Potassium in Bananas

I was bored and my friend asked me how many ways I could think of dying, and after a while I thought about something I heard, that bananas are radioactive (potassium). I did some research and couldn't find an exact result for how many bananas it'd take so I thought up a formula

"lethal = 2.5g/kg (50% weighing 75kg) aka 190 grams | 358mg to gram = 0.358g | 2.5 / 0.358 = 6.98324022346 (bananas)"

This is following multiple sources on how much potassium it'd take to be lethal, then I just added how much potassium is in one banana to the equation and I got 6.9 bananas per kg of how much you weigh
eg) 50kg x 6.9 = 345 bananas you'd have to eat in one sitting to kill you.

If I'm wrong, correct me please.


eating 345 bananas in one go wouldn't be healthy

Yes but it depends on your weight whether or not it would kill you.

i'd wager eating 345 of any fruit would be quite harmful, assuming you don't just throw it up

You need to figure out how to take into account potassium's decay and whether you can still kill yourself with chronic banana intake.

What do you mean?

Pretty sure in order to kill yourself from bananas. You''d need to eat around 350 - 400 bananas all at once to completely overwhelm your liver and your whole digestive system which is physically impossible. It is virtually impossible to die from most fruits. Most of the nutrients are just lost through waste and only the adequate amount stay in your body to be absorbed.

Aye, I don't think many bananas can actually fit inside of you but what I'm trying to figure out is the amount of bananas you would have to eat (for your weight) to overdose on potassium (in one or two sittings).

You would be completely stuffed by banana 50 at best, there's no way anyone could eat 350 bananas in one sitting.

Yes but theoretically, weight(kg) x 6.9 = amount of bananas you would have to consume to die from too much potassium

Geologist here. The radiation in potassium 40 is relatively benign. The half life of potassium 40 is about 1.2 billion years. There is literally potassium 40 all around you from the moment you're born to the day you die. It's primary source is potassium feldspar which is in 90% of all the granite on Earth. Our bodies are built to withstand the low levels of radiation in it.

It would take a whole hell of a lot more bananas than 350 to kill you. It would take on the order of a billion or more.

>ayy Veeky Forums I've just figured out that eating 34.5kg of in a single sitting might be bad for you

>triple double confirms anons post

Good to know, thank you.

You do know that it's potassium ions that's in bananas, not simply potassium, right? If it were the latter, bananas would be explosive.

>t. potassium salts

You're saying we have a resistance to radiation right? If so, how resistant are we radiation?


Does that matter?

What percentage of nutrients and such are lost through digestion?

Not for the radioactivity, but I thought it something you should know in case you wanted to research the properties exactly what was causing it (i.e., the salt as opposed to the element).

paleofag here, can confirm

funfact: granite countertops have measurable levels of radioactivity because of their Kspar content

So that means a newborn weighing 2.5 kg would need to eat 17.25 bananas to OD. I doubt this is possible though. I wonder if there is an optimal weight that is low enough for the amount of bananas eaten to be feasible for that age/body size. You would have to have someone extremely skinny but with a massive metabolism to pull it off. I nominate Michael Phelps.