In this thread we discuss The Fermi paradox


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it's great a thing because it makes atheishits cry, dashes their dreams of ayy lmaos.
but i can't imagine how you can make the conversation into something political.
and for that reason, i'm out. sage

Extraterrestrials probably respect evolution. At some point (not yet), we will prove ourselves a capable species by creating the means to contact them ourselves.

>The Fermi paradox

philosophy or science, not politics

There is intelligent extraterrestrial life out there, we'll just never see it, billionaires much prefer enslaving the rest of humanity for bullshit resource wars, when there is literally unlimited resources out in the universe.

There is no paradox. Space is really fucking big.

Frogs see one frame per 5 seconds, or something like that, because they are focused on sucking up as much light as possible to see in dark places

The basic points of the argument, made by physicists Enrico Fermi (1901–1954) and Michael H. Hart (born 1932), are:
There are billions of stars in the galaxy that are similar to the Sun, many of which are billions of years older than Earth.
With high probability, some of these stars will have Earth-like planets,[6][7] and if the Earth is typical, some might develop intelligent life.
Some of these civilizations might develop interstellar travel, a step the Earth is investigating now.
Even at the slow pace of currently envisioned interstellar travel, the Milky Way galaxy could be completely traversed in a few million years.
According to this line of reasoning, the Earth should have already been visited by extraterrestrial aliens.
Use google next time comrade. It's not that hard

how exactly exopolitics is not politics ? pls explain that shit to me i seem to be dumb.

fuck off AIDF

The entire argument relies on the assumption that earth has never been visited by outside life during it's billions of years in existence. The entire paradox is held up by a claim that can't be proven. It's basically the most famous "dude weed lmao" theory of the universe.

The thread never said anything about space governance or colonization, it's purely about the discussion of the Fermi Paradox, which itself has nothing to do with politics.

Careful with those big words

>implying space is real

Step 1) Buy decent telescope
Step 2) Look at "planets" and "stars"
Step 3) Mind blown

well the answer could be that we are under political quarantine....

dunno ive seen the treads about ayys 404'd on this site so many times. And i dont think there is bigger red pill than to possibly put shit into bigger context.

yep, i googled before you answered.
my answer:
they were here and i am pretty sure they are still here.

Thats just probability though
Somebody has to come first, maybe its us

This, plus we probably have the life span of fruit flies compared to more advanced civilizations. A thousand years is probably nothing to them.


this is with the premise those civilizations even consider us contact-wort. If they really evolved millions of years before us they might consider us mere ants. Would you try to contact an ant civilization?

When economic stresses become to much and the have nukes..... few pass the test. If they do, they get tested again and again until they fail. Might explain those random unexplained bursts.

Is she an attractive non-blood related aunt?

>Would you try to contact an ant civilization?
I definitely would if we could communicate.
Impressive digits Hans.

And they see 360 degrees...

But what could the ant civilization possibly offer you in return if you had to expend tremendous resources, time and effort to meet them?

Like Marduk man;
He could speak the languages of darkness and light an perceive every peripheral guise of reality.

Or the government already knows about ayy lmaos

That's a frightening thought in itself, though - meaning that there aren't any species out there that have mastered interstellar travel. Considering that Earth is rather young, it sort of implies that there might be something inherent in the technological advancement of species that prevents said species to become space faring.

Fermi's paradox (not really a paradox) is a bit of a mental circlejerk, but the implications are very interesting to think about - because every answer to the question 'where is everybody?' is frightening in a way..

We must become the spaceships of the time cube and meet the aliens

Aliums exist and they have been here already many times.
I think they tried to uplift us but halfway into it abandoned it because of fucking jews.
Now they just visit from time to time to check up how far we got technology wise, should we ever reach a state that could be dangerous to them they will fucking nuke us from orbit with a FTL projectile as big as a turd.

The sky is full of dying or dead light,.

Fat bottomoned girls you make the rocking world go round

Interstellar travel might just take generations and generations of people to do. We are very short-sighted in our view of time and space as individuals. If we can master stasis, or perhaps conquer the telomere (and brain degeneration), then it will be no big thing to get in a ship on a 50,000 year journey.

It's the freaking Lizards lads.

