Why is Veeky Forums so racist by measuring time?
Time is racist
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Running on black time
TED has become such a fucking joke
>cultural theorist
I thought this was going to be a shitty TEDx talk, but it's actually TED. Why are they letting themselves go this direction?
>>>>>>>assumes the concept 'end of history'
that's what bothers me the most honestly.
history is directionless, merely information about those before us. Any attempt to generalize the past as "more barbaric" and the future as "more civilized" invariably ousts the speaker of having no real grounding in history, instead viewing events exclusively emotionally, and studying one's (recent) past exclusively as a tool to twist the present.
as much as these black american speakers claim to 'fight' euro-centric views, they all INVARIABLY speak of civilization from the view of a euro-centric culture: one that is societally continuous, and progressing in a socially-democratic way. None of these speakers consider the african, arab, asian societies that - through organic social and political change - adopted moral practices that were more barbaric than before. None of these speakers have an explanation for why the romans, who spread civilization across unimaginably vast territories, could not survive against barbarian invaders, and if they do they dismiss it as something that could never happen again. None of these speakers study or even consider the way that normal people lapsed from this civilization's heights into an entirely different moral framework over a few generations.
Anyone who claims that the world will "look back on our current treatment of X and be ashamed" doesn't seem to realize that the MAJORITY of the world already isn't ashamed of certain forms of slavery, isn't ashamed of xenophobia, isn't ashamed of beheading gays
If she is right about anything, it's that people DO see the future as this wonderfully accepting place where humans come together and forgive their differences for no reason other than a childish "good always defeats evil" morality. No, that's not how any of this shit works, and asking people to look into the future like a black woman is just as idiotic. Be a functionalist, don't argue about problems that don't exist yet and probably never will.
Analyzing negroes like this is just hilarious. Gotta be caffeinated autism.
Did you even watch the video? History is racial, no denying that.
Yea, she still made retarded point, misquoted and misinterpreted many other points, and simply lied about certain things.
I think the points are fine. I'm not gonna double check the quotes and statistics for accuracy but if they're all wrong that's pretty sad.
What do you read?
What's the difference between TED and TEDx?
fat albert makes some good points
TED are invited speakers, TEDx are applied speakers
She isn't talking about time, she's talking about talking about time.
The fucking buffalo is out of breath after 0.5 seconds of speaking.
>be random obese black female
>literally can say anything and get away with it
>it's actually ted and not tedx
Christ almighty
She doesn't even really talk about time. It's just some cookie cutter "wah wah everythang raycis" speech.
Everyone can do tedx
Brittney Cooper is Assistant Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University. She is a Black feminist theorist who specializes in the study of Black women’s intellectual history, Hip Hop generation feminism
>"""""""""""""""""""feminist intelectual"""""""""""""""""""
Example of a typical TED talk: Example of a typical TEDx talk: