Which boards do you browse other than Veeky Forums?

Which boards do you browse other than Veeky Forums?
Here's my list:
Veeky Forums


a few times a month peek at /pol/
after a few minutes get bored of monkeys throwing shit at each other

once a month mayby /diy/

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
And mostly, even though I would like to stop, /r9k/

Veeky Forums and /mu/ exclusively

So you're one of those /pol/tards polluting this board. gtfo

What an interesting world we live in.

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
for me

Veeky Forums's diamonds in the rough created by actually knowledgeable people are the only reason I sift through the cryptoshill threads

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
I also used to browse /v/, /g/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums over the years at different points, but not anymore.

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
And sometimes /pol/ for happenings info

/pol/ to get up to date on news
Veeky Forums less often nowadays

Veeky Forums
I also rarely visit:
Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
I mainly go to the degenerate ones like /b/ to keep myself in check.

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums

In that order

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums

I did /tv/ years ago

I did /r9k/ for some times, and I sometime browse, but I have a few fuckbuddies so I'm not a robot.
The nice thing is that it has porn

I did Veeky Forums and I got fit, but the board has content for only 1 month and then you find better resources. And I'm not gay enough to stay for the pics of men

I do /pol/ occationally, but being "redpilled" and discussing the ideas in public is detrimental to your career, so I try to stay away from those ideas.
And some Veeky Forums people have a better overview than the kids there.

/diy/ looks very good, if you have a project for it

/g/ is just mean. I mean on Veeky Forums people also give hate a bit, but /g/ seems to be soley composed of angry and bitter people

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums


they're here because they think they have a high IQ

these along with Veeky Forums are my main boards, I do go on other boards but only when it's a slow day on the main 3.

stay asshurt reddit fag

Notice how the majority of people are /pol/ users and a small minority of autistic screechers shit up threads screaming 'GB2 /poll/ WAAAAAHHH"

Why do so many of you browse r9k?

>tfw to intelligent not to like traps

yea i notice
probably a raid
since the race threads don't work


It's kinda counter-productive.

I mainly lurk on /mu/bleep

it's a raid

they are sad and need to be a part of something bigger
i wonder what you can offer the poor souls?

Veeky Forums would be much better if all the scam/get rich quick threads would be constantly pruned and the OPs given out lengthy bans.

either that or just stop phone posters from making threads.

Main boards are:
Veeky Forums

I'll also hit up Veeky Forums, /diy/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and /pol/ on rare occasion.


Veeky Forums
/pol/ for the latest happening
/x/ once in a while

That's it.

Veeky Forums

>tfw to intelligent for a GF

>/pol/ for happenings
>not /news/
what kind of meme is this

>Veeky Forums

/co/, /mlp/, /r9k/
Plus like a dozen boards I only check out occasionally.
I can't stop. Send help

Veeky Forums

bunch of other boards couple times a month just to see whats going on

Oh shit someone posted my OC

Veeky Forums

Main boards
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums

Occasional boards
Veeky Forums

Not many like me uh

It's great OC my friend. Truly a wondrous piece of art

I meant Veeky Forums not Veeky Forums. Don't know what happened with my writing there.


Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums


/r9k/ when I want to examine other people's desperation and feel better about myself

/pol/ when I want to see a bunch of retards roleplaying as niggers that want to genocide whites, has a weird charm to it

Veeky Forums main board
Veeky Forums when at the gym
/wsg/ for the lulz
/gif/ for the faps

>being this new

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums (/gsg/)

I will check on /tv/, /pol/, and Veeky Forums for memes occasionally but never posting.

>Veeky Forums

so you're a nice person?

I try to be. The only thing I'm certain about is that I'm a practicioner of meme and mathe magick.

80% of time spent between Veeky Forums and /mu/
The rest spread between /pol/, /diy/, Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums.


are you a gril?

I'm in europe but checked /pol/ during the USA elections, it was pretty fun desu.

Veeky Forums

In that order of frequency.

Isn't everyone? Why?


okay but don't spread gender dysphoria


Don't worry, I won't.

pls be in cornwall

Send nudes pls
for science

Sorry but no.

>send nudes

It's not gay. Aren't you a girl?

are you a girl or girl (male)?


Veeky Forums


Veeky Forums
Veeky Forumsagdg/

Occasionally /i/, /gd/, /po/ (not to be confused with that fucking containment board), Veeky Forums, /tv/, and [s4s].

My pussy analogue can be used for that, but it is also the hole to let poo out.


are you bisexual

/int/ and Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums

you said you wouldn't


Sorry. I didn't do it on purpose.

so you are gay?


>main boards
Veeky Forums

>side boards
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums

>pic related

wrong pic lol here's the right one

Can you go to another board?
I thought you people only browsed /lgbt/. It's your containment board after all.

We are very hetero here.

I'm not a tranny, so I don't belong there.

Lesbian GAY bisexual transexual

Please do check it out. It's nothing but MTF gender dysphoria and translesbianism.

Veeky Forums
/m/ - (only for weekly discussion of 1 series which has now ended)

/a/ is my main board but it's just shit without a popular/interesting show airing, and I cut down on watching anime since I've pretty much watched all the decent stuff.

/trv/ is a cool low-key board, it's probably the one with the oldest posters.

Veeky Forums
/pol/ (not on this site, though, too many brainlet latinos and fags like op)
Used to go on /r9k/ before it got invaded by the /lgbt/ shills.

Okay, I feel you. So what's the new gay board now?

Where do all those hip gay teens shitpost nowadays?

>it's another gay animeposter derails thread episode

No idea. I don't think sexuality is interesting enough for me to discuss it anywhere.

I dindu nuffin

>No idea. I don't think sexuality is interesting enough for me to discuss it anywhere.
I see. Then what is the gayest board in genera? In what board do you feel most at home. In what board do you read a post and think
>Oh, this guy takes it from behind just like me
more often?

Veeky Forums's my fave, but that's probably because I just like this stuff so much. Maybe /mu/ is the one, though, with all those djent posters.

BASED anime gaybro

i had fun reading your posts, but i have to ask

are you the well off poster where your dad was a dick and left you with your mom? i nthe thread earlier where some guy posted anime fans had no father figures?

Nah, my parents are together and love me. Nice to hear you like my posts.

>Veeky Forums
>>too many shitthreads, but come for postgrads threads and shitposting
>>only /dpt/ -- knowledgeable C/C++ programmers
>>only /esg/ -- probably most friendly thread, I idle there all the time
>Veeky Forums
>>good for some discussion, but the userbase is a bit intellectually insecure and unintelligent imo

used to be a regular, but now only occasionally:
>>too much fantano and very little avant garde/experimental
>>way too many plebs and professional photographers with no artistic inclination
>> honestly worst shitposting among media boards, hard to salvage anything. i'd rather just go straight to mubi/RYM/ /r/TrueFilm or whatever
>Veeky Forums
>> still fun but I don't have time nowadays. though too many plebs in /wayt/ threads

i wish i browsed more:
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums
>Only ever visit if I want to argue with someone

>>>only /dpt/ -- knowledgeable C/C++ programmers


c toddler getting his buffers overflowed and memory corrupted