If the production of antiretrovirals was halted now, the west be HIV free in 10 years.
Give me one good reason to keep making these drugs that sustain degenerate faggots that can pass this shit on.
Hardmode: No using financial gains as argument
If the production of antiretrovirals was halted now, the west be HIV free in 10 years.
Give me one good reason to keep making these drugs that sustain degenerate faggots that can pass this shit on.
Hardmode: No using financial gains as argument
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Get a petiton going, I'll sign, we should make sure this virus doesn't further evolve.
> If the production of antiretrovirals was halted now, the west be HIV free in 10 years.
That's simply not true. In the time it takes for people to develop AIDS and then the opportunistic diseases that they will actually die from, they can easily pass HIV on to a new person. Bear in mind, HIV didn't have any problems spreading and enduring for decades in places that have only begun to see widespread distribution of antiretrovirals in recent years. Your claim is refuted by actual empirical evidence.
Besides, if we applied your argument, that we shouldn't treat diseases because that way their carriers will die, more generally, you're basically calling for the abolition of modern medicine. And just like with HIV, it wouldn't even work. Disease had no problem spreading and enduring prior to the advent of modern medicine.
Your entire argument is nothing but pointlessly edgy nonsense based on an incorrect understanding of how diseases spread. Beyond that, it is clearly not actually based on any sort of scientific understanding of the problem but rather a desire to see "degenerate faggots," as you call them, die
Get educated
A youtube video about bugchasers is the basis of your argument for the abolition of modern medicine?
>Using slippery slope fallacy
I said for HIV, it's just like Type 2 diabetes, you don't get this shit if you live like a decent human being. People that are so awfully retarded that they get these ilnesses should be clhorinated from the gene pool, or at the very least never get an insurance. Eurofag here, where health insurance is normal.
Oh fuck off you bio-hazard.
> you don't get this shit if you live like a decent human being
> People that are so awfully retarded that they get these ilnesses should be clhorinated from the gene pool
Since you are clearly not a "decent human being," I say we start by eliminating you.
But user raised a fair point. The retarded one here is you.
The only point he's raised is the same old "I want everyone I disapprove of to die" argument that we've heard a thousand times before. So you think people who get HIV deserve to die. So what? Why should we care if the existence of gay people hurts your feelings?
>implying all gay people are stupid enough to get HIV
> user raised a fair point
> youtube video
Next you'll be telling us that /pol/'s infographics conclusively prove that vaccines cause autism or that chemtrails are part of a government mind control plot.
OP clearly states that he wants "degenerate faggots" to die. No implication necessary, he's already made it clear that this is rooted in his hatred of gay people, not any actual science. As has been pointed out, simply stopping production of antiretrovirals won't eliminate HIV simply because disease doesn't work that way. Even untreated lethal diseases can still spread and remain present in a population.
Just like Ebola and Yersinia Pestis i assume?
Ebola kills you so quickly that it can't spread. HIV does not do this.
Yes. Both still exist. Plague still pops up occasionally, the reason why it isn't as much of a problem in the modern world is precisely because we can and do treat it when it does, so it doesn't turn into an epidemic anymore. And Ebola still exists, it just isn't as much of an emergency right now as it was in 2013 to 2016. Again, because we actually try to treat it instead of just standing back and saying "oh, all those people deserve to die, they wouldn't have gotten sick otherwise."
> plague
> still pops up occasionally
but you can catch Ebola or Plague by being a normal human that possesses common sense. By your logic chain smokers should get Oncology insured, even if they never made an effort to stop their faulty behavior.
Yes, it does.
Niggers still do Plague, but it's hard to spot on them I suppose : ^)
> cdc
Interesting, I didn't know that.
> I found this illness that only people I think I despise will catch
> Well let's just get rid of them suckers
You are a poor human being.
>i'll deny scientific facts while posting pictures of trump so people on Veeky Forums will hate those meanie drumftards
you're transparent as fuck mate
Considering the only source you've provided is a youtube video, I'll stick with the CDC.
>"I want everyone I disapprove of to die"
>Let's start by killing you
Hypocritical faggot
>You are a poor human being.
>Implying there is any code to live by to be a "good human being" from a secular standpoint
>Implying people are "poor humans" for disagreeing with your very modern code of ethics
Neck urself fag-boy
t. Poor Human Being
Lots of people contracted HIV without doing anything wrong, e.g. by having their partner cheat on them or getting poked by some random contaminated needle on the ground.
> or getting poked by some random contaminated needle on the ground.
That's a farfetched hypothetical. I'm willing to bet that there are very few people who get HIV without doing something disgusting. A handful of blameless but extremely unlucky casualties is an acceptable tradeoff in exchange for eliminating the worst elements of society.
You genuinely believe that the majority or even 0.0001% of the population willingly and intentionally seek to get HIV?
You are deluded..
also back to with your hateful b8
That's not how epidemiology works.