How would they live this long? Takes forever to travel places in space. Alien says hello, travels and dies, sends kids to come back, say hello, travels back and dies

True tbqh


It seems that the Bottleneck for our species is pretty complicated:

- psychospiritual crisis (identity politics, mental health decline, rising number of suicides, quality of life discontinuity, oppressive supra-elite democracies, loss of gnosis, anhedonia and porosis epidemic, teleological chaos, abrahamic henotheism)

- technosocial collapse (decrease in complexity, sixth extinction, unchecked transhumanism, diseconomies of scale effect, energy returned on energy invested, positive feedback loops, corporate catabolics)

- nano-bio-info-cogno complex (synthetic nature, technological singularity, runaway civilization, neurosomatic exaptation, silent war)

>it's physically impossible to traverse long distances and 4D portals are impossible
>we are the first civilization and/or intelligent species in the galaxy
>ayys have higher-dimensional time traveling abilities and were able to see that we would never amount to anything or would kill each other off

The German pepe poster talking about "fucking Jews" - so cliche.


you think they use primitive technology for that? nigga you dumb, these aliums are super advanced, they use tech that blows your fucking mind.

I'd say that's not really a good argument. Fermi's argument sort of includes this. Taking into account exponential population growth, even with a slow propagation between habitable planets, after a few hundred million years, (large) parts of the galaxy could be colonised if needed.

Halt dein dreckmaul inseljude.
du scheißhaufen.

>tfw contact them ourselves
>tfw they know it's us and they pretend they aren't home


Proof of extraterrestrials or possibly god or other higher creator:

Earth diameter km
Moon diameter km

R = 1
Asquare = 4
Acircle = 3.1416
4-3.1416 = 0.8584
0.8584/3.1416 = 0.273
3474/12742 = 0.273

The moon takes 27.3 days to get around Earth too.

Look at the drawing to the left. It is a circle inscribed inside a square. The Earth and the Moon conform absolutely to this simplest of geometrical figures. Let us imagine that the green circle represents the Earth. If this was the case, then everything in the drawing that is not green and is shown in red, would represent the Moon.

The drawing is an expression of a mathematical fact. It represents the relationship between π (Pi) and the number 4. The symbol π appears time and again in mathematics and it has fascinated people for at least 6,000 years. π defines the relationship of the diameter of a circle to its circumference. The true definition of π cannot be discovered because it appears to go on forever. However, if we round it off at the fourth decimal point we could say that π is 3.1416. This is exactly what the builders of the Moon did – they considered π to be equal to 3.1416 – which is yet another way we know that the Moon cannot be a natural object.

The relationship of π and the number 4 throws up a number of ratios.
π + 0.366 of π = 4.

We could also express this as 27.322% of π added to π would equal 4.

The relationship of the Earth and the Moon throws up the same ratios.
Earth’s polar circumference, plus 0.366 of Earth’s polar circumference equals Earth and Moon size combined. As a result it would also be correct to say that the Moon is equal to 27.322% of the size of the polar Earth.

Spare me the skeptical le science rationalizations. This shit could not happen by chance.

Oh, and also the moon is 1/400th the size of the sun....and 1/400th the distance from earth, which just so happens to allow perfect solar eclipses.

Or allowed us the chance to thrive or die, as is the natural law.

Check out Frank Tipler's Physics of Immortality. He thinks he has proved that sentient life will eventually fill the entire universe.
The theory is called the Final Anthropic Principle

God didn't make any aliens.

>we are a small pocket of orderliness within an incomprehensibly vast sea of chaos and disorder
>our existence is a fluke, and a fleeting one at that

pretty blackpilling to think about 2bh

We're first
We're rare
We're fucked

It's one of those three

There is no real paradox.

Civilizations are separated by time and distance.
A civilization that arose 10 million years ago would be incomprehensible to us and we wouldn't be able to talk to it.
If they survive then probably they eventually abandon physical bodies and embed themselves into the fabric of multiverse.
But we have some positive detections of possible Dyson Spheres so the paradox isn't really going to last long.

They are all pointing at us and laughing.

Also they are actually most probably all out of our Local Group so we will never ever be able to contact them (and vice versa) in any way and we might only get to see their past before they even became sentient or their planet actually formed, even though they are millions of years ahead of us.


There's an alien version of /pol/ doing its own trolling right now as we type!

Well the nice thing is that there is no "end of the universe" like wikipedia theories would tell you. No heat death, no crunch, no rip, no freeze. As soon as we find out what dark matter really is, it will open up so many doors.

