NoFap/ AntiPorn people claim watching porn causes impotence.
Scientifically, how is this possible?
NoFap/ AntiPorn people claim watching porn causes impotence.
Scientifically, how is this possible?
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nofap is literally just meme tier reddit broscience, there's nothing to it
From personal experience, it's because your dick gets tired and you find average women ugly because you are staring at hotties all day.
I don't think it causes permanent damage.
You must preserve your vital masculine essence mang
Like most things in this world. Moderation.
it messes with your brain's pleasure/reward thought processs, if you fap too much.
it basically becomes a drug. destroying motivation and making you want just fap.
Are there peer-reviewed studies showing this or just anecdotes on plebbit?
japanese anime characters are made to be too damn hot and horny!!! why is that ?
can't say ive had any problems irl. but then again 99% of what i watch is amateur jav (the non censored ones), and in those, they meet a normal looking girl, not just perfect models, no corny soundtrack, they play with her, then do it, then finish inside her, like normal people
from what i've heard the people with the problems got into tranny threesome bukkake bondage porn and can't even get it up in a normal situation after all that
Too many cell regenerations.
Every human has a set number of regenerations. If the telomeric exhaustion occurs in a certain area it may cause cancer or the complete cessation of the cells replication.
Tl;dr if you do it more that once every three days you are over doing it.
>Every human has a set number of regenerations. If the telomeric exhaustion occurs in a certain area it may cause cancer or the complete cessation of the cells replication.
>gamete production somehow fully resets this supposed telomeric counter in every successive generation though
Because unlike most would believe, low activity on body parts for extended periods of time doesn't lead to them withering away and you losing biological/sexual fitness.
Good boy.
Your brain is used to the hyper stimulus that porn provides - many different women doing nearly anything you desire at the click of a button.
You cannot achieve the same excitement by being with a women if porn is abused and thus, cannot get hard.
Simple, it's bs
all I know for sure is I jack off too much
puritans are assholes
We do fap too much. I noticed that I have reduced IQ and have trouble getting up in the morning if I fap the night before.
are you saying casual sex is like a healthy diet?
Should people be having sex 3 times a day in public?
nothing wrong with casual sex
non sequitur on the rest
opinion discarded for being normie
first time called that
I'm a virgin neet nearing 30s
>Every human has a set number of regenerations
Unless you ask the Time Lords for more. Then you get unlimited to make that drama completely pointless.
what's your experience with fapping?
Was it a net positive or do you wish you'd done it less?
you're a wizard harry
>what's your experience with fapping?
I've been fapping since puberty, it still feels great and I keep getting surprised by the creativity some people have in porn creation
I find it completely natural, keep it to myself and explore what works for me
>Was it a net positive or do you wish you'd done it less?
I wish I could do it more, it feels great and I have lost no stamina, lust or had any health problems related to sexual organs
what I noticed over the nearly 2 decades is that after an orgasm nearly always follows a feeling of what can be described as sadness/guilt, I attribute it to the rapid sensation of going from maximum pleasure to normal levels
pretty sure this is where superstitious folk get the "touching self is bad" ideas
This is not a case of does it or doesn't it. This is a case of nobody's doing any real research so there's no way to know at the moment.
So the proper answer is 'we don't yet know'
This is what is wrong with millenials. They always expect other people to make the work for them. In this case, the "scientists" who produce "scientific evidence" about things they should find out themselves through trial and error, experience, and friends.
NO. Only a part of things can be explained by science.
The other part (about ~85% of all knowledge) is explained by intuition, morals, experience, and opinions.
Fapping and pornography is not wrong, but it DEFINITELY WILL NOT help you form healthy relationships and DEFINITELY WILL deprive your senses to some extent
Source? Intuition.
in case this is not satire, what country did you get your education in and what is your occupation?
What is your opinion on the statements I just typed? Do you think it's possible for science to answer all questions?
that plot point was so shit, and so is capaldi
>What is your opinion on the statements I just typed?
that you received poor education and/or upbringing combined with a strong spiritual - borderline religious background noise, most likely from family or peer pressure
>Do you think it's possible for science to answer all questions?
it is possible to formulate irrational questions
If you don't have lust in your mind you won't have it in your habits
This so much.
