>gives off as much ionizing radiation in ten seconds as you naturally receive in years' >"not harmful"
Pick one. CT scanners are unregulated, unquantifiable, cancer causing death sentences that should be reserved as last resorts in life or death situations, yet they are given out like candy.
A single 7 mSv chest CT scan to a 21 year old man will give them an increased cancer risk of 1 in 1273, and a abdomen-pelvis CT scan will give that same man an increased cancer risk of 1 in 636.
This is somehow considered "not harmful" by the entire medical community.
Jayden Russell
Got scanned by that thing 4 times in my life due to health issues.
Whats the worst thing that could happen?
Right Veeky Forums ? R-right ?
Lucas Hernandez
What scans were they?
James Moore
Aiden Moore
Wow, you brought the dose from 5 years of background radiation in 10 seconds down to 4 year and 3 months worth of background radiation in 10 seconds? Wow, thanks!
Dylan Jenkins
>Be me >Might have an aneurysm >Could pop at any minute >Vs. 1 in 1273 chance of developing cancer.
Jose Green
You're just an exception. 99% of people are not getting head CT scans to check for an aneurysm. They go to the ER saying they have a bad headache and are nauseous and they get a CT.
Michael Perry
Sure thing buddy.
Luke Lewis
Spine, heart and twice for the brain.
Easton Foster
What isn't poison, disease and death? They're a product of the same people who cook up drugs so when you're old and in emotional/physical pain, your brain will be mush and you won't feel anything.
Charles Bailey
You have an additional cancer risk of 1 in about 500.
Lincoln Sullivan
I guarantee you wouldn't do something if there was a sign that said "There is a 1 in 1,000 chance this will kill you"
Kevin Thompson
>Don't do something 1 in 100 chance you die >Do do something 1 in 1000 chance you die
Real hard choice there senpai.
Joshua Jones
Also it's not even dying, it's "slightly raised chance of developing cancer".
Mason Stewart
As I said, you're an exception. Most people do not get CT scans from their doctor for something serious like that.
>and a abdomen-pelvis CT scan will give that same man an increased cancer risk of 1 in 636. im fucked =[
Lucas Smith
inconclusive evidence
Austin Nelson
>The original journal article and subsequent news coverage stated that one-third of CT scans are medically unnecessary, needlessly exposing millions of patients to high doses of radiation. However, the “evidence” on which this statement was based was insubstantial. In an ad hoc survey conducted during a panel discussion at a meeting of pediatric radiologists, a speaker mentioned that he felt 10% of CT scans were not medically necessary.7 He then queried the audience, which responded that up to 30% were unnecessary. Aside from the fact that this was merely a casual inquiry, these are not the people making clinical decisions about patient care.
>10-30% = 99%
you can't average up to the nearest order of magnitude with percentages, you absolute village idiot.
Your risk of cancer is almost 1 in 2 in your whole lifetime. I don't know why people think some increased risk of 1 in like 100 to 10,000 is even worth thinking about. your chance of dying from heart disease or cancer is like 1 per 300 people just in 2014.
Personally, I had a head CT, sort of a lower dosed one at 1.5 milisieverts that I later found I would not have gotten if the doctor talked to me for another minute or two. I can't do anything about it after the fact other than be mindful when a doctor wants me to get CT in the future and tell them I don't want it unless it's absolutely necessary or whatever. I don't think that one scan is going to kill me or affect me in any way, but I still wish I didn't get it since it wasn't necessary.
Nicholas Baker
Stop vilifying extremely useful medical diagnostic tools. When I shattered my ankle recently, the doctors could only diagnose properly after a CT scan. Which also revealed two broken metatarsals and a crack in another ankle bone than previously assumed from four angles of X-ray.
Whether the US health care system is skewed towards liability over necessity because of a bloated private litigation industry or not, is not the fault of a highly useful technology. It's like saying cars are dangerous because you can't force people to wear seat belts, absolutely absurd.
Dominic Harris
17 % of people have aneurysms in their brain, regardless of age. Most aneurysms never rupture.