> laughing_girls.gif
This image is perfect. Politicians can't just do all da science stuff. They just do whatever lines their pockets, like any other reasonable human being.
They can't take bribes if they're not in office though.
About 3% of people in the US are faggots and another 8% are drug users. So call that 10% of the population engaged in degenerate behavior that is known to lead to HIV infection yet they willingly do it anyway. That's a massive anchor around the neck of the country, and no one has been able to give a good reason why the rest of us should have to bear the burden of keeping these scum alive.
Donate some cash and fuckoff back to en.wikipedia.org
Why should I have to pay money to get drug addicts sterilized when simply letting them die is free? He'll we'd save money if we just stopped treating them and let them face the consequences of their own willful stupidity.
>all drug use is through needle
>all needle drug use is shared needles
>all homosexuals are promiscuous
The homeless population around here likes to dump their used syringes in public parks where children play. A curious toddler only has to pick up a needle and poke themselves once in order to have HIV for the rest of their life.
>it's just like type 2 diabetes
Now hol up
Not all type 2 diabetes patients are fat fucks; some just were unlucky to have gotten them even though their lifestyle isn't poor
Opie, GAY sex doesn't correlate to AIDS nearly as much as unprotected, promiscuous sex with strangers does.
Are you in favor of monogamous gay sex, but opposed to the swinging-dick hetro lifestyle?
...I didn't think so.
The same applies to HIV of course, there are many cases of women and children out there who got it because the husband decided it would be a great idea to get rogered without protection in the local cruising spot's bathroom without telling his wife. Never mind all the rape victims.
> all homosexuals are promiscuous
While the first two are mistaken, this is objectively true. Just look at the stats in terms of how long the average homosexual sticks with a single partner.
That can be solved easily by rounding up and eliminating the homeless population.
We should castrat these fags but them in separate areas and wait until they all die
>We should castrat these fags but them in separate areas and wait until they all die
Which, gay people, or Pence supporters?
> implying anyone cares about Pence
Pence isn't the one spreading disease and demanding special privileges to do so.
You know that getting poked with a HIV infected needle only has a 1 in 200 chance of transmission? This is poking, not injecting.
Wouldn't the virality of these needles drop sharply with time too?
We eradicated smallpox, why not do the same for HIV? Things were better in the olden days, when utilitarianism ruled over individualism.
We eradicated smallpox by vaccinating everyone against it. We don't have a working vaccine against HIV yet. This isn't an issue of utilitarianism versus individualism, it's an issue of not having the technology right now.
Ah yes, I remember the time when smallpox was eradicated by mass slaughter, rather than vaccination.
Holy shit, I thought this was supposed to be one of the smarter boards on Veeky Forums, rather than retards saying 10-dollar words that they don't understand constantly.
No you fucking idiots, it was eradicated by confining the infected to quarantine so they couldn't spread it to anyone else. But no, that's apparently to harsh for shitlibs these days. Instead we have to let faggots run around a spread diseases everyone or else we're "homophobic."
And how did we effectively quarantine them? With a working smallpox vaccine, you salp.
You don't need a HIV vaccine if you just isolate all the infected and leave them there until they die. The problem is that the country has become too weak willed to stomach doing anything that might actually be effective because it might be politically incorrect.
>using the ignoring empirical evidence fallacy
Your claim was proven false in the second reply. Why are you still here?
we should definitely start by executing all fat people, followed by all skinny-fat people, followed by everyone under 6ft, followed by all people without strong jawlines, followed by all women who meet these requirements, then we can exterminate the remainder with low intelligence and low education, at the end we will have a utopia free of the ugly, weak, stupid, and women. Truly the world envisioned by /pol/
So we should take people with an infectious disease and forcibly quarantine them en masse without treatment or aid
News flash we don't live in the dark ages
Let's not treat illness at all. Let's just kill everyone thats looks at me funny.
>retarded polfags ban medicine for anything they deem degenerate
>massive illegal black market in medicine emerges
>whites usually obey the law, so mainly spics, niggers and pajeets get massive money
>nobody wants to see a white doctor anymore, because he might kill you if he deems you degenerate
the fastest way to kill the white race is by executing pols ideas
I'm literally gay and have been married to my husband for 7 years
>my husband
Don't you mean, "my partner"? A man cannot have a husband.
Look, this post is a little too delusional. I'm going to prescribe some drugs to permanently shut down your testicles, so you can't harm anyone else.
It's okay, when I'm wearing a skirt, I'm a girl
It's simple, we just kill all non-whites.
You might as well delete Veeky Forums and move everyone over to /pol/. 90% of the threads that get posted here are /pol/shit.
>Bear in mind, HIV didn't have any problems spreading and enduring for decades in places that have only begun to see widespread distribution of antiretrovirals in recent years.
