My dumb fucking wife keeps waking me up by flopping around in bed like a dumb retarded piece of shit...

My dumb fucking wife keeps waking me up by flopping around in bed like a dumb retarded piece of shit. Now I know why people slept in separate beds for hundreds of years. I want to smash her fucking face in god damnit. Every night it's something different.

>muh legs hurt
>I'm itchy
>can't sleep it's too hot
>you snoring
>mrs. brown's cat mr. cuddles died I'm sad :((


Why do SOME people flop around in bed like this? They need to be shot. FUCK YOU Veeky Forums

looks like you realized too late that investing time in fuckcows is a dumb idea

Use sedatives, bro

tranquilize her and keep her in her cage

nigga you dumb? how much of a brainlet do you have to be to need to be told what to do with your fuckcow? you keep her locked in a cage and you feed her twice a day, you train her to shit in a corner and that's all

Have sex with her.
That's what I would do if I had a wife.

>Falling for marriage meme
It's your own fault

You brainlets are pathetic.

Why aren't brainlets aware of the universally known fact that women are finite deterministic automatons that come with a preprogrammed superficial set of emotions and with limited computational power? Women aren't even humans, they're just moving furniture that you keep in your house, furniture that serves a limited purpose(giving birth to your autistic spawn), just like how your fridge only does one thing: keep your food at a low temperature.

Get a second bed and put it next to the other for a "bigger bed". Then put her ass on one bed, then lay on the middle edge of the other so she can have her retarded cuddle time. Once floppy goes to sleep, you're free to your own bed.

take her to the veterinary if she's acting up

Shut up misogynist. You married her for this.

Doesn't matter had sex.

You're a beta male for not being more assertive to your wife.

Build a wall between you and her.
Make her pay for it.

Trap her body under yours so it can't flop.

>ignoring whores and choosing to pay for pussy with your life and sanity instead
IQ in the unit interval detected

tie her to a crucifix man I always do that shit when I get tired of my bitch, it's so funny, I get dressed as a roman soldier and I beat her ass and put her on the cross and when she complains I tell her "shut up Jesus" and pee on her

take your pee-pee out and pee on her, that will make her keep a distance from you

>14 replies
>8 posters, all but one replying to OP

The samefaggotry iit is off the charts.

>Falling for the 3D meme
You asked for this l

>do benzos all the time
>become a bartard brainlet
>try to quit and get seizures
ok user

three-dimensional pig disgusting
three-dimensional parasite disgusting

shits, complains all the time, pussy not wet on command, take up all of your free time, sucks you dry of money and semen, ruins your sanity, destroys your life and your future, gives birth to retarded little gerbil fucks who run around and turn you insane and poor just by being alive

I mean, use them on her

Your body pillow waifu doesn't count as a real wife you autistic faggot

Stop talking shit about your wife on a welsh gardening imageboard.

Yeah there is a reason horse tranquilizers are a common street drug now.

You are now realizing that marriage is a meme. Now just you wait until she gets fat, it'll be even more dreadful.

you fell hard for the woman meme brah

Get a bed bigger than twin, poorfag.

>t. jerry cruncher

Wtf I'm gay now

>living with a woman

Go get a sleep study down. Both of you.
If this is a reoccurring issue either you or her (maybe both) have a sleep disorder.
So if it's an issue be brutally honest with her, tell her "hey, we need to both go get a sleep study done because I am not able to sleep". and do it.
Don't let a sleep disorder ruin your marriage.

Or maybe it's just an every once in awhile thing, sometimes when I'm playing video games, doing work, or watching tv and my girl decides to fall asleep on the couch it drives me crazy. I want some space and alone time and even though she's asleep her presence just ruins it. Go sleep in your guest room for the night.

I hope you aren't talking about ketamine, it's nothing like a benzo.

>I want to smash her fucking face in
Very interesting. Instead of accepting that your wife is a light and restless sleeper and reaching a reasonable compromise, your frustrated mind first turns to violence.

When you were growing up, how would you describe your feelings towards your mother?

>Go sleep in your guest room for the night.
>get a sleep study done

everything is easy when you're not poor.

>even women post on Veeky Forums
Will this human form of cancer ever leave us men alone?

People didn't sleep in separate beds.

For most of history the idea of a bedroom was actually kind of... nonexistent. Usually families slept in one big bed - parents, kids, gramps, etc. This persisted even into the early 1900s in rural parts of America, and in other parts of the world for longer. The bedroom was just the room where the bed was.

Unless you were rich or a noble you had A bed and that was it.

then where did the reproducing take place?

Why the fuck is this thread still up?