Are MDs brainlets according to Veeky Forums standards?
Are MDs brainlets according to Veeky Forums standards?
>muh medfags
stop having threads about them, they are barely sci relevant
Where should we post about them?
well Veeky Forums is made up of autistic math/phys undergrads and NEETS, so I'd say MDs are doing pretty well.
No; out of all the retards and shitskins who want to be a doctor, only the MDs could actually do it. Plus, they were so confident in their ability they majored in fucking biology.
My uni's medicine program takes over 6 years and includes classes in Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Jesus Christ medfags make me physically nauseous
Where did they touch you user?
They told my mum to leave the room, and then they asked to see my willy.
They're basically just glorified search engines.
>They're basically just glorified search engines.
when was the last time you knew something that google didn't?
>when Veeky Forumsfags hate on med
Nope. Anyone willing and able to slog through the MCAT and half a life time in med school is honestly pretty impressive.
I have no doubt MDs could succeed at any field they applied themselves to.
We hate the system and the people who encourage and benefit from it. Medicine is so corrupt, at least in North America. The reason it's so hard to get into med school here is because the AAMC purposely keeps the supply of doctors down so that they can get their 100/hour paychecks.
how is that different than than unis keeping stringent admission requirements?
and nobody wants their doctor to be some scrub that made it because they let in 20% of the knobs that applied
Med school faculty often comment on how they have to turn down a huge number of perfectly qualified students every year because there just aren't enough seats. So these aren't "knobs" that are applying. Many of them are extremely intelligent, hard working individuals. You could have a 95% average, a great MCAT score, extracurriculars, research, volunteering, and still not get in just by chance.
no different than pharmacy, except in pharmacy guys face blatant sexism.
pretty much every aspect of life involved X number of people that want something, and some small percentage of X that actually get what they want. be it getting into med school, getting a scholarship/fellowship, getting their dream job, etc. not everyone gets everything they want or are good enough to do. that's life m8.
That's why machine learning is expected to hit medicine hard. Differential diagnosis is nothing for these systems. Lots of law related jobs will be hit hard too.
What is it for?
It's just first year physics and first year math so you can do basic thermodynamics stuff.
Good. These jobs are so ridiculous when you think about it. It would be like if nobody ever invented the calculator and you had people getting paid half a million to memorize multiplication tables up to a thousand.
It's funny what a protectionist racket medicine has become, with countless barriers to entry to artificially inflate pay. Med school, internships, all archaic throwbacks to medieval guilds and the like.
sounds like user just got a prostate exam
That's actually true sadly enough. My cousin is a doctor now and told me all the pre-med subjects like chemistry, biology, math have absolutely nothing to do with what you learn in medical school. He literally told me that they make people take these classes just to weed people out.
Very discouraging honestly because I like chem, biology, math and physics; it's disappointing to hear that I won't make use of that knowledge.
>My uni's medicine program takes over 6 years and includes classes in Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry.
>classes in Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry
One thing that should have clued you in is that in Europe people go straight to medical school after high school, or at most one year of pre-med if their grades were too low.
insurance companies and HMOs are trying to push this precise agenda with the "virtual online doctors" and by staffing ER's with nurse practitioners and physician assistants with
it's a good thing to filter out fucking brainlets who can't be methodical, who can't study hard, who are fucking slow, who have tiny working memories, etc.
you in favor of these shit-tier nurses pumped out of for-profit schools with no filter? fine, but don't complain when it's your kid on the table and his life's in Sheniqua's hands.
You actually have classes on Biophysics, Celular Biology, General Chemistry and Biochemistry.
MDs are just applied STEM degrees.
IMO Veeky Forums has always hated applied shit like X Engineering, Applied Math, Statistics and Operation Research.
Haven't seen an applied degreefag in a long time, closest thing is a real Veeky Forumsraeli.
Putting it in a few words: Veeky Forums is too autistic to learn something applied so they hate it.
They are.
t. Medfag