WHY do you want to advance science?
Do you even know WHY or are you just a machine following orders from your environment?
WHY do you want to advance science?
Curiosity, There's so much we don't know. Finding out what that is gives us meaning.
I want a sense of accomplishment in the only thing that I might be able to do something real in because I'm terrible at everything else.
Yeah this.
I have been intenesely curious about how everything works since I was a child.
I can't wrap my brain around the idea of people who lack curiosity.
Something to do in the interim before my death
Why not?
But WHY are you curious?
Because that's how my brain is wired presumably.
I'm just in it because I like it, mostly the problem solving aspect. I'm not particularly curious about the world and I don't care about advancing science, it's just a hell of a lot better than say, economics or something.
Why is it wired that way?
I used to like it in middle school. Now i'm in it because of the sunk cost.
That's what we're trying to figure out.
I'm a.) curious and b.) want a better world
You see a door.
Only you can see this door.
Behind it exists the means to fundamentally change the world forever.
If left alone, nobody would ever believe you when you say there was a door, but if opened, you will forever be remembered as the man who opened the door.
Name one good reason to leave this door unopened.
EVERYBODY is just a machine taking orders from their environment.
These, and I believe that the universe is completely meaningless, especially everything within it. There is no "real" meaning or point to anything. As semi-distinct points of view and semi-individual entities; you have to make meaning for yourself. Sure, logically in the back of your mind you know it's meaningless. But you have to find something to do with your bleak, irrelevant and very very short existence.
Why not do something that has significant impact on the world? In our reality I see three options for a human being; be aggressively hedonistic, lazy and apathetic, create meaning for yourself from the nothingness or simply kill yourself.
Evolution. A certain degree of curiosity can provide a survival advantage.
I'll be honest OP. I used to hide behind the 'ideal' that I did it because I wanted a better future for the whole of humanity and that shit. It's actually just because I like it and if I were to be offered a job working on the development of some sort of very lethal weapon on the premise that the science behind it is absolutely interesting and new, I'd probably accept the position.
>WHY do you want to advance science?
They want to save everyone (have POWER, so they're not afraid), and they believe more tech and science is the answer.
>Do you even know WHY or are you just a machine following orders from your environment?
Nice jab. All of us are indoctrinated, to some degree. Culture, society, religion, etc. They are, of course, following orders. Most here are programmed and cannot see beyond the "limited" world they've been taught they ought to believe.
Science is cool
>WHY do you want to advance science?
How much can one person advance science anyways nowadays?
The only reason to get into science is if you enjoy it. Curiosity or problem solving or whatever. Advancements are slow and uncertain.
Because advancing technology is the one and only acceptable fate. Reach a state close to utopia, explore the space, and try to find out how this weird fuckery known as the universe/existence appeared.
If we don't advance technology, the most positive and logical thing to do for out species is extinction. Self awarness and sapience is a curse. Objectively speaking, the collective human experience always consisted of more suffering than happiness. It's not worth it
But of course you don't actually care about arguments and rational thinking, you are either the shill that's been pushing the shilling campaign with vaccines, flat earth, etc to make us look like dumb faggots or a mouth breathing retard.
Fuck off, the white man will ascend to the stars or we will die trying
this desu, I didn't choose to have an interest in science. I just wish to know how complex things work, not because I need to but just to satisfy myself.
Also I was born with a fairly above average intelligence, people born with good looks make use of their looks to progress in life, why shouldn't I take advantage of my intelligence and go a path that favors that?
It's fun.
Grad school will show you all the crazy shit you can do with science and if you are meant to be there, you will become damn near obsessed with learning more.
>Open the door for yourself
>Use the means behind the door
>Enslave human race
>Give them advanced tools to build pyramids
>They do not even know for what the pyramids are for
>Rutine alien check on heart
>Some faggot enslaved the human race
>Time to wipe the earth again
>Seed new humans
>Rise and repeat
I decided what I was going to do with my life when I was 6 and I'm not changing the plan.