Interesting. I wonder if a preconceived notion has quantum effects?
Hawking throws shit parties.
LOL and nobody from the future wanted to show up
There could have been guests if the multiple worlds interpretation is true and, obviously, that backwards time-travel is possible.
It's just that we're not in that reality.
>he thinks time is a physically malleable thing and not just a medium for displacement
Displacement of...?
Time traveler here. It was a sausage fest, so I went forward in time and stopped myself from ever going.
I checked out Logan instead.
>implying it didn't happened in secret
His fatal mistake was in assuming anybody would come to party with him. I mean, he's very smart and all, but still -- awkward to be around.
What if time travelers can only travel back in time to the earliest point of the inception of the first time machine
Would explain his staunch views on AGI.
>Would explain his staunch views on AGI.
He doesn't know shit about computers is what explains it.
>hurdur skynet is going to infect my grandma's pentium 3 and grow arms and legs and become the terminator
or the slightly more tech-savvy
>hurdur skynet is going to create a massive botnet and gain sentience because of the sheer number of trannies that it controls
Only problem is now it's on a giant brain and the transistors are spread out over Internet latencies. Oh no, this fucking retarded AI is going to take over the world.
Waste of food.
>"Should we go to that crippled autist's party and show ourselves to ruin all the fun we're having?"
>"nah bro let's go back and invent judaism for the lulz"
1. It's not an interpretation
2. No scientific theory says it's possible to go back in time
Going backwards does *not* violate the laws of physics, though. Just because it doesn't say "here's how to do it" does not mean it's impossible.
Lets wait for CERN then.
Are these values actually from somewhere?
GR does not disallow time travel, it just requires negative energy density. This is unattainable classically, but there are supposedly conventional energy violations in qft.
Why does this smug cunt think any time travelers would want to visit him?
The insignia makes me think it has something to do with everyones favorite time travel hoaxer "John Titor".
Maybe time travel is incredibly expensive. What if going back 10 years would cost as much as a manned mission to Jupiter.
Also maybe they keep tight controls over it, to prevent past interference.
Why would anyone want to travel back in time to hang out with a bunch of racist, greedy, sexist, idiotic, smelly primates with no tech or dress sense? I mean, they havn't even invented time machines yet! 3451 is when all the fun people hang out.
>Travel through time
>meeting a meme like Hawking of all people
Fuck that shit, I'm going to meet Jesus.
This experiment has no meaning lacking a valid control.
Unless Hawking throws a party for space travelers (we know space travel is possible) and has some guests show up, he has proven nothing.
It's definitely Titor related, but the numbers, what do they mean?
i had the same idea.
to prove to me that time traveling is impossible i said to myself that i will visit me in 10min
i didn't showed up i was so proud.
years later....i forgot when it was.
Why would anyone revel themselves as a time traveler ? Its just stupid. Thats why the experiment is BS.
Its like asking any serial killers here ? And then when no one shows up, ohh I guess they do not exist.
This seems an awful lot like Fermi's Paradox; i wonder if hawking accepts that as disproving aliums.
At least Fermi didn't limit his astonishment to no aliens coming to his house at a specific moment.
Time doesn't actually exist.
What if you modified Hawking's talking software and make him sound like an angry afroamerican?
Time exists as much as conciousness does.
It is impossible. It violates the impossible time travel law of the universe.
>the future will be a beutiful diverse (sic homogeneous) place: all ruled over by Jews of loving grace.
Time thinks?
I don't want to be rude but you cannot asume anything from fact nobody showed up at party... Who would party with talking wheelchair once you can travel the time? Like it can be fun, but I have better things to do than party with Stephan Howking... Maybe he would got an postcard saying he shouldn't make that party but the post office sux at delivering after few decades.
Since the universe is expanding,the moment they time travel will place them in a location where there is nothing of interest there making it hard to locate earth.
>can travel through time
>never figured out how to travel through space
yeah no
Well, you could travel through space, but even if you knew earth's location it would take you light years to get here, so by the time they actually get here we would already be in the future developing time traveling machines
He should have made it cooler.
No offense to Hawking, but even if Time Travel happened in the future, I still don't think anyone would join the party. Seems like a waste of literally infinite energy.
>crippled autist
Isn't that the same thing?
All time travellers are paradoxical (Groucho) Marxists.
They'll never attend a party they've already been to.
In our time-line, they'll see that the party was unattended, and go back and attend it.
But then in the new time-line that creates they'll see that the party was attended, and therefore not go back, thus recreating this unattended time-line.
I thought the math worked out for tachyons to travel backwards in time?
>implying his chair isn't actually an AI using his decrepit body as a cover
>I'm going to meet Jesus
Say hello to King Arthur and the Baron Munchausen while you're at it.
The only forms of time travel that make any sense are predestination time travel where any change to history would be something that was supposed to happen anyway (which is insane for many reasons) and multiverse time travel were you would actually be going back in time in a parallel universe which from your point of entry would continue differently.
Neither of these forms of time travel would allow someone to attend this party.
>waste of literally infinite energy.
How the fuck could literally any use of an infinite resource be wasteful?
If time travel would ever be a thing only undetectable nano drones would be allowed to go through, and only to spectate to make sure nothing would be changed.
why would a time traveller expose themselves?
With a fast enough ship you could get here in just a few parsecs..
Both would -- people who were supposed to be there anyway would be there, and people from a nearby parallel universe where parallel Hawking sent out a parallel invitation to a parallel party could have come to this universe's version.
No, I'm afraid it's just him.
>In all the multiverse where infinite time travelers zip between infinite universes, there is still nobody who wants to party with you, Steve...