Does hot water have calories
Does hot water have calories
Hot water has soul.
fuck off to /x/, I'm expecting a real answer
It has kinetic energy, not chemical energy. Heat is just motion of molecules.
The body responds to hot water with an internal cooling response.
This response is hormonal, and the amount of energy used to initiate the response can be measured in calories, however ridiculous that measurement may end up being.
Also, the fact that molecules have bonds inherently gives them energy, which can also be measured in calories.
However, no significant amount of net energy will be able to be derived from water, so fuck off with your shitty thread
The heat could possibly save additional calories from getting burned to maintain core body temperature, thus a net gain positive after consumption.
A calorie is just 4,186J but it only has energy relative to other things. Hot water can give off calories to colder water but absorb calories from warmer water. It could also be dropped from a height and transfer some of those kinetic calories to a turban or something.
I'm talking specifically about what happens when you drink hot water, does your body get any energy/calories from that? Or it's the same thing as cold water (0 calories)
Your body does not derive any energy from h2o. Nor does the temperature of any molecule affect whether or not the over all energy storage process changes.
You might as well have asked
>lmao does hot pizza have more calories than cold pizza?
The only time water has calories is if there's anything besides h2o, but arguably that's a solution.
>inb4 OP turns out to be one of those faggots who thinks drinking distilled water isnt a bad idea
No, but cold water would consume more calories since your body has to warm it up.
Stop worrying, OP. You won't get fat from stayig hydrated. It's just the lack of excercise ad obundance of food that makes you fat.
Calories are a measure for heat energy, but actually it's not about the heat energy of the thing itself, but the heat energy your body produces when it processes the thing.
When you eat pizza, you digest it like a car does fuel, and you get heat.
You might as well ask if you can put hot water in your car's gas tank
>You might as well ask if you can put hot water in your car's gas tank
You kind of can though, it just won't drink it
If its warm outside it will raise body temperature too high, then the body will burn calories to try and lower body temperature.
It really doesnt matter.
>lmao does hot pizza have more calories than cold pizza?
isn't that sort of true, though? By eating a cold pizza, you will use your body-warmth to heat it up, meaning you will have to spend some more calories to increase your body temperature again
It's probably a minimal amount of calories instantly granted to your body. Compare it to a pop-tart that gives you much more energy, just over a far longer time.
You can see this difference very well during a winter hike with minimal clothing on.
Its a really neat question tho OP.
^___^ cheers!
It is true.
But the calorie difference is minimal.
Since water is pizza. When you eat pizza you gain energy, therefore water makes you fat.
It's a measure for energy period.
Not all water is pizza, but all pizza is water