Alright guys. So I started learning to code a while ago. I am still learning. However...

Alright guys. So I started learning to code a while ago. I am still learning. However, one of the things that impedes me is the inability to find something beyond all these "intro" courses that are virtually everywhere. Everywhere I go I see "intro to C++," "intro to SQL," intro to Java."

Here's a question: Are there any online courses that provide with something beyond introductory knowledge? Or is there anything else that can be done?


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back in my day we had no intro courses, no tutorials, no online resources
I had to sit at my computer for hours on end every day for years dicking around with a compiler and a text editor until I learned it all on my own

my suggestion to you though, would be to come up with a piece of software to make, and then start making it
when you get stuck, try to look up how to solve the issue you have
some ideas
a video game, a program that analyzes a few months of stock data, an instant messaging program

It depends on your language. Most "advanced" things are specific to the language they are in, taking advantage of the specific things that it can do efficiently/easily.

>he thinks he can breeze past the intro/beginner stage in a couple of days

>Here's a question: Are there any online courses that provide with something beyond introductory knowledge? Or is there anything else that can be done?
Plenty, but they are not called "intermediate programming". Rather, they are introductions to doing particular things with programming: introduction to OOP, introduction to network programming, introduction to user interfaces, introduction to algorithms, that sort of thing.

You're doing it wrong. You don't take courses for specific languages, that's something you bullshit on your resume and learn on the fly. Instead you should be taking conceptual courses. Start with basic software development, then branch off to whatever strikes your fancy - AI, data processing, graphical, whatever. Beyond the intro level no one cares what languages you know, just how well you can apply them to the task at hand.

>Are there any online courses that provide with something beyond introductory knowledge?
Here is the thing OP.
1. Most people never make it past the intro stuff, so anyone who wants to make money just makes "intro" stuff.

2. Every programming language has an official manual usually made by the people who made the language. That is the best learning resource.

3. Advanced programming tutorials will never call themselves that.
They will just say what it is they do. Like "how to X library with C++".

4. tl;dr cplusplus dot com is what you are looking for.

But why are they all "introductions"? I mean, it just doesn't make sense to me. So it's like, you've been "introduced," now get the hell out of there and do your shit we don't care in what way? Maybe I don't understand something...

>So it's like, you've been "introduced," now get the hell out of there and do your shit we don't care in what way?
That's pretty much how education works, regardless of field. Open any grad school course catalog and you'll notice that half of the classes start with "intro to"

The idea is to teach you just enough to be able to start figuring stuff out on your own

>1. Most people never make it past the intro stuff, so anyone who wants to make money just makes "intro" stuff.

Programming is not as complicated as people think it is. It's just tedious and repetitive.
Yes, it really is get the hell out and go make something we have nothing more to teach you.

This. For better or worse, even very high-level, obscure, specialized textbooks are generally called things like "introduction to western European cryptographic transdimensional rocket surgery".

If only there were educational programs that provided in-depth as well as broad coverage of a certain concentration

Actually, now I am starting to get you all. Hmmhh...

>Programming is not as complicated as people think it is. It's just tedious and repetitive.
Well, I love tedious and repetitive things, that's one of the reasons why I started learning to code. It's that at this point, I know several things, but don't really have ideas as to how to start, where and what to apply, and so on.

>but don't really have ideas as to how to start, where and what to apply, and so on.
Then why are you learning to code?

Codeing works like this:
Want to make thing.
Learn the basics.
Learn the particulars for specific thing you want to make.
Make thing new thing.
Learn the particulars specific to new thing.
Make new thing.

>but don't really have ideas as to how to start
refer to the first response in the thread

Ok. Thank you, anons. Will do.

Here are some "beyond intro" stuff for OOP (like Java):

-OOP: Classes/Objects
-Super Constructors
-Virtual Methods
-Abstract Data Types (List, Map, Set)
-Implementations of ADT (ArrayList, LinkedList, Hashmap etc)
-Exception Handling

There is more, but this will keep you busy for a few months if you actually went through with it (which you won't).

Excellent guide for the up and coming EnterpriseĀ© Pajeetā„¢ preparing for his H-1B visa test.

What is it that you want to learn?
Peter van Roy "Concepts, Techniques and Models of Computer Programming" may be a good book for you.


Just try to build shit. If you get stuck then look up how to do the specific thing you're trying to do to and see if/how other people have done it. This is probably the best way to learn if you want to actually be able to build stuff.

Guess I will have to Google to find some ideas for how to start building something, because currently I don't have any. I know several languages, but I don't know what to do with them. I'll try to make a program or something.

Read though it all. When you are done start doing some projects. When you encounter something you don't understand or you don't know how to do just look it up

Thank you so much, user.