Does semen really have nutritional benefits? If so, why and how?

Does semen really have nutritional benefits? If so, why and how?

beneficial polyamines like spermidine. women live longer because they chug so much of it

eating dirt has nutritional benefits. there are minerals in clay and occasionally beneficial microorganisms

So if i tie up my degenerate tranny brother in a basement and feed him nothing but semen would it make him live longer?

That feel when you'll never be a girl who has a boyfriend wanting to cum on your face and allow you to slurp the sweet nectar out of the fountain. ;_;

Nothing BUT? I suspect they may have nutritional deficiencies. You need like, essential amino acids and appreciable amounts of carbs and fats. I do not believe semen alone would do the trick.

Maybe serve a plate of chicken tenders once in a while, should be ok

Isn't breast milk the only food a person really needs in life? Why won't semen be the same? That seems very sexist.

Ive seen a few girls do the same. There seems to be a meme that cum is good for your skin.

Because breast milk is designed to be eaten, whereas cum is not. Stop falling for the memery, cum doesn't do fuck all if you eat it because it's designed to fertilise an egg, not be force fed to some kidnapped tranny by a basement neet

She probably fell for the whole "cum is good for your skin" thing. Which is complete bullshit.

> designed
God doesn't exist. Anything you post here on out is invalid. Have a nice day.

He said it was his brother. How is that kidnapping?

tips fedora

You seem autistic.

Go to a gay bar.

Go live on a diet of sperm for a few months and see how it affects your body.

You are eating.

I am intrigued though not enough to conduct the actual experiment. What would happen if someone did that?

Gay people usually do have good bodies. I've also never heard of a gay person dying of a heart attack or diabetes...

Yeah came here to say you would get more nutrition from a fetus. Why we eat chicken eggs and not chicken sperm.

yeah and i mean think of all the protein you get bro, that's a lot of gains

I'd eat full babies if it weren't a crime


It appears these posts riled you up a bit.

They say sperm is good for one's skin so maybe, OP.

The same reason meat or other organs have nutritional benefits.

If you eat living things that aren't poisonous and are digestible, you get nutrition.

>Does semen really have nutritional benefits?
No non-trivial ones.

Here you go:

Property Per 100mL In average volume (3.4 mL)
Calcium (mg) 27.6 0.938
Chloride (mg) 142 4.83
Citrate (mg) 528 18.0
Fructose (mg) 272 9.25
Glucose (mg) 102 3.47
Lactic acid (mg) 62 2.11
Magnesium (mg) 11 0.374
Potassium (mg) 109 3.71
Protein (g) 5.04 0.171
Sodium (mg) 300 10.2
Urea (mg) 45 1.53
Zinc (mg) 16.5 0.561

OP really is a fag