Why is the Veeky Forums mod such a fucking pussy?

Why is the Veeky Forums mod such a fucking pussy?

claims no political posts, but check the thread; political posts are allowed but it's all one-sided

if you don't like free speech, go to reddit, fucking pussy

and political posts are relevant to the climate change debate, since that's how policy is set

furthermore, posts that weren't even political were deleted by fag mod, because they went against his snowflake ideology, fucking coward

>implying sci has a mod

whoever the fuck it is is a bitch, and so are the faggot pussies who reported the posts


Note that all the banned posts were ones that did
>bold proposition
With the exclusion of the (2nd to last post)
>random bold proposition that belongs on a politics board

The one allowed post there is
>actual question

So maybe if you opened a thread saying a neutral question like "so why is this image wrong?" or "shouldn't we be able to see some amount of curvature? I get the earth is large, but that doesn't necessarily prove it" instead of "spherecucks btfo, only an idiot would believe NASA" or "climate change is a jewish trick", you wouldn't get deleted/banned.

insults get you banned on Veeky Forums now? do you realize how fucking hypocritical that is? you're full of shit, making excuses to justify censorship of ideas you don't agree with politically

how ironic

that thread is full of political posts by people on your side

and you even admitted not every post deleted deserved to be deleted. the last post wasn't a "bold proposition" either, whatever the fuck that means. are "bold propositions" now illegal too on this board? 'fuck outta here

selective reasoning hypocrisy

quit being fucking cowards

>flat Earth
Good. Go the fuck back.

>insults get you banned?
No, blatant shitposts that provide nothing to any conversation get banned.

We have these same threads every day "earth is flat please respond" "(anything at all to do with Antarctica)" "earth is hollow and Hitler escaped to new Swabia to live inside the earth". These threasd never go anywhere because all evidence is denied, and all anyone ever sees is "No, X is a lie" or "No, (((((((((((((((they)))))))))))))))) are liars".

There's literally no point to making the thread if you've already 100% made your mind up and will insult anyone who opposes you.

Actually, I'm the user who posted

I was wrong to have posted it, and was fairly warned. I even apologized.

I understand your frustration (it can seem a little one sided sometimes) , but the Mods just like the rest of us and isn't perfect. In my case I feel it was totally justified. I was asking for it. My two cents.

Nobody here's a coward. If I put on mosquito repellent because I find the bugs annoying, it's not because I'm terrified of mosquitoes, it's because they're a nuisance. Kind of like how nobody's afraid of that horse cartoon, but it's banned.

Deal with it.

To be honest this board is the only place where you can get decent political discussion on Veeky Forums because /pol/ has turned into a goddamn mess after the election and all the newfags started showing up. The threads are either garbage or they don't relate to politics at all.

if you don't like the moderation here go back to r3ddit


Sometimes I look through the archive and wonder if /pol/ was always this bad, and I just didn't notice it back then. There's more shitposting and less discussion, but not by much.

most the deleted posts had nothing to do with flat earth

keep reading

>question begging

they weren't shitposts. some of them were relevant to the debate itself, some of them were relevant to the topic. they were nearly all posts against the liberal reddit orthodoxy tho, and you pussies had no counter-response, so you fucking pussy hypocrites decided to report and delete instead

literally #DENIAL

go stick your head in the sand, ww3 is still coming

it's one-sided because there were a ton of bullshit posts that, by teh same mod logic, should have been deleted, but aren't

I'm saying, be consistent and be honest. I don't mind rules if they are fair and not simply politically opportunistic because some fag got his feewings hurt and can't make a counter-argument

so run to mommy and report post

fucking cowards

wow so scientific, so mathematical

and yet, see above. hypocrite fuck

>and you pussies had no counter-response, so you fucking pussy hypocrites decided to report and delete instead
>so run to mommy and report post

You realize they actually look at the thread itself, right? It's not like downvoting on reddit.

I'm not a hypocrite. I don't support the specifics of the mod's actions, but I do support banning people who participate in political shitpost threads.

He should've banned everyone. Oh well. C'est la vie!


this is reddit-tier moderation

no u


and yet, posts stay up from the other side for all the various reasons cited

and an entire post stays up doing the same

it's nothing but hypocrisy, denial, and being a fucking pussy

deal with it

you're not a hypocrite but the people reporting only posts they disagree with are. the mods deleting them are. and it is one-sided. i would prefer it to be consistent, yes, that would be an improvement to this; but on balance I'd prefer free speech over heavy-handedness regardless

goodnight Veeky Forums, I gotta run

Veeky Forums isn't a community, it's a bathroom wall. Anyone who comes here for anything else is retarded. Especially OP

Good riddance. In case you STILL somehow haven't got the message yet, fuck off you're not wanted here.

But I doubt you will ever understand

You aren't wanted here

Go back to /pol/

Is there any way I can make this clearer for you?

>m-muh reddit!

/pol/ has been reddit central since the /r/the_dond shutdown
If you want to experience reddit, why don't you go meet your pals over there