Biology majors consider themselves scientists

>biology majors consider themselves scientists
>as an art major, I use more math and anatomy than they do on a daily basis

haha you will draw erotic ponies for a living

>muh golden meme

>I use more math and anatomy than they do on a daily basis

depends on the field of biology. In some fields like taxonomy they use a lot of math

haha funny

No, this is golden meme.

I unironically already do.



Math is the highest form of art.
Hierarchy of art:
Visual art

power gap

video games

get out of here with your STEAM nonsense

>television above video games


>Baby tier superficial anatomy

>Baiting on the science section of a burmese theatre internet magazine

Fuck you, #TeamRinda

You put the power gap one too low.

Video games should exist just below Literature.

what is wrong with biology i thought it was a good major.

Shit math courses

how do i get good math courses even thou i am a biology

Self study or math minor.

Too bad your taste is shit
Nice zeros at least

>Look, I used basic geometry and look at peoples bodies! I am totally a scientist
Keking @ this burger flipper.

>Above videogames and comic books
I want this pleb and normalfag to be gone.

You can draw fruit flies masturbating, but I can harvest their proteins in E. coli.

>biologists focus on real anatomy structures and abide to the law of physics
>art majors use over-sized, augmented breasts on small women’s bodies that can’t support the weight, but somehow break physics.

>Cinema considered as art
Fucking lol'd