Whats the scariest equation you know?
Whats the scariest equation you know?
[math] \zeta(s)=0 [/math]
Literally shaking righte now
energy mass equivalence
for normies that don't set c to be unitless:
[math] e=mc^{2} [/math]
oh yeah? prove it
>not put a complete equation
prove what?
for the love of god at least use the full equation
nigger the point is nuclear weapons, momentum ain't got nothing to do with it
Airy Function
Ya blew it
Holy shit what the fuck is that take it out of my mind
Sin x = opp/hyp
for some reason where live its taught as
y =mx + c
weird. where I live it's
y = mx + t
[math]y=mx+q[/math] in Italy.
Spherical harmonics, Hankel and Bessel functions were hard for me, at first.
By far.
momentum equations always freak me the fuck out
ay+bx+c=0 where I live, plebs
Navier-Stokes, despite being not a very advanced one, is quite scary
No one uses small e for energy you brainlet
kx + d = y in Austria
What is this?
euler's identity
it has everything in it it. e,i,pi,1,0
you can't just do shit like that homie
>Navier-Stokes, despite being not a very advanced one, is quite scary
I solved Navier-Stokes yesterday while sleeping.
Too bad my dream recall is shit.
y = kx + m in Swediland.
y = ax + b masterrace reporting in.
Just to clarify, mx+t is Germany
Oh and the t is called Y-Achsenabschnitt in German.
I'm from germany and we learned it with mx+b
Nice pic
this guy took his first compsci course yesterday afternoon!!!! congrats
Not even just the e^i*pi shit, his identity is the basis for all complex exponents ever,
trigger warning
y - y_{0} = m(x - x_{0})
Is this thread a discussion about what we name the constants in the equation for a line? Are you all 12?
8" per mile squared
used to calculate the unseen drop in the horizon from the observer on a ball with a circumference of 25000 miles
Spherical trigonometry proves flat earth
What is that?
literal degeneracy.
y = x(t) = at+b
congratulations, you're retarded
f (x) = Ax + B in canada
its a meme like the -1/12th thing. Its not real math, just a little game like when your friend proved 1+1=3 with some dumb shit.
strange, it's f = ar + t where I'm from
the -1/12th thing is used in physics though
not saying the sum of all natural numbers is equal to 1/12th but it makes ya think
So is e^pi*i, check out circuits
You can see how shit the education in the US is
In Europe, a line is defined as a geodesic in a local parametrization of [math]\mathbb{R}^n[/math]
It's because Zeta shows up a lot
But it's not seen as 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ...
Unlike -1/12, e^ipi can actually be proved mathematically rather easily, provided you know about power series and how sine and cosine are actually defined.
No, it's not. It's just a sometimes beneficial way of using sine and cosine
[math]e^{i \cdot x} = \mathrm{cos}(x) + i \cdot \mathrm{sin} (x)[/math]
The [math]\pi[/math] is arbitrary though and comes from choosing it as measurement for angles.
>The π is arbitrary though and comes from choosing it as measurement for angles.
e^ipi is nothing but [math]e^{i \cdot x} = \mathrm{cos}(x) + i \cdot \mathrm{sin} (x)[/math] with x = pi.
Tell me what 2^i is without using euler
Exactly. And only in radians will [math]cos(\pi) = -1[/math] and [math]sin(\pi) = 0[/math], making [math]e^{i \cdot \pi} = -1[/math].
Instead of [math]\pi[/math] you could also use 180 °.
-2 s = the time I took from you reading this
literal savages
y(x) = kx+n in USSR
y-y1=m(x-x1) here
found the Physics F-student
\Delta S\ge 0.
This one is pretty spooky
Funny, it's y = x + k here in Botswana.
Here is another fun one
[eqn] 3^{n+1}+1 \neq 2^{m+2} \qquad \forall n, m\in\mathbb{N} [/eqn]
So in Botswana, every line in the plane has gradient 1
That one i didn't see before, nice.
Price equation, Price commited suicide once he understood it.
That is pretty spooky, but the equation doesn't seem to have a strong empirical foundation. There are too many exceptions
>Using partial differentials for a univariate function
> he can't into parametric
how embarassing
absolutely agree
entropy > 0
[math] lim_{x \to 0} \frac{ln(-x)}{i \pi} = i \infty [/math]
0 must equal 100%
I understood that joke
Anybody who has taken a 10th grade calculus course understands that joke.
Nice quads.
What is the point of this?
>In the theory of evolution and natural selection, the Price equation (also known as Price's equation or Price's theorem) describes how a trait or gene changes in frequency over time. The equation uses a covariance between a trait and fitness to give a mathematical description of evolution and natural selection. It provides a way to understand the effects that gene transmission and natural selection have on the proportion of genes within each new generation of a population.
Why is it spooky?
just thinking about the Lagrangian density (not the t-shirt meme expanded formula) fills me with remorse of all those wasted years studying physics...the mass-energy and the energy-momentum Einstein equations feel like high school math in comparison
Define [eqn] \text{S}_k = \sum_{i=1}^n i^k [/eqn]
If we're given [math] \text{S}_1 = n(n+1)/2 [/math]
[eqn] \implies \text{S}_1^2 = \text{S}_2 + 2 \sum_{\substack{i=2,n \\ j
Corrected version. Yes, it's real.
[eqn] \sum_{A_ \ k}^n \ \ \ \sum_{A_{ \ k-1}}^{A_{ \ k}} \ \ \ \sum_{A_{ \ k-2}}^{A_{ \ k-1}} \ \ \ \sum_{A_{ \ k-3}}^{A_{ \ k-2}} \cdots \sum_{A_{\ 1}}^{A_{\ 2}} A_1 = \frac{n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3)\cdots(n+k)}{1\cdot2\cdot3\cdot4\cdots k(k+1)}[/eqn]
here it's y=mx+q
All sums begin at 1
The only true minimalist function.
A simple yet elegant little equation.
Makes me tear up a bit
[eqn] 10^3 + 9^3 = 12^3 + 1^3 = 1729 [/eqn]