Alright Veeky Forums, let's attempt something constructive

Alright Veeky Forums, let's attempt something constructive.

Your major

>Software / Language required by classes taken.

>Software / Language used for personal projects (research / outreach).

>Software / Language that you'd recommend to learn.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh god what the fuck is going on in that script


I'm a grad student. I've been required to use Fortran in a computational physics course. In order of computational power required I use bash -> python -> Fortran.

Knowing basic bash scripting is essential if you want to be effective working on a computer. After that, python. I would recommend C over Fortran.

>Your major

>Software / Language required by classes taken.
Maple for cryptography

>Software / Language used for personal projects (research / outreach).
Matlab for time series analysis
Sage for studying elliptic curves

>Software / Language that you'd recommend to learn.

>comp sci
Languages mandated by courses were python and java for first year courses.
For upper courses C was mandatory for compiler design, VHDL for hardware design (although I'm considering moving it towards chisel when I take over the course) and lastly the obscure dataflow language Oz for a programming languages course. Oz is an amazing language for education, but the syntax is asinine.

Personally I write pretty much all my software in functional scala, I'd really recommend those new to CS to learn how to use emacs (spacemacs) on GNU/linux, as well as some WM tool like i3 for running multiple monitors. Scala is highly recommended, but I had to learn it all by myself and it was difficult so don't expect to do all your coding in it. With scala I can create a backend and a frontend in the same language, and I can even write hardware through chisel. It's like node.js but instead of being pants on head retarded and utter shit it's turbo-autistic and doesn't break all the time.

Also learn git, I personally prefer magit (emacs) and learn emacs org for note-keeping and keeping track of stuff.

pic related, read this book and realize you're not hot shit after all

>It's like node.js
what do you mean by that?

Frontend and backend shares language. Apart from that they're nothing alike.

To elaborate, this makes sharing code easy, I'm currently developing scientific software in scala and I can use code for the experiment runner in the browser which was not something I had thought about at all when I wrote the backend. It also makes sharing data and remote procedure calls really easy.

>Oh god what the fuck is going on in that script

looks like minified JavaScript

Just got that book. Math degree holder moving into CS. I tried to download Scala on Ecplise (using mac OS)
do I insert this link:

into this part of eciplse:

at 1:22 mark?

Also, I want to learn how category theory applies to functional programming (while reading the red book), what do you recommend? Will working through the red book make me a stronger programmer? I am good with OOP (java), but this will be my first exposure to FP.

Update: Got Scala downloaded. Other questions remain.

I've never used a specific IDE for scala like eclipse or scalaIDE. What I do is use scala with spacemacs (an emacs config) which uses the backend ensime server. It's not that fun to set up, but I honestly think it's good for you to learn how to use spacemacs, it's insanely powerful. While you will probably get to the coding part quicker with just using eclipse you should see it as a learning process.

As for the book then yes, it will most certainly make you a better programmer, and it will serve as an excellent starting point for applying category theory. The book itself will not use category jargon, but it teaches you most of the concepts you need to know to make sense out of stuff like this:

Just remember to take it easy, this book was pretty humbling for me, I picked it up during my fourth year as a CS major with a lot of C coding experience and it still took me a long while to apply the concepts and understand their purpose.
It's only after writing scala for a year that I can appreciate all the chapters, and I still have yet to work through all of the programming exercises. 10/10 book though.

I want pure math

>Software / Language required by classes taken.
cryptography with C
Advanced Programimmg with C

>Software / Language used for personal projects (research / outreach).
Visual studio OOP with C#
Visual studio C++ image processing
Atom php css html javascript
>Software / Language that you'd recommend to learn.
Dont learn C , learn python

CS + applied math
C++ and C first year, Haskell and Mathematica as well from then on.
C++ for electronics hobby, Assembly for debugging.
Would recommend C to anyone.

Excellent, thanks for the resources and input. How did you begin to learn category theory? I want to learn it's connections with functional programming as i learn scala


>Software / Language required by classes taken
Java(kek) / Matlab

>Software / Language used for personal projects

>Software / Language that you'd recommend to learn.
c++ / matlab

If only I didn't go to a brainlet university..
I used to know some c and c++ but ditched it since I had to learn java anyways and there is only so much time I wanna invest in this. At least Java is not nearly as bad as people always say, but still bad.

tell me Veeky Forums how excited are you?

>Your major
>>Software / Language required by classes taken.
>>Software / Language used for personal projects (research / outreach).
python, java, haskell
>>Software / Language that you'd recommend to learn.
python and haskell, haskell is super fun

C and VHDL

anything else is pleb tier

computer engineering

What is a good light C++ program that let's me execute files as scripts (no compilation)?

Preferably not on the WIndows OS.


survey statistics

>Software / Language required by classes taken.
Python and R

>Software / Language used for personal projects (research / outreach).
Python and R

>Software / Language that you'd recommend to learn.
Didn't do any programming outside of data / stats stuff so Python I guess

>>haskell is super fun

CompSci + Maths
>My required
Java, Haskell, C, Python
Same as above really , maybe some MATLAB
Haskell and C without a doubt

Does anyone have amy recommendations for books meant to teach software reverse engineering?

Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering by Eldad Eilam

R, Mathematica
R, Mathematica, C#
R, Mathematica, Python