What happens to every intelligent species. The best subgroup becomes enormously successful with the widespread use of empathetic religion going so far as to begin spaceflight, and then the idiots and mongrel subgroups use that empathy against them to seize minority power until the successful group becomes extinct and the planet is occupied by a bunch of bix nood mouth breathing scum.

If a logical conundrum is inherently presented with multiple logical solutions, can it really be called a paradox?

This is possible too. The way the world looks like it's going, niggers will be the only humans left in a thousand years. But then again the ooga boogas could migrate to Europe and become white people again (after 100k+ years).

When the Canadians are pissed off...

The end is near.

Using the Low Resolution Spectrometer yielded 17 ambiguous candidates of which four were slightly amusing but still ambiguous and questionable. The largest one sun bolometric distance in the 17 source sample was 118 pc. The 11000 source Calgary sample extended down to 1-2 Jy which would have given a maximum bolometric distance of 300 pc for LRS sources. This region includes something like a million stars.

Of course this isn't a paradox! We emit radiowave since a tiny century, after a millenia I don't argue but this is way too short.

>1 post by this id
>brainlets helping shills slide a topic that should be on Veeky Forums

Aitoff plot for IRAS -blue dots several thousand selected sources for investigation. Red - 17 ambiguous Dyson sphere "candidates". Green lines show Arecibo SETI region

under-appreciated and under-rated

who cares if we actualy have discussion here. lol being shill does not mean u can accidentally start a good topic

No, we are just the first civilisation to reach such a level as to ask ourselves such questions.

There is probably some kind of galactic extinction event that takes place every now and then that eradicates civilisations, which is why there aren't any around in our immediate neighbourhood, i.e. galaxy.
We are probably just lucky that it didn't hit us, yet.

Significant social and technical parts of the Fermi Paradox are influenced by political climates.

A number of searches for Dyson Spheres have been made in the past. A few candidates have been identified but discounted for various reasons.

For below the fold items click links for Slysh, Others, Fermilab

Sagan and Walker carried out an early analysis of the possibility of detecting a Dyson Sphere. They showed that a search out to 1000 pc was feasible even with sixties technology but that the possible confusion with natural signatures could require searches for other artifacts of intelligence such as radio signals associated with a candidate source.

Jugaku and colleagues have carried out a series of searches for partial Dyson Spheres. Typically they used the 2.2 μm K band as an indicator of the photospheric radiation of a star hosting a partial Dyson Sphere and then looked for an infrared excess in the IRAS infrared satellite 12 μm band. A 1 magnitude difference would arise if the Dyson Sphere covered 1% of the host star. The measured differences were characteristically less than 0.3 magnitude which is consistent with measurement errors. They selected a set of 1774 stars from the Woolley catalog nearer than 25 pc and found 458 with matches in the 12 μm IRAS band. They looked at 384 of these stars for infrared excesses. With the exception of a few cases discussed in their 1990 article they found no sources with excesses suggestive of a partial Dyson Sphere covering as much as 1% of the host star.

Slysh and Timofeev at al. have the IRAS database for a different approach. Slysh investigated the flux at the maximum of a Dyson Sphere spectrum. He estimated that all Dyson Spheres with temperatures from 50 to 400 �K within 1 kpc of the sun should have been detected. The Timoreev search looked at a population of IRAS sources in the 110-120 and 280-290�K temperature range as established by Kardashev and others and did Planck blackbody fits to the four IRAS bands. They fitted by minimizing to a Planck distribution. (Note that no Planck spectrum correction is made on the four measured fluxes from the filters.) Sylsh identified one possible Dyson Sphere candidate, G357.3-1.3. The Timofeev at al. search identified 10 or so candidates but ruled out most of them, often on the basis of associations.

More recently several other searches have been conducted for partial Dyson Spheres. Globus, Backman, and Witteborn have searched by looking for a temperature/luminosity anomaly due to the fact that the luminosity of a star surrounded by a partial Dyson sphere would be lowered compared to a naked star of the same temperature. Conroy and Werthimer have searched by constraining the Jugaku infrared excess technique to older stars using a list of 1000 nearby older stars compiled by Wright and Marcy. Using older stars eliminates thick dust clouds around young stars. They also correlate with the rich K band near-infrared ground based data from 2MASS. They have found 33 candidates in the 12 μm IRAS band with 3 σ excesses from the mean.