We really don't know that. In fact evidence suggests that HIV is becoming milder over time, due to evolution - any disease that kills it's host too quickly won't spread that well (RIP Ebola Chan PBUH).
We actually have lots of old retroviruses stored in our DNA.
/pol/ nonsense. Read about hiv research and you will find out why antiretrovirals are so important
>hint: treatment as prevention
Just to explain what I meant, HIV like viruses have undoubtedly cropped up multiple times in the past, but extinguished their host populations so quickly that they failed to pass on. HIV was probably on the verge of dying out when globalisation opened up whatever community of Africans it came from to the receptive anuses of the wider world.
Yeah, why is /pol/ bullshit and their 1900s pseudoscience posted on a science board?
Because they're retarded monkeys that think they're always right, and that they have scientific basis for their pointlessly edgy contrarian ideals. They then come here with their pseudoscience """facts""" from YouTube or hilariously artifacted .jpg infographics attempting to "redpill" people here. They spread their garbage to every board because everyone needs to get redpilled and join their circlejerk.
>In fact evidence suggests
I take it you have some good sources to back that claim up.
what is undetectable?
ITT brainletz
>making these drugs that sustain degenerate faggots that can pass this shit on
So, if you are a paramedic and catch it while helping some bleeding HIV+ person you are a degenerate and you should die or if your mother transmits it to you during childbirth the same.
The key feature of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance, which is mainly genetic. Do you actually know something about phisiopathology or you're just some edgy retarded who saw a couple of YouTube videos?
Wasn't type 1 diabetes the like, ''bad luck'' type and type 2 diabetes the fatty that can't eat normally type?
> if your mother transmits it to you during childbirth the same.
If your mother was a disgusting enough person to catch it, chances are you are as well and the gene pool is better off without you.
I'm sure all professional acting paramedics splatter and roll around in the blood of their patients.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder.
Type 2 diabetes is multifactorial with a very strong genetic component. If you're fat you're at greater risk of developing it, but you can be fat and not diabetic and vice versa.
I c, how far away are we from methylating the responsible genes via epigenetics to fix this shit?
>Accidents don't happen
It's literally the first thing that pops up in google you goddam clown.
It's the same progression almost all transmittable diseases go through as well.
Catcha is as dumb as you.
describe to me your parents, what do they do
if you believe only people who deserve it will catch aids, then why do you care if the disease exists or not ?
>No source
Gee who'd a thought it.
>stand aside plebs
>I don't know shit about biology, genetics or medicine
>respect my opinion!
>the country has become too weak willed to stomach doing anything that might actually be effective
A Brave New World when?
Virulence is dropping, but seems to be only as a response to anti-retrovirals preferentially targeting the more virulent strains.
I doubt there are any untreated populations to study today, but it looks like virulence is actually increasing in Europe, and falling in Sub-Saharan Africa. I'm guessing different host populations.
AIDS clinics didn't do fuck all to reduce prevalence of HIV. It takes too long to incubate and people are too retarded to go in for testing when they should.
All you're proposing is going back into the 90's because muh social darwinism!!!!!!!!!!! MUH SOCIAL DARWINISM!!!! CULL THE WEEAAAKKKK
Cull yourself first bitch.
Now-a-days, so I've heard, aids can be treated to the point that it's no longer even technically aids anymore. AIDs is a progressed form of HIV, it's the amounts of the virus in your blood that causes effects. With the right antiviral it's just a very small virus in ones blood.
So I've heard
That's pretty neat. But it also contradicts OP and the other guy right in the abstract:
>Modelling studies indicate that increasing antiretroviral therapy access may also contribute to accelerated declines in HIV virulence over the coming decades.
yeah, about virulence, what are the odds of infection if I stab somebody?
Eurofag here, so pepperspray to stun and knife to kill is the best I can do for personal defense.
Not very high, I got tested for AIDs, and was fine. It was very scary but necessary, thing about AIDs or whatever, is that if you don't get treated your immune system will start acting up, so you end up figuring it out one way or another
>yeah, about virulence, what are the odds of infection if I stab somebody?
Uncut skin is more or less AIDS proof. Even with penises and vaginas transmission rates are low- most AIDS is transmitted rectally because you have dendritic immune cells there that pull the poz right out of your boyfriends semen and straight into your immune system. Also people sharing needles without even disinfecting them first, which is just stupid really.
If you have contact with someone with HIV/AIDS you can usually avoid infection by getting on retrovirals ASAP for a few months. When you get pozzed you notice it as fatigue and a fever and maybe a rash within the first two months.
But are stabbing weapons a biohazard to the person who is using them?
Yes, people accidentally cut themselves with knives all the time, which is a biohazerd in the fact it's an open wound
Be careful out there son.
My fingers are all covered in small cuts because I like to play with the thing. I suppose I stop now as I'm apperently bad at it.
I know, but it's just too therapeutic.
I've managed to get by without having to use GPS, I guess I'm just lucky