One shot at life

>one shot at life
>born a brainlet

yeah, and on top of that

>born in France, land of the boring

can't even kms cuz no guns

putain de merde

Every day I think about what I could possibly do with my brainlet. Every day I come to the same conclusion: absolutely nothing.

You bring up a good point. Do brainlets like you even deserve to live?

I currently go to university for pure mathematics and every day I walk around and see a bunch of brainlets. Some do physics, some do arts, etc. And I get confused, why are they not proving theorems? What a waste of fucking time. Look at those brainlets drawing flowers. Look at those brainlets studying chemical reactions. What the fuck?

And then I think, if brainlets are this useless and retarded then maybe they don't even have working feelings. Like maybe they are "smart" enough to reproduce feelings, but they are actually just robots that don't feel anything and can't really think. Like imagine if I made a computer program that simply printed "Hello" over and over.

That program is obviously saying hi to you, but is it really "feeling" that it is talking to you? Probably not. And neither do brainlets.

And after coming to terms with this I realized, why aren't brainlets simply put into slavery? Why don't I have a brainlet do forced labor to make me money so that I can focus more on mathematics and ignore things like finances and work?

OP, given that your intelligence is so low that you can't even comprehend the situations you are in, would you mind being my slave? I mean, what is the difference for you? Can your little pea brain even tell the difference between freedom and slavery? Probably not as you are a slave to your low IQ and yet you would say that you have "free will".

What about other brainlets? Any other brainlets browsing? Wouldn't you like to be useful?

>Do brainlets like you even deserve to live?
Obviously not. I hope society comes to its senses and culls us already.

So you agree that you should be a slave?

Teach me how to prove theorems.

the problem with your argument is that brainlets already are slaves

It is pretty easy

Step 1: Read a mathematical sentence
Step 2: Close your eyes and have your brain vividly and detailedly consider an infinute of edge cases and then condense all of that information into an ordered list of sentences
Step 3: Write those sentences down.

99/100 times that first try will be a correct proof. For more involved theorems you may have to repeat step 2 a couple of times.

Your little pea brain may think so, but I am not a brainlet so listen to me.

Right now there is not a single brainlet picking cotton for me.
Right now there is not a single brainlet cleaning my house for free.

Therefore, I don't have any fucking slaves. And I should have some because you brainlets are plentiful. You are a dime a dozen and yet not a single one of you is out in the cotton fields making me money.

>this level of dunning-kruger

you can pay a brainlet in peanuts to have him clean your house

there is very little difference between that and slavery, are you kidding me?

mainly because of pic related

>you can pay a brainlet in peanuts to have him clean your house

Pay? That is not fucking slavery. Slavery is pay them shit and beat them with a stick when they misbehave.

At least you get licensed chinese cartoon shit before everybody else who isn't asian.

I was born smart with 99.9 percentile visual spacial iq then I got a brain disease that is still undiagnosed last checked verbal and spatial iq about 122 although other things are dropping fast Too many brainlets in medical field can't figure out I have a brain disease

>I was born smart with 99.9 percentile visual spacial iq
Something must have been off with your brain to begin with. It's just the negative effects of that are showing up late.

Then why have I lost all my memories

You only feels that way because you let yourself. Find something you're good at and work on it. You don't have to excel to be "smart". The stupidest thing you could do is sit there lamenting you're a "brainlet bwaaaah :'("

And while you proved theorems, I just approximated sin(a) = a because let's be honest, it's physics come on man
How does that feel ?

Isn't France like the mecca of nuclear engineering though? I'm a NE convert now in grad school and I was thinking of taking some French classes.

We're relatively good at engineering in general (it's pretty big title here and recognised in the planet because it's a guarentee you've been under x hours of maths, x hours of physics, as well as being specialised in one subject and, on top of that, usually having elements of law/economy/sociology/management).

We're also good at producing Fields medallists and not that bad at math.

Our secondary education could really use a boost though. Final exam is very easy and classes that were reserved to top students became available to everyone, so the selection process is now University instead of HS.

On top of that, despite grade inflation, we clearly have a problem with people unfit for general education, with vocational schools seen as a derogatory so nobody goes here.

There is also a terrible inequality by regions. A guy from Paris, Reims or a banlieue will have drastically different levels.