Not masturbating at times elevates my mood to the point of hypo-mania.
And I jerk off once in a while so that's it.
>The other part (about ~85% of all knowledge) is explained by intuition, morals, experience, and opinions.
Science can incorporate these things into the study. Or do you not believe in psychology?
as long as you don't do it, like 6 billion times a day, you should be fine
anything is possible. you're fucking retarded. get out of here.
no the fuck it can not.
got a version of this wall of text that doesn't make your eyes bleed?
Idk about you but I always felt tired or/and hungry after masturbation... Which is why I stopped.
A response to that post by Gary Wilson
i fixed my impotence by changing the porn i watch to normal shit
at least visually now it's just like im watching a porno with really high resolution
I just ask girls to dress as dva and im all set desu
Am I the only person that can orgasm only through flexing the pelvic muscles? Like, no hands involved at all.
This has been bugging me lately
I did it three times this morning
Public toilets like my Chinese pervert comics when?
>NoFap/ AntiPorn people claim watching porn causes impotence.
I never heard this, but if you go a long time just fapping it can cause it to be very hard to ejaculate using anything other than your hand. It's called the death grip, basically orifices don't stimulate your penis as much as your hand does. But it goes away quite quickly if you stop fapping.
I average 5 - 7 times a day
>You get used to get hard watching porn.
>When you are not watching porn is harder to get an erection
Is not rocket science, user
I used to be like you when I was 15.
By that logic anything that could cause an erection causes impotence. Like skimpily dressed women.
Looks like we need White Sharia. /pol/ right again.
Well I mean porn-induced erectile dysfunction is a real thing. So it's the only way to recover for those people. I've tried it in the past and got to 20 days. It didn't have a massive change on me or anything but I definitely had more energy. I'd like to do the full 90 soon so I can actually gauge if it's bullshit or not. I don't know how I would determine whether it's a placebo or not though
On jacking off releasing dopamine? That's why people do it.
I did it more when I was 15
I'm day 82 right now, feel great, better than I did with porn.
Its like a drug addiction. The first few times, feels great, your brain loves it, everything is fantastic. Keep doing it and you need more, you need weirder shit, and normal stuff doesn't work for you anymore. Your brain just gets less sensitive to stimuli the more you expose it to the same thing.
Death grip is legit too. did like, a 5 year stint of super singleness in/after college, got a girlfriend last year, sex was terrible cause my dick was basically numb to anything but jerking off and i couldn't stay hard long enough for either of us to have fun as a result. Quit porn for a few weeks, problem went away, all systems returned to normal.
Excessive porn consumption just ain't good for you for a lot of reasons Keep it in moderation and there won't be any issues though. And from my own experience, going cold nofap for long periods of time can do weird shit with your emotions for a bit. Went from super happy to crazy horny to rage filled over an hour or so. Still, its an interesting personal experiment, and good for building willpower.
>Its like a drug addiction. The first few times, feels great, your brain loves it, everything is fantastic. Keep doing it and you need more, you need weirder shit, and normal stuff doesn't work for you anymore. Your brain just gets less sensitive to stimuli the more you expose it to the same thing.
This, basically.
It's maybe because of stress. It could go a little bit like that:
>stressed in bed
>try to relax youself by masturbating
>stresse not totally relieved
>sleep badly
Maybe that's why you have trouble getting up in the morning
I'm I also noticed that I could never have dreams while I masturbated, and now I do. But my dreams are supposedly linked with wet dreams.
I had a dream once on day 16 where I was being chased by a large animal and I was running as fast as possible away from it. Woke up and my underwear was wet. Maybe it's to do with dopamine? I mean you do get dopamine from both running and masturbation so maybe my body is trying to compensate for not having masturbated for 18 days..
Yeah but moderation means how many times exactly, and to what should you masturbate to? I used to enjoy tentacle hentai manga, is that all right?