>"whore self out for publication and grant money" that pervades climate study
I can make bullshit claims too, Watch: "you fuck cats hourly." Wasn’t that fun!
>protip: the earth has been far hotter and far colder than it currently is.
Wow, it's like you have absolutely no idea what AGW is.
That the earth has been outside the temperature range of the last few thousand years in the past says nothing at all about how severe the effects of extremely rapid changes are going to be on modern civilization.
>the ocean acts as a temperature capacitor.
And the oceans surface is rapidly warming.
>glaciers contain a FUCKLOAD of GHG that everybody seems to ignore in favour of blaming white people.
Are you actually claiming that we shouldn't worry about making the problem worse, because there are feedbacks that will amplify our effects?
That's fucking stupid.
>climate models are updated on a continuous basis
No shit. Science moves on.
>all models have constantly gone off track in their predictions
Nope. See pic.
>volcanoes and other activity release a gigantic amount of GHG
Volcanoes are tiny compared to human activity.
Where are you getting this shit from?
>do you really think the earth can survive [...], but the thing that does it in is pajeet on a dirtbike?
Who said anything about the Earth not surviving?
>what ever happened to the hole in the ozone t
We put out environmental regulation that fixed it. You know, like we're trying to do with AGW now.
>what happened to the supposed temperature drop that changed to a temperature rise?
No idea. You need to be WAY more specific then that.
>why does all of this "research" end in intangible bullshit, yet cost untold fortunes?
Er, what?
>why is nobody able to make an accurate climate change model?
They have. It says we're waist-deep and sinking.
>how do you think humans are able to control the temperature of a planet
Greenhouse gasses. Read a fucking book.
>the arrogance