Which one, Veeky Forums?

Which one, Veeky Forums?

I choose Eternalism, mostly because it seems to be the most optimist.

'Presentism', The past and future are just vague approximations that originate from our imaginations.

The only real thing is always what's happening at this moment, right now.

Seems like a semantic quibble without actual meaning.


This. How does a universe that "obeys" one of these "theories" differ empirically from those obeying the other two? Utterly meaningless from a scientific point of view.


Sounds like that depends on the fundamental nature of the universe, which we've yet to confirm but probably will at some point. If quantum physics turn out to actually be random, then only the past and present exist while the future is predictable only in a broad sense. If the universe is fundamentally deterministic, then every single thing that will ever happen in the history of the universe was laid out at the moment of the big bang. So it's potentially an answerable question.

Possibilism, the future is determined by the present and the past, because of this, anything is possible in the future.

>Choosing something because MUH optimism
brainlet pls

Why no Present & Future model?

The Past is fixed, while the other two are dynamic.

Probably Possibilism because of muh relativity of simultaneity.

If this is that simple, why does mass and going fast slows down time?

As far as I can tell, most scientists believe the last one is true

Relativity of simultaneity doesn't negate eternalism. It's just that graphic is a limited representation of the idea.

Once again, Veeky Forums shows what true brainlets they are.

implying time is a line.

>>>/go away/

>people in this thread this thinking this doesn't have everything to do with science because of the word "metaphysics"
you guys are hopeless what's the point

>anime poster

>implying time exists


>implying implications on a time binding electromagnetic oscillation of propagating informational venn diagrams image board

Yeah a bunch of teens misinterpreting concepts from physics they read about on Wikipedia is definitely not brainlet behavior.

ding ding ding

now?....what about now?

I realize I typed the above in the past, and the fact it is there typed out proves this, but maybe I only imagined it? And the only real thing is now?

For a board of "scientist" ya'll are pretty dense.

>The Past is fixed
Except for interpretations of the past, which are very dynamic. I get that what your saying is "what happened" is static, but who's to say what actually happened? All we can do is suppose and guess based on the evidence.

>present as a plane
>not as a cone following the positions in spacetime from which information is reaching the observer now

Interpretations of the past exist in the present. Whatever happened, happened, regardless of what we guess happened.

What does our understanding of the past have to do with what actually happened in the past?

How do you square this with the relativity of simultaneity?

All at the same time, and yet irrelevant

Gnosticism - Past and Future are devices of deception.

>dude only think in terms of perception lmao

So what about the other 5 metaphysics of time?
>past and future, but no present
>only present and future
>only past, no present or future
>only future, no present or past
>no past, present or future at all

Presentism and eternalism are both correct, in the same way that matter can be both a particle and a wave. It just depends on how you look at it.

All can be "correct" depending on the reference frame

The proof is trivial and has been left as an exercise for the reader.