I finishing my degree in Comp Sci and I'm out of ideas for my senior thesis. Could you guys help me out?There are no bad suggestions. If you guys help me I will put a dedication note to this board on my thesis and post it here.
My areas of interest are:
> Computer Graphics; > Data mining; > Numerical simulation;
The suggestions are not restricted to the areas above, I just want something easy and interesting (fuck me right?).
Robert Watson
Come on guys, I'm kinda desperate.
Jaxson Walker
a faster square root.
Xavier Campbell
>computer graphics Optical flow
The idea is you take 2 images separated by a short amount of time (i.e. take a picture, then take a 1/2 step forward, and take another picture)
then look at the differences between them, the movement of the blocks of pixels, etc. and come up with an algorithm to determine which objects are close and which ones are far.
good shit. look into it
if you come up with a sweet enough algorithm, you'll win a nobel and you'll get hired by google or amazon or someone for 100k+ or win a nsf fellowship and get paid to go to berkeley
Camden Martin
Luke Foster
>8750995 Thx, I'll look into it
Ian Rodriguez
Build a 3D scanner. The only hardware is a rotating table driven by a motor with a rotary encoder (so you know what angle the object is as), a laser, and a camera. Beyond that it's image recognition, edge detection, and CompSci math.
Eli Carter
too difficult, I already tried modeling a CSP that is classified as NP-Hard and creating a polynomial algorithm to it in order to proof this, but I failed too many times.
Also, I lack the capabilities for elaborate a proof that P!=NP.
Thx for the suggestion anyway.
Carson Howard
Michael Nguyen
It's a good idea, but I don't think I can make a senior thesis out of this project. It's quite simple and the construction of a 3D scanner is already well documented.
I'm studying volumetric rendering tough.
Aiden Young
Yes, he'll probably use some recursive algorithms
Nathaniel Cooper
3d printing. If you see the option, you catch my drift and you WILL have a good one
Grayson Price
Your post caused me a stack overflow. I need an aspirin.
Brayden Allen
It's odd how that doesn't register as it's own reply
James Wood
deep learning as it apples to malware analysis
Benjamin Stewart
Before this thread go 404 I will say that I'm leaning towards Optical Flow
Josiah Collins
First thing in my mind when I read this was autopilot for a missile. If you pick this subject and do it well, you may not be able to post it here, export restrictions on weapons. But that will get you a job.
Carson Wood
This would probably fit in a Computer Engineering senior thesis, But I think an embedded system aided to computer vision would be a good topic
Kevin Johnson
but how??
Jordan Smith
image processing is for faggots who gag on massive african dicks
Samuel Nelson
> fucking what?
Ethan Rogers
I am into the same problem, OP. I will probably try to work with Comp Linguistics, or natural computing
Jaxson Bell
Someone with decent technical knowledge tell me what this is and how he did it?
Charles Diaz
David Edwards
protip: you're supposed to use hamming_dist8() on the R,G, and B of each image
Josiah Murphy
that's one potential algorithm.
it's actually a hot topic right now. do a thorough prior art search. im sure your college gives you access to tons of journals and publications. coming up with a working, efficient implementation of one of these algorithms would be enough for a senior thesis most likely.
Andrew Parker
Interesting, I studied a bit too, but it envolves a lot of functional programming, something that I'm really not a fan.
David Walker
# # # It's easy guys, this board is pretty slow. I just looked at the last post number and added 1. Pretty good chance. Here I'll try it again.
Carson Barnes
On a slow board like Veeky Forums it's possible to figure out the post number you'll get when you post before it's actually oisted. From there it's a simple matter of including that number into the post as you would a normal reply.
Adam Gomez
Fuck your interests, solve a problem in complexity theory, a lot of low hanging fruit out there if you are dedicated enough.