Post pictures/instructions that will trick people into hurting themselves
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Post pictures/instructions that will trick people into hurting themselves
I feel nothing. Is that bad? I'm not fat.
You need to do it with a lot of force. It will rip your tendon if you do it right
Kinda wanna watch someone do it.
google "Veeky Forums crystals chlorine gas prank"
Din't do it, your severed nerves will leak nerve gas!
thats how I fap
It's still hard to believe how naive some folk could be. Also search metalic spoon Veeky Forums prank.
Many little kids probably killed themselves as a result of sick fucks like you spreading this all over the Internet
Veeky Forums is for 18 and up they shouldn't have been on the site to begin with.
No, only the NSFW boards are for those 18 and up. Veeky Forums is not NSFW.
Newfag, you just showed perfectly the state of Veeky Forums. Also underage b&
The whole site is for 18+.
If you say you are under that you're temporarily banned no matter which board.
Look at global rule #2 faggot it's 18 and up for everything.
I'm a father myself, however, that doesn't turn me into a moron.
Children shouldn't be on an adult site, with adult humour. If they are? That's their fault, or their parent(s), not mine or ours.
It's like the iphone in the microwave thing, it started here but spread to social media. If a kid read that in a normal website and tried to do it, I would put the moral blame on the parents, but also on the people that posted it on a website for kids (not the original creator, though, if it was intended as humor in an adult site).
Eh, I work in a lab and often when we're getting rid of biological waste by bleaching it, it causes chlorine clouds, and they're not THAT bad. They just make you cough a bit.
this is finkelstein's test. it's not supposed to hurt unless you are suffering from de quervain syndrome.
you'd know this if you weren't a reddit transplant retard that blindly saves images from /b/ without understand what they actually are.
I thought you guys used piranha etch?
I'm not the OP of the image, it isn't my OC and many anons have posted it before me and no doubt will continue you to (outside of Veeky Forums to) save your moral outrage for the OP of the OC, the childs parent(s) and most importantly the retarded children who act it out.
>That's their fault, or their parent(s), not mine or ours.
>son goes over friends house for the night
>sees video online
>kills himself
>father declares it was his own damn fault at the eulogy
My son is an industrial chemist, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be that retarded.
My daughter might, she's a (((medical doctor))).
is she single?
As if I'd let a Veeky Forums user anywhere near my daughter, she'd end up on user-ib within a matter of months.
Someone should make one for sending you into vasovagal syncope, that'd be megafunny, amirite? :^)
What the fuck this does
>Your kid searches your family's computer's history
>Goes onto Veeky Forums out of curiosity (he doesn't know what the fuck it is so why should he magically know not to be on it?)
>Sees the image
>Does it
lol he deserves it amirite?
Wanna know something funny?
I can actually do that with my thumb with almost no feeling atall except for a little be when it gets to the end of my wrist joints movement.
My thumbs can also bend back 90 degrees.
This is my study computer, meme-tier Linux OS which is encrypted to hell.
The encryption rate is apparently not even 'crackable' by our governments, I doubt my son or daughter could do that.
Try again, cholo.
What the fuck are you on about? Hyperventilation, or jabbing yourself in the side of the neck can cause vasovagal syncope, brother.