Hunter Brown
There would be no adverse effects from shooting ionizing radiation at your ankle. OP is talking about scans of your head, neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis, where there are lots of radiosensitive organs just waiting to have their atoms hit by some x-rays and fuck their own shit up.
Joseph Harris
dude asked an audience how many they thought were necessary. That 10-30% isn't even valid, like i said, inconclusive evidence.
Blake Phillips
I agree, the point was that even actual estimates from a pediatric radiologist aren't near what the village idiot claims. I don't disagree that there is inconclusive evidence, I am merely pointing out that what exists is in another direction entirely.
John Phillips
I didn't know, thanks. I still cover my balls whenever doing x-rays, though.
Jason Lewis
>Might have an aneurysm Says who, retard? Someone on my mothers side had an aneurysm. Does that mean I should get a CT of my head to see if I'm going to have an aneurysm too? moron. Do you have high blood pressure? buy a fitbit and go for jogg every day then asshole. You don't need to blast your head with months of radiation just to get an answer to something that didn't even matter.
Nicholas Hall
ah i see, thanks
Oliver Jackson
>There would be no adverse effects from shooting ionizing radiation at your ankle. I'm not in the anti-CT crowd, but that statement is completely retarded. There are many metastasizing cancers that can be caused from ankle radiation. If just one cancer cell enters the bloodstream and avoids an immune response, congratulations, you are now cancer-ridden.
Nathan Bailey
Might have (present tense) in the sense that he was experiencing symptoms conclusive with it. Your reading comprehension a shit.
>Despite the elevation in cancer risk, these two malignancies are relatively rare and the actual number of additional cases caused by radiation exposure from CT scans is small. The most recent (2009) U.S. annual cancer incidence rates for children from birth through age 21 for leukemia and brain cancers are 4.3 per 100,000 and 2.9 per 100,000, respectively. The investigators estimate that for every 10,000 head CT scans performed on children 10 years of age or younger, one case of leukemia and one brain tumor would occur in the decade following the first CT beyond what would have been expected had no CT scans been performed.
What the hell dose do they even use for a CT scan of someones ankle? probably not a high dose. If this keeps you up at night, I'd go for a walk or something, because you'll probably have a higher chance getting hit by a car and dying on that walk than you would getting leukemia, or any cancer for that matter, from a CT scan.
Kayden Green
how true are these posts
Colton Harris
It's too bad that has literally never been shown in any study. You need to have a lot, and I mean a LOT of x-ray photons hitting you all at once for you to get radiation-induced cancer, or a high background rate for years and years.
Owen Perry
That's the price of knowing what up with your retarded body, OP
Take it and stop being a wuss, you won't die (of that, you'll die of whatever horrible brain damage it was that caused you to make this thread)
Christopher Young
Reading comprehension bruv. Of course the chances are extremely low, I was never arguing that.
Jonathan Young
B-b-but muh raydiashun!
Julian Nguyen
There are familial syndromes predisposing to aneurysms and a whole host of other reasons why someone would be at an increased risk of having an aneurysm. If it's known it can be treated and they won't fucking die. Please refrain from posting about shit you know nothing about.
Blake Wright
Jordan Hill
So that means if 500 people did it 499 of them did not get cancer?
Seems worth it
Adrian Kelly
it also means that out of the 70,000,000 people getting CT scans each year, something like 30,000 people will get cancer from them, every year. that's like a town of people.
Evan Ross
>these are not the people making clinical decisions about patient care >doctors are making clinical decisions about patient care >not clinical decisions about their malpractice insurance i worked in a hospital radiology unit for 7 years. every mother fucker who came into the ed with any complaint of a headache, present or past, or any numbness or tingling, present or past, got a head ct, because the docs know that they won't get sued for cancer in 15 years, but they would get sued if they missed the 1/100,000 low symptom bleed. the worst was when some 2 year old bumped their head and didn't even have a bruise, but hypochondriac parents would rush them into the ed any ways, the kid would get scanned, but they'd fight so much that nothing useful would come out, so they just got bonus radiation with no benefit.
tl;dr-in 50 years people will be horrified by how we throw around radiation
Nicholas Richardson
isn't it disgusting? i'll never go to the ER again for any problems unless i'm literally dying and it's via ambulance. fucking head CT scan.
