Why isn't there a vaccaine for acne? Surely this would be a billion dollar industry

Why isn't there a vaccaine for acne? Surely this would be a billion dollar industry

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Because most forms of acne are mostly caused by genetics and by hormones as a side effect of puberty. It's caused by your body, not by a virus or specific bacteria strain.

Unless you want to fuck with your genetics or interfere with your natural puberty process, then you can only treat the symptoms not the cause.

>Why isn't there a vaccaine for acne?
The cure is for them to NOT put crap in their mouth.
> Surely this would be a billion dollar industry
It's likely it has been/is.

There is a cure.

It's called Accutane and it saved me.

I am, hands down, the healthiest person in my family and I got fucked by acne. I'd say the main cause is stress and absolutely nothing worked for my skin I just had to stop caring about literally anything and everything

wash your damn face.

drink lots of water.

exercise and sweat a lot.

stop touching your face

It's genetic, there's virtually nothing you can do but reduce it while you have it. I use a mild cleanser, a mousziter with sunscreen and a special exfoliating cream to manage my acne and it works pretty well. Luckily most of it is gone now and I plan to get a derma pen or laser treatment to treat the scarring.

the key is to turn the water to ice cold for the last minute of your shower. let it run on your face and seal your pores before you step out. dry with a clean towel and apply lotion to avoid overproduction of oil.

took me 15 years of acne to figure this out.

Acne is caused by a bacterium:


Genetics and hormones might influence susceptibility, but the ultimate cause is microbial

Healthy diet and cannabis.