>mfw after all my lecturing to various undergrads in 5 uk unis i have only seen 3 black students, and no female blacks
to me, it does strike me as perculiar
>mfw after all my lecturing to various undergrads in 5 uk unis i have only seen 3 black students, and no female blacks
to me, it does strike me as perculiar
bitter guy who kept thinking about that thread that got deleted
you know what i'm talking about
I don't, explain plz.
Blacks usually aren't very smart. Women usually aren't very smart. Black women are especially not very smart. Bitch all you want, but it's true.
some black guy posted a sci timestamp in a similar thread and got (you's)
later posters started making shit up saying "i'm black and study X and am materrace, whitebois hehe"
op's one of those guys, very concerned about blacks, thinks about them a lot
blacks are only 3% of the population in the UK
Im sure this SJW board is rushing to report your comments
Well, it is because of institutional racism.
This can't ever be fixed because statistically, black people are poorer than white people and thus are poorer. That is why we need to redistribute wealth.
Given that you care so much for the black cause, and assuming you are white, we should start with you. Please pledge to donate 50% of your money to pro-black charities or to a black person directly.
Thank you, for caring.
what subjects and where
African Studies.
Yeah, I was as confused as you probably are now. Mind boggling.
>my high school was like 40% black
>our school's entire magnet program had like 7 black students in all of grades 9-12
>each brainlet class had more black students than our entire magnet program
>Well, it is because of institutional racism.
No, it's because of genetic racism
>"That is why we need to redistribute wealth."
>implying this is an objective truth
Wew lad. It's like you refuse to open an economics textbook
>Given that you care so much for the black cause, and assuming you are white, we should start with you. Please pledge to donate 50% of your money to pro-black charities or to a black person directly.
Hang yourself, commie filth. They're not entitled to my hard-earned money. If they want prosperity so bad, they can start with their children. Ben Carson came from a bumfuck black neighborhood anyway, and look where he is now.
Those niggers have no excuse for being such animals. They can work hard, or stay put. Not my fucking problem; i don't live near any bumfuck niggerhoods anyway
>taking the bait
Jesus, what happened to this board?
White people who are rich and want to prove that they are good people are the majority of those classes. Black people probably too busy caring about their future instead of their past.
Why's it perculiar? I think we all know about the white patriarchy keeping people down.
Obviously there is always a handful of outliers like Ben Carson but as a whole society still discriminates against blacks.
White people have had the upper foot and have been ahead all their lives because slavery made white family's rich and their white children inherited that wealth and power.
Exactly how many white people do you think owned slaves back in the day?
Western society does not in any way discriminate against blacks; institutional racism simply does not exist. Individual racism still rears its ugly head from time to time, but, in fact, our institutional policies (e.g. affirmative action) shift bias in our society towards black people.
I'm black. In my experience, the black person who has the same ability as a white or Asian person only needs to work approximately half as hard to obtain the same things. This has been true for undergraduate admission, undergraduate scholarships, graduate school admission, graduate school fellowships, employment, and even things like promotions and raises.
My mum has a picture of her Oxford college peers in 1981
Literally not a single black, and only lole 2 asians.
Crazy how much society can change in just 30 years, and kind of cool too
>im black
Yeah sure pham
return to reddit anytime
Everyone in this thread who thinks he's defending his and/or his ancestor's wealth: wrong. All you have is UGE luck that your mind manifested itself inside your stupid fucking entitled white body and not in a third world shithole.
All you defend is the border that you would try to overcome yourself if your consciousness appeared outside the west.
this. Whites need to feel the pain for the transgressions of their ancestors
Rap culture. Simple as that.
You know why black and mixed kids in Germany, who have grown up there from birth, show the same intelligence and temperament as whites with almost no distinction whatsoever?
Because there is no black sub-culture fucking it all up. The black kids grow up under the same culture and influence as whites and others.
They value education and clean appearance just like the whites, and both grow up into respectable individuals by majority.
In America however, black sub-culture and leftist retardation which emphasizes segregation based on historical victim-hood (separating them mentally from whites and thus creating a contrast),
creates the situation where everything whites focus on should be avoided (education, clean appearance, wider assembly of ambition rather than just sports and music as is with blacks).