>claims to not be a brainlet
>not already wealthy

How do you explain this?

>he fell for the material wealth meme

Is France that bad? Going to apply to a uni there (Non-EU)


>one shot at life
>born into abusive broken family, years of homelessness
>mental issues, no social, financial, or monetary support
>get two science degrees at small state school, but low GPA
>still heavily interested in science, still learning things on EdX
Can a man escape his fate and conditioning?

>one shot at life

unproven assertion

Entropy goes in one direction

the only thing that keeps you as a brainlet is your repeated obsession with telling yourself you are a brainlet.

Not in a single generation.

Yes it is, if you are a brainlet, since you won't be able to put a bullet up your brain to ease the pain.

Otherwise it's ok I guess, if you go to a uni near Paris (else it's probably brainlet tier)

This desu, haven't browsed Veeky Forums at all in my time on site and I thought it'd be more rational than others but it seems to be the same meme spouting feels bullshit as every other board, only this time it's used as a cover for laziness by blaming failings on some abritrary number from some shitty online test.

>he brings up the material meme because he wants slaves making money for him picking up cotton then says the first thing his feeble brain is able to come up with to justify the major flaw in his argument

yep, another brainlet. God this board is shit.

>>And after coming to terms with this I realized, why aren't brainlets simply put into slavery? Why don't I have a brainlet do forced labor to make me money so that I can focus more on mathematics and ignore things like finances and work?
>implying that they are not
It may not be literal slavery but it's very close, brainlets do literally everything that doesn't require thinking and the best part is that it's their own choice. It's funny that you make fun of brainlets yet don't realize such a simple truth.

Who has the time to make things like this?

>t. genius

Damn, how does it feel not being able to talk to women? or read social cues? Or not being like by anybody?

I mean if you genuinely enjoy proving theorems, and it's not just an excuse your simultaneously autistic and retarded brain made up just so you would have a purpose/something to stop you from killing yourself, then cool man, props to you.

I'll be here having sex with women and enjoying life with my masters in biotechnology and chemical engineering

Make the best of what you have and not the worst of what you don't.

>And I get confused

Not brainlet and going to a top 3 grande école

I would readily become your slave, pal, in exchange for some permanent stay visa in your glorious first world country and some humble allowance (3-4k euros/$ would suffice, I guess). For such extremely smart and capable master such a bit of money will be a trifle matter, won't it?

>eating up copypasta
The number of genuine replies, wow

No wonder most Veeky Forums posters finished or are going to college, swallowing indoctrination without further question out of the fear of being perceived as foolish

>I was too dumb to take a test: The User

I've never completed a college program, I've been dropped from colleges 3 times already. Am I a genius born ahead of its time, of sort?

there is not brainlet unless you have actual down syndrome. lots of hard work will go a long way. the goal of science, math, art, philosophy, religion, love and all noble human things are to create unique and wondrous things and bring purity and goodness into our world

good answer

No I want to be dead

the fucking irony

sounds familiar

France is like the Mecca. Period.


I'm at a loss for words at such a beautiful example of someone who did all the worst choices in life he possibly could.

Kek, keep telling yourself that.

I understand social cues. When people say hi to me while I'm thinking it's a cue that they're worthless brainlets

But you ARE studying pure mathematics, and that makes you a brainlet yourself.

Do you ever wonder why you have the right to get an education? Do you ever think about why the society allowed those with intellect, including those of mediocre intellect like yourself, to live a safe and happy life?

Have you ever wondered what allowed us to move beyond the hunter gatherer society, where the only thing that mattered was pure strength and brawling ability, into a world which rewards intelligence and allows autists like you to survive?

Engineering. Applied mathematics. Computer science. None of that pure bullshit with 0 utility.

You sit here wondering why there are brainlets drawing flowers and learning chemical structures (FUCKING LOL) but never ponder why people who study literally useless bullshit are alongside them?

Lemme make it clear for you: it is because you are on their level. You will never be useful. You will never invent the heart pump, or the starships which will take our civilization to other solar systems. You will never manage to realize the currently distant dream of quantum computers. You are but a worthless speck in an indifferent universe, a universe which belongs to us.

So sit the fuck down and bow to your masters, because while pathetic waste of space like yourself fantasizes about non-existent fairytale-teir bullshit we make the system run.