Intelligence & knowledge =/= creativity

Very, very few artists are also mathematically inclined and/or are knowledgeable in something like physics or chemistry to a high level.

If being good at math and being knowledgeable of technical subjects makes you "smart", then does that mean all artists are "'dumb"?

Is there a causation between being skilled in an art form and specifically not being skilled in something like math or science?

I literally cannot think of a single modern guitar player that was also some PhD candidate or post-doc etc... The only one that comes close is Brian May from Queen( who is widely considered one of the greatest guitarists of all time.

Does learning math and science destroy creativity?

Being creative doesn't mean your gonna base your career on art or music. making money from it is hard, especially if you wanna be "creative" and not a shitty pop star like your Queen guy.
I think that math/physics people often value art more than the avg population desu

>I think that math/physics people often value art more than the avg population desu
they have the capacity for appreciation, but arent very creative themselves.

>Does learning math and science destroy creativity?
thas a dumb implication. there are different sensibilities, its all down to what skills we are loaded with when we are born.

Mathematics undergrad who wants to become an artist on the side, can anecdotally confirm, no creativity.. But the creative types seem to be pretty slow with acquiring skills that don't 100% rely on intuition so if there is any way to increase creativity we could outdo em in their own fields

>so if there is any way to increase creativity
musicians in particular are very attuned with their senses. almost in a synesthetic way. so its no just that you need to get "more creative".. its a way of seeing and interacting with the world. do you explore the sensuous, user?

oh that automaticly happens if you simply work in that field, I know for a fact I see the world differently since I started drawing and painting, especially if I did it a lot recently(and rigorously).

I think so. I interact with creative types daily. Most of them know fuck all about the wider world. Yet when they do their creative shit it's like they transform into some kind of alien beings. They really have no right to be able to do what they do. It's a little spooky, actually. I can't understand how it happens.

Oh another anecdotal thing: I have seen quite a few good artists who used to be engineers. I could also be that getting your hole stuffed every day changes the brain to be more creative.

>math and physics is just logic!
>no room for creativity here!

what is this meme?

Creativity is also a bit like learning a language. Yes, you can get better, you can even become well-versed, but you'll never be able to go toe to toe with people at the top of their field if you didn't start early. You will never perfect it.

I'm sure eventually....

artists have a skill that takes years of daily practice to learn let alone to actually know well enough to make something beautiful. physics and math just takes reading books. comparing the two is pointless. this is like saying being good at a sport means you are not going to be good at math. theyre just unrelated.

we have a limited amount of time. those who spend all of it mastering the guitar will be much better than the people who study math and learn the guitar at the same time. it's as simple as that. the pros of any field or skill are the ones who put the maximum amount of time into it possible for a human.

this is why few people are masters at multiple things. it would be illogical because someone who put all of their energy into that one thing WILL be better than you at it.


>I think that math/physics people often value art more than the avg population desu

Possibly. There are also plenty of people that are neither scientists nor artists and are still dumb as fuck.

mathematics and science involves exponentially more creativity than shitty pop stars will ever experience, even if they went over their lives over 1000 times.

"artists" are useless cretins who rehash what has been done a thousand times over. An actual artist would simply do the craft, not attachments or time spent into creating an image of themselves.

>I literally cannot think

pink floyd members originally studied stem i believe, they dropped out after the thing took off of course.

Not having knowledge doesn't mean not being able to comprehend it. I don't know how to sail, that doesn't mean I'm dumb.

being born with a rare voice or forming a band that fits what people like does not make you a smart and/or creative artist. I bet mozart could've been good at math if he gave it a shot.

How do you know you aren't part of those plentiful people?

>artists have a skill that takes years of daily practice to learn let alone to actually know well enough to make something beautiful. physics and math just takes reading books.
>physics and math just takes reading books.

>Artist struggle every day while mathematicians and physicists just read books.

Leonardo Da Vinci was creative and one of the most intelligent people in history. He has made hundreds of inventions in his time.

jesus christ that kid was a fucking cringefest

Playing music is very mathematical.
Did Pythagoras not give us the musical scale we use over and over again.

Playing music requires intelligence. A lot of it. And most people need a lot of time to understand physics. What is you can get a natural high by playing music instead? And impress girl at the same time, being cool?

There is no fame for a mediocre musician or composer. There is plenty of pay for a mediocre scientist.

Having an post graduate degree in the US is more common than having an IQ over 130.

Then why don't you enter into STEM for 300k starting if it's that easy?

Because that would be an awful lot of effort for a bunch of money i dont need. I need an assortment of instruments and a barrel. Maybe a toga and a lantern, and insufferable smugness. :^)

Man, that guy was something else. He should honestly be considered an anomaly. He integrated math into his art, which is why he took off. He also was an inventor.
I think he was a genius that had the money and time to do whatever he wanted, and it just so happened that his area of expertise was also financially lucrative.

Modern scientists are not the same kind of thing as people in the past.

Someone like, say, archimedes would just be an autist in his moms basement today playing minecraft. Trying to make circles out of square blocks.

wow, i didnt know jim morrison played guitar