Any Egyptologist here?
How was the interior built?
How did they manage to bring the blocks and the sarcophagus inside the great gallery when the egyptians didn't know how to build a pulley?
Any Egyptologist here?
How was the interior built?
How did they manage to bring the blocks and the sarcophagus inside the great gallery when the egyptians didn't know how to build a pulley?
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watch ancient aliens
Moreover on the blocks, how could they be positioned there if the passage is smaller than the blocks themselves?
Yes, they could be placed there when the pyramid was under construction but it's wrong as the sarcophagus with the body of the pharaoh had to be placed up in the King chamber at a later time.
The blocks then must have been put there at a later time, when the pyramid was completed
your meme is bad and you should feel bad
Kill the sci's until one of them comes up with solution. Death is a good motivator.
>egyptians didn't know how to build a pulley
{citation needed}
Egyptians discovered the wheel well after the 4th dinasty
fuck you that was quality programming
Been reading up on this lately.
New investigations are suggesting that the Dakota fire pits around the base of the pyramids were used to heat up air to fill balloons to lift the blocks up the sides. Makes for much faster and realistic building process. Balloons were made out of linen and paper.
The pyramids weren't for burial at all. They were built as shelters for if/when the "Great Flood" would come. That's why there is a vent at the top for air and huge grain storage rooms.
>Slaves and balloons.
That would be interesting to watch.
Water shafts
lotta time, sweat, manpower, and ingenuity
people who suggest it was done through magical means insult our ancestors
Opening the lock would allow for a ton of water loss, this doesn't make any sense really. It's kind of an adaptation of the balloon theory. Hot air makes more sense.
I call bull fucking shit on that last sentence. Even basic research clearly shows that Egyptian mythology had no 'flood stories' to speak of. All the riches, resources, and sacrifices in pyramids and tombs served the singular purpose of easing the main occupant's ascension to a higher plane, the afterlife.
yeah, i wanted to know the details of how did they fucking put blocks too big to pass in the ascending passage right there
that's a very creative way of thinking, but the manpower required for putting all that water up there is absolutely out of touch with reality (plus it's fucking hot in egypt so it evaporates quickly)
any chance that was a misinterpretation of after a great disaster? after "modern" life was destroyed?
Tell me, how many pharaohs were found buried in the pyramids?
No, Egyptologists did not mistranslate afterlife. There is direct documentation that the pyramids were tombs, and this is proven by the consistent evolution of pyramid design from mastaba tombs to step pyramid to the great pyramid. The reason you never find a mummy in pyramids is because pyramids were always looted and the bodies were moved to more secure tombs in the valley of kings.
No, there is no evidence of balloons ever being used and the idea is ridiculous.
>fuck you that was quality programming
{citation needed}
>the sarcophagus with the body of the pharaoh had to be placed up in the King chamber at a later time.
Certainly the body had to go in at some time after the king died -- why would the sarcophagus not be able to go in earlier?
Not that I question your learning, bu that does not really count as a citation. Also, they knew about fucking rollers, one could fashion a proto-pulley knowing that.
Kite hobbyist here, I recall some few years back one of our fraternity was proposing they used giant kites, which is certainly noio sillier than this...