week? Break out the maths faggot, oh, you can't. Because even Einstein didn't predict destination-based time travel. And none of his maths allow for a stable "wormhole".


Then how am I posting this from 2037?

>Time is an arbitrary notation created by man

I thought that this was allready known.

Time = Entropy

Right? Does this make sence?

What..? I get OP's point. What are you on?

tachyonic anti4chan

>time travel isn't real
Yeah, we know.

>Time is an arbitrary notation.
>All you're giving meaning to is MOTION
Okay, so is it possible to MOVE in a way that will allow me to go shake Nixon's hand in the 1974 as defined by that arbitrary notation? Because it's theoretically possible to MOVE in a way that will allow me to shake Trump's hand in 2018 according to the same arbitrary notation.
If time travel isn't real how are we traveling forward through time?

If gravity pulls us down, why can't we just reverse it so that it pushes us up?

That's roughly the idea behind anti-gravity and gravitational control research, yeah.

Even without getting into fringe science, we can "reverse" or "duplicate" the effects of gravity through zero-G, artificial "gravity", magnetic levitation, and other such techniques, which are close enough to satisfy all the brainlets since it's exactly the sort of thing they dreamed of.
There's no reason that a technique couldn't approximate that thing named """time travel""" (and get a horde pedants tirelessly pointing out that it's not really time travel)

Of course, but I don't think the spirit of the question is whether or not we can effectively simulate the phenomena by bludgeoning them from the outside.

It has no metric other than what we assign it, ie a certain number of quartz vibrations at a certain temperature. Times passage is constant until the observed watch passes through a gravity well or moves at a substantial speed realative to the observer not experiencing this.

A time machine would require faster than light speed, but we know this to be impossible right? Well, not faster than light but infinite speed, where you'd essentially be a 4th dimensional being. Pure scifi.


Hope you're baiting...

There is no such thing as time. Just as there's no such thing as energy. They're just collective nouns for different forms of motion. And no you can't move to next week because it isn't somewhere. How all atoms will be lined up in a week from now isn't defined somewhere already.

It isn't time travel. Read the first 2 posts until you get it. I mean destination-based. Punch in a date anywhere in the past or future and go there.

I thought if you fly around the earth really fast, beating the sunrise, you would go back in time.

You can kiiiiiind of travel forward in time if you either go absurdly fast or, and this is much easier, cool yourself to liquid nitrogen temps and are then thawed out later on and brought back to life a la futurama.

In fact,those people in the cryonics pods? They might be the first timer travelers to the future.


>time is motion
>but you can't move to next week
So uh, how exactly are we going to get to next week? You seem to imply we won't be able to experience anything but the present moment.

>Time is an arbitrary notation created by man.

>There is no such thing as time.

waiting is moving in 4D time.

There's no such thing as time in the universe. Just in our books. Read the fucking OP's -.-'
And what's with the MAGA burger? I'm Dutch

We're not going to "next week". We're just moving, period. Next week isn't somewhere in the universe, only on your watch and calendar.

And time isn't motion wtf, READ THE POSTS. All there is, is motion, no time. Ever. Period. Now go back to 2nd grade and learn to read

OK, I've been studying time travel for a while and so far I've come to these conclusions

1. 'traveling forward in time' is simply experiencing time in a different way to others.
i.e. you stay at home and your friend flies around the world. when he arrives back to meet you he has now experienced less time that you. let's say you spent 50 hours waiting for him but he spent 49.999999999...(lots more) hours coming back to meet you.

2. 'traveling back in time' if possible (i suspect it is) would be observing the past. You, or the past would insulated and unable to make changes that had repercussions.

So, possibly be able to act within the past within parameters.
for example: a lady is walking to work, she has 3 routes. the route she chose at that time and the other 2. She has to arrive in the office, but, the route she takes is of no consequence.

If you were observing her, you may be able to interact with her and even change her actions somewhat, even, possibly, by changing her route to work.

So a few different people might see her and they might even mention it to someone or do something a little different based on her actions, but nothing that has repercussions will change.

If we look at quantum physics it shows us an energy appears in the possible, before it happens or not. And the energy of her 3 choices of route to work will still be 'open' should that energy be there.

Now, i know what you're thinking, you could just take off all your clothes and run around telling people who will win the next world cup and when they will die.. I believe, either this would manifest as time-loss, memory loss and/or indifference for the people you interact with in that past.

>I've got lots more, including how to manipulate gravity/light, in theory, to then manipulate time. But My theories are still in their early forms.
I've also theoretically invented an analogue speedometer for a time machine based around a laser pen and a set square