The paradox is between the apparent high mathematical probability of alien life and the actual lack of evidence for it.

Gamma ray bursts. Those things are a bitch.

>The paradox is between the apparent high mathematical probability of alien life and the actual lack of evidence for it.
See above, we already have possible candidates for Dyson Spheres.
Space is vast and infinite, as well as ancient.
There could be whole cities on Triton in our Solar System and we wouldn't even know.

let em laugh huebro

It's still a paradox. Every star out there is a 'possible Dyson sphere' until we look at it to eliminate the possibility. The universe should literally be CRAWLING with life but it's dead silent.

This just in
>ancient Egyptian frog God of chaos gives answer on how we can contact ayylmaos

So quite literally the bible is true, word for word.

wait. why? your digits confirm, but why?

Help me understand your intriguing interpretation pham

They are hiding or ftl travel is not possible.

Fermi's paradox doesn't involve FTL travel.

Just FYI, Fermi was an accomplished physicist who helped shape modern physics, he knew about special relativity and the upper speed limit.

I honestly believe the 3rd reich was the great filter. And we failed, so we are all just waiting for the upcoming extinction now.

the Bible tells the story of the 'designer' who is outside our reality but responsible for it, creating the universe and humans to be in communion with him, but then humans disobeyed god and became totally depraved and evil from being separated from the force of love and life. One of the designers helpers thought he could become the designer but the consequence was becoming pure evil. He now influences man to disobey the designer and man seeks ever increasing ways to rule over the design.

>Gamma ray bursts. Those things are a bitch.

One candidate. It could also be self-inflicted.
At some point civilizations develop very destructive technology and use it recklessly.

One of the most probable encounters with an alien civilization would be with an AI/robotic Von Neumann probes conquering the galaxy exponentially via sub-light travel speeds

Postulating that the galaxy has, or has had other evolved civilizations:
>there are no intelligent and/or evolved civilizations capable of constructing them
>civilizations capable of constructing such probes exist, but we're still out of range
>FTL is possible, thus there is no need for V.N. probes


I've always thought there are too many unknowns and variables to make the Fermi Paradox worth thinking about.

We live in a simulation and are the only intelligent race in the simulation.

It's a fucking awful meme based on nothing but concentrated fedora tipping that somehow became accepted.


So when do we overthrow god?

Maybe the Dark Matter we see affecting gravity is just intergalactic civilization, cloaked?

This is unironically plausible

If you were in charge of a vast interstellar empire would you spend time and money contacting some planetbound savages?
If ayys were to visit Earth humans would just collectively gawk at their ships and go GIBS ME DAT
But a race that has figured out how to traverse the stars? You would at least want to tell them to keep off your property lest they go and crash into your shit out of pure retardation.

Its taken 4 billion years to get to our point of advance civilisation

Weve been able to transmit electromagnetic signals for 120 years and nearly sent ourselfs to the stone age twice already.

In short.. advance civilisations are too rare and are not around for very long

>Its taken 4 billion years to get to our point of advance civilisation

The universe is, what, 13 to 14 billion years old?

Life most likely can only form on planets around generation 3 stars, like our sun, earlier ones were too big, too hot and too short lived. Earth belong to the first generation of planets were evolution of life was possible. Exceptions are red dwarves, much longer living, dimmer and smaller stars, but they got massive radiation outbursts, especially when they are young and need to calm down over billions of years.

The earth is about 4-6bn years old so a fair while

There are other things to consider:
Have we already been visited?
Are we the consequence of having been visited?
How many of those other civilisations are 'stuck' at sending a few people to their respective satellite (moon) and a few drones to the closest planet? Travelling to other solar systems and galaxies is a whole different fucking game. There are still plenty of issues we have to resolve until we can do that and I say 'stuck' because space travel is still really fucking new for us considering the big picture.
Maybe we're really fucking lucky and a lot of other civilisations take longer to improve. Maybe some of them take a five times longer to leave their respective bronze age.

There's too many variables and we don't have nearly enough info to even start being able to take apart Fermi's paradox.

Certianly to short lived. Also 1st gen stars didnt produce alot of heavy elements when they go supernova.

You need things like iron to make rocky planets in the habitable zones