Wyatt Smith
Do you have any opinion on the dangers of x-ray radiation, particularly CT scans? Do you think even a single scan is deadly?
Adrian Carter
yo don't say that man. my neighbour died in his sleep cuz his heart stopped. why did you say this now i'm panicking. death is scary :(.
Oliver Gonzalez
sarcasm duly noted, but in 7 years i saw literally thousands of unnecessary cts. fortunately i'm in a family of healthcare professionals, so i can make educated decisions about my care. unfortunately the combination of a litigious society with an under-informed population leads to undesirable results for many others.
Matthew Rodriguez
all it takes is 1 cell in the wrong place to freak out and you're fucked. odds are slim, but why take it for silly stuff. especially since you don't know what scans you'll really need down the road.
Nathaniel Wood
i'm not being sarcastic dude. I really wish I didn't get the scan. it wasn't necessary at all.
Parker Reed
my bad. tone's difficult to interpret in this format.
Angel Rogers
You're not a fucking child, you're allowed to say no to having the scan if it makes you this upset.
Isaiah Powell
>all it takes is 1 cell in the wrong place to freak out and you're fucked.
lol what an uneducated way to put it. radiation is indirectly ionizing. you can't get a double strand break without two x-rays hitting the same cell which is why you need mega doses to get cancer from radiation, or a high chronic dose so you go through slow mutations. both are easy to avoid and a CT isn't going to do it. ask any medical physicist this stuff and they would explain why medical imaging isn't that dangerous in comparison to most things in life.
Daniel Price
most people don't learn about it until after the fact. most hospitals don't warn you or anything.
Jack Cruz
> ask any medical physicist this stuff and they would explain why medical imaging isn't that dangerous >medical physicists don't have a vested interest in the idea that this is safe
Jose Roberts
Why would they care...? They would be stars in the scientific community if they came out and said they were dangerous and that nobody should get them unless it's a life or death emergency. They would be blowing the top off a huge industry and probably be in a history book for it, at least a medical history book. Your paranoid logic isn't sound.
Owen Butler
stay the fuk outa tanning booths too. lay the fuk that on murahka........
Grayson Diaz
>not having your own personal CT scanner >not drinking RadiThor on the daily get a load of this guy
Wyatt Jones
Thats basically the only reason to go to an ER. its what ER's r For. If you're really like having an emergency, i.e Life or Limb. So if its not Life or Limb; QUIT WAsTING the fuking ER's fuking time! Anything less than a sucking chest wound is wussy stuff so quit wasting the ER's time and stay the fuk home.
Brody Perry
or they'd be blackballed and ostracized, and only years later would people go, "oh, yeah, dr. so-and-so was right..."
and i'm not some antihealthcare conspiracy nutjob (my kid got all his vaccines), and i believe that cts can be a critical, life-saving diagnostic tool, when truly indicated, but i also believe that they are overapplied by doctors without real medical reason to avoid getting sued into oblivion.
Joshua Cox
you can't sue a doctor because they didn't want to give you a CT. Doctors deny patients CT scans all of the time.
Cooper Jackson
not if you're just a hypochondriac you can't. but if a doctor doesn't scan someone who ended up needing it you can bet the family will buttfuck them out of everything they can, whether or not it was reasonable to order a scan based off what the doctor saw. so, scans for everyone!
Jason Kelly
doctors have malpractice insurance. they don't care even if you were to get that far.
Landon Rogers
>doctors don't care if they get sued
Christopher Gomez
Mfw some shitty houseman attempted to send a patient with a metal nail in his body for an MRI. All housemans should be gassed desu.
Charles Williams
Sure son. You can always raise the population and make it look bad. Say, maybe you should be a lawyer, so you can protect me when this happens alright?
Christian Cruz
Brandon Nelson
What the fuck is a houseman?
