Does anyone on here know some ressources explaining the synthesis of mind-altering substances and the way they work? What field of study should I look into if this is what interests me currently?
Does anyone on here know some ressources explaining the synthesis of mind-altering substances and the way they work...
Psychology, the study on the working of the brain as an organ.
Sorry that I didn't specify this, but I'm looking for a science.
So you don't get psychology, but like most monkeys can learn tricks like math. That does not take away psychology is lectured as a science on even the most elite universities.
Wait, really? That's awesome man, I'll start recreating some psychology experiments right now ! Oh, wait...
>what are Pavlov's dogs
Psychfag here and I resent this.
These dogs will still have too many variables you will not take into account.
It is not about the dog. It is about association. I knew it was above you level of understanding.
But there is no shame it that.
Not everybody has to be intelligent to be accepted as a human being. Just the best you wish to be. That will be enough to be loved by many other people. Intelligence is overrated. Not by the ones who have not a lot of it. They don't get it anyways. Not by those who have a lot of it, they are aware it creates a gap between them and the rest. But by those who need it to respect themselves and impress other people, the biggest part of society. They thinks it's a gift, mainly because they think that's what they need to be listen to. You need empathy to be liked by others. Nothing more user.
>is proud over IQ test results
>thinks psychology is a meme
Organic Chemistry?
Psychology is our best science of the mind.
Why would you replace Down-Syndrome jr. with Sam Hyde?
Neuropsychology and cognitive psychology if you want to understand their effects. Chemical biology if you want to design drugs.
who's the bottom left guy
argument settled
Is this homeschooling? The teacher looks like a taller version of the student
They're Pajeets. That's why they look the same.
If you want to synthesise drugs, then obviously chemistry is the only way to go. Most of it isn't as mysterious as you'd think, it's just a matter of reacting two things, then reacting that product with another thing, then separating it
fuck off faggit
History. Willy Wonka aka Walter White was in the empire business and he was The Cook. Beter known as Heisenberg.
You should just wiki your way out of here user.
With chemistry you can learn their synthesis. But not the way they work. For that biology is probably better. Or biochemistry. Or chemical biology.
Pharmacology? How they work or what they cause?
Literally neuropharmacology.
Some dude who can't afford health care or something idk