>Doing Khan Academy module for past 5 hours straight
>Only 1/4 of the way through with the subject
Doing Khan Academy module for past 5 hours straight
No matter how slow you go, the worst scenario is standing in place. By making at least some progress, you're doing good. So don't let yourself down.
Hey, that's still progress.
I should be studying right now as I will be taking Algorithms this semester and instead I'm playing Doom.
I mean like, I've only just now got into the groove of doing this shit consecutively.
Last month I was doing like 30 minutes of Khan, then just playing fucking video games for 6 hours straight.
I haven't played a single video game at all in the past 3 weeks, and up until this week, I've been just doing an hour of Khan and then just browsing Veeky Forums to the point of being bored as fuck with it.
Now though, I've been doing Khan Academy all day.
I'm just fucking tired of my slow ass snail pace with this shit. Even with doing it all day, I feel like it'll take me a life time to get to the point where I'm ready to take the college entry exam and go on to doing a Math major. I'm just now hitting Pre-Calc.
I'm doing Matrix videos atm. khanacademy.org
I am here.
The hardest part for me is just fucking starting.
Like actually sitting down and starting a video. Once I start watching and paying attention I pretty much will go autismo and just not stop watching them or doing the practices.
Being productive is easy, but staying productive is hard is something I've come to learn.
Speaking of which I am no longer productive because now I'm crying on Veeky Forums. God damn.
I think I'm going to just not play video games for a long time. They're too damn addicting. That instant satisfaction and engagement is just bad for me I guess.
Don't do Khan Academy.
Go to real school/university. You only appreciate Khan Academy because you want to sit your lazy ass home.
I do the opposite.
I get super positive and motivated and start a video on any topic and then stop caring after like ten minutes; a day at best.
Sounds like you're doing a very nice job. If you've been studying for five hours, don't feel bad for plaiyng vidya, you're actually rewarding yourself in the healthiest way (talking about rewarding yourself doing something you enjoy after working for a long period of time, not about videogames). So don't feel bad and play some vidya for like an hour or two, then get studying again.
What's wrong with Khan Academy? I'm reading off of this
And watching Khan Academy videos with it as well, and doing the practice sets.
some of us have jobs and can't just afford the money or the time to take something as easily self teachable as basic math
I'm just going to go outside and ride my bike and play some metallica for about 30 minutes or something. I feel kinda tired. Maybe that will wake me up. I've been sleeping for a long time recently, I should start waking up earlier so I can do more stuff during the day. I woke up today at 10:30 AM, and it's 3:45 PM now, and I go to bed at like 8 PM. And by go to bed, I mean I lay down and draw in bed and browse shit until 1 AM.
Because you make ZERO friends studying online.
Friends > Knowledge
Go out there and get into an academic circle.
I used Khan Academy to ace organic chemistry while the rest of my class was struggling so much because the teacher was pure dogshit. Real school is overrated, you can't even rewind lectures to catch stuff you zoned out on and textbooks can be obtained without even paying tuition.
I have friends though.
I made pretty great friends going on forums and playing games, and I idle in discord with them and occasionally chat in between Khan videos. I don't care about friends. Right now I am a jobless NEET who only got his GED about 4 months ago. I am almost fucking 19. I want to go to college and get my fucking life started.
I have to actually enter an academic circle before I can relax and start making friends, and that means I have to get up to speed and get into the position to pass the damn entry exams and make sure I won't suffocate when I reach college level math.
Don't need to pay tuition to hang out with people in a university.
Sal is a good man
OP here.
Sal is great, and I love Khan Academy, it's the reason I'm even pursuing math at all and have a GED after leaving the 5th grade and being called a retard to my face by a jackass special ed math teacher that yelled in my face for not understanding math concepts, but holy shit, he gets on my nerves sometimes.
>ok and then... this color... well.. let me do it in pink..
>and... then... this... guy...
I've sometimes gotten frustrated to the point where I just turn the fucking speed up to 1.5 and watch it that way. God damn he gets grating sometimes. Still way better than my other teachers.
>I'm just fucking tired of my slow ass snail pace with this shit. Even with doing it all day, I feel like it'll take me a life time to get to the point where I'm ready to take the college entry exam and go on to doing a Math major
You'll get good at it eventually.
I have this too, I now take small breaks 5-15mins every 1-2 hours to relax a little.
I think that's the pomodoro technique?
Lots of teachers are shit and just can't explain the material very well speaking from my own experience these are in elementary school & high school.
>I am almost fucking 19. I want to go to college and get my fucking life started.
I'm turning 24 in may and I'm just barely going back to school and won't get my associates until the summer. You're not nearly as far behind as you think you are.
If you're going into STEM though you will definitely want to bush up on your math. Trig was the one thing I didn't expect to need as much as I do.
>tfw sophomoore at shitbutt university at age 27
kill me
Yes the tomato technique
As someone who went through all this shit man, just keep at it, and you'll surprise yourself one day.
>I am almost fucking 19
Dude I'm 23 and I still can't get my CE degree.
You're making progress. Stick to it.
I neglected to mention.
I want to go to college next fucking month. I think I am pushing myself too hard and it's an unrealistic goal but fuck it. If I fail my TSI math, I'll just get put into math classes and I'll just have to wreck them and go forward that way. So far though I'm making ok progress I guess towards my goal. I have only a few more modules to do.
Does this seem like a good idea, master everything at khan acmedy on my off time from my slave job and then when I take classes I would be able to ace them?
Granted I will waste more time, but I can't afford to fail.
I was a mess when I got back into college, I scored so badly on the math exam that I had to take intermediate algebra again. Granted I've always had horrible math teachers and never excelled in it but being away from college for years didn't help.
I'll just say this, study up as much as you can and try to get a good handle on the fundamentals of algebra because it's used practically everywhere in math.
You want to get into college and working on your degree sooner rather than later. Don't put it off like I did.
Take small steps each day and you have done a large one in a week.
is right. Just keep going. You'll get to a point where something's gonna click inside you and you'll be able to connect all the dots much easier.
OP here again, I've finished up the matrices section and now I'm trying to figure out what to do next. I've got a bunch of tabs opened and bookmarked, and they're all just weak areas I'm trying to learn/brush up on.
Which order should I do these?
>Systems of Equations, 8th grade
>Functions, Algebra 1
>Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Algebra II
>Differential Equations
>Quadratic Equations, Algebra 1
>Sequences and Series Intro, Integral Calculus(?)
>Probability, Statistics and Probability
>High School Statistics
Khan academy got me from remedial HS dropout math to vector calc. You watch your mouth.
Hey, not bad! Only 3/4 more 'till you have no degree and way too much time on your hands (no job)
>paying a school to teach you the same information poorly so you can wave around slip of paper
You should care more about understanding than your asswipe degree, brainlet
ur retarded.
I'm doing this so that I can try to go into college with an understanding, or a headstart, or atleast a foundation. I'm not doing this just for shits and giggles.
I already made this mistake with fucking grade school, I ain't doing it again with fucking college.
Systems of equations
High school statistics (if you see log() or e^x, skip it and come back)
Quadratic equations
Exponential and log functions
Probability, statistics
calculus, and then sequences and series
Whatever he has in linear algebra
Whatever he has for multivariate calculus
Diffy Q's (differential equations)
Forgot to mention, if they call it "vector calculus" it's the same thing as multivariate.
The only bad thing about khan academy is not enough problems to solve.