Lucas Cruz
that's nothing. I've had PET scans with contrast medium injected. I've had actual radioactive isotopes injected into my body.
that'll get the nail out in a hurry. probably not kind to the machine either. he should be fine as long as a major artery or vein wasn't knicked.
Ayden Thomas
Are you worried?
How the fuck wouldn't you be worried, literally a 0.33% increased risk at 20.
Ryder Carter
Yea but that's just a small chance. More likely it'll damage a multi-thousand dollars medical equipement and cause even more damage to the patient since at that point, the nail was already quite near the spinal cord. Holy fucking shit, I'm fucking glad that piece of shit got kicked out.
Robert Evans
I can't tell if this is serious or not.
Landon Bennett
not terribly. if the cancer appears. I'll make the VA pay for it since the PET scan that caused it was when I was in the army.
I was also in Japan during the 3/11 Fukushima earthquake/tsunami/nuclear meltdown. so I probably inhaled some more alpha emitters then too.
Andrew Hernandez
Equipment* Sorry, I'm feeling really drained.
Gavin Sullivan
Just remembered that shit costs 600,000 USD.
Julian Price
a .33% increase is pretty huge when you consider that adds up to an extra guy for every 300 people getting cancer.
Leo Flores
it really isn't. if you're not obese/don't have diabetes/no major family history of cancer, you're not going to be that one guy.
Gabriel Cook
ER doctor here
100% chance your dumbass sues me if I don't scan you and miss something important that can kill or maim you.
Scans for everyone until medical malpractice is done away with.
Adam Martin
being an actual doctor, what do you think of the risks associated with CT scans?
Elijah Morris
In a hundred years we'll see this as leech treatment.
Brody Reed
>yet they are given out like candy. They're not. Maybe in burgerland docs practive defensive medicine, but you're not real people anyways.
>xkcd meme posted in a serious discussion You opinion goes in the garbage where it belongs.
CT scans are dangerous, but they're also a life saving tool. Depending on your age, the type of scan and the potential danger it might or might not be worth it. Many times it is, and many times it isn't. Tough luck. One thing that would be nice is to replace all non-emergency CTs of young people with MRIs when possible.
It sucks knowing that you might get cancer just because you're poor, and I've almost been there.
James Roberts
>given out like candy.
You have been watching WAY too much tv, kek
David Foster
>CT scans are dangerous
prove it
Anthony Martinez
>implying a doc would know shit ask a medical physicist
any medical physicist would tell you it isnt dangerous. literally this
Levi Watson
Wow you're right you just stumbled upon the conspiracy of the century I bet if we look a little more closely at medical records we will find that 95% of those given Ct scans became sterile and Jewish MDs are 3x as likely to order a CT scan!!!
Andrew Ortiz
>should be reserved as last resorts in life or death situations i thought thats what the ct is trying to fīd out wtf
Aiden Murphy
Thomas Robinson
anyone that argues that CT scans aren't deadly simply had one and doesn't want to believe they cut their lifespan in half in like 10 seconds.
Cooper James
or you just know what you're talking about and can explain why they aren't that dangerous. hoy shit a fucking roller coaster ride is probably more dangerous you moron.
John Lewis
>They go to the ER saying they have a bad headache and are nauseous and they get a CT.
This was me once honestly. Slipped on ice and hit the back of my head hard. Next day woke up in the middle of the night with the worst goddamn migraine of my life.
Luke Russell
I had one and I died QED faggot.
Jack Nguyen
Dumbass should've gone to the ER right away
Kevin Young
same dude. fell and hit my forehead. was having nausea and dizziness with photosensitivity and a headache and shit. went to the ER and got a CT
>nothing is wrong
pretty damn annoying.
Parker Murphy
>has never been X-ray'd by 50's ussr 15 meter long rusty contraption that made scary sounds and failed to start 4 times
I'm fine but I do have suspicious amount of moles though...
Leo King
Those could be tumours user. They could be benign too, hopefully.
Ethan Gray
no. the moles would be an indication that he is more cancer prone