Why is it hard for you to understand that everything is magic? You are a magical being. You exist...

Why is it hard for you to understand that everything is magic? You are a magical being. You exist. You should enjoy every second of your existence. The reason you don't is because you chose to forget that you yourself are magic.

Define magic.

Magic is the one thing you will never be able to define. Stop defining it. Live it.

Im a man of science, i do not believe in magic, and yet i am very happy with my life. How do you explain that, magic man? Why should i bother believing in magic when science has done so much more for me, and also indicates that magic does not exist?


>let's talk about X guys!
>well ,what is X?
>it's the one thing you will never be able to define. stop defining it

kill yourself

brainlet detected

Go wash your bowl.

I meditate too but don't go pseudo mumbo jumbo over forums about it.


Your mind tells you stories and, not knowing any better, you set to believe what the voice inside you tells you. You need to stop listening to it, if only for a brief moment. This is the way to true intelligence and true wisdom. You need to discover the magic of your life and then you need to live it and let it blossom through you. You can't rise to your fullest potential otherwise. Your mind will find new and imaginative ways to complain. It will find ways to be depressed and frustrated. You can put on the mask of happiness but you know it's a fake one. True happiness clings to nothing. True nirvana is now. Be like the wind, for the wind is free of attachment.

>it's another "the truth is ultimately unknowable" fag
>ignoring the fact that science will always be the slow crawl out of the cesspool of used snake oil salesmen like op
Go listen to more Deepak Chopra audio books and leave the math to the anons with more than half of a developed prefrontal dorso lateral neo cortex. The reason human evolution has stagnated is because we wasted too many resources carrying retards around instead of placing value on intelligence that yields positive results.

If you see Buddha on the road, kill him.

Meditation is good but not magical thinking.


You are magic. You are it! Don't you get it? You are this universe! All there is. You are the pure and the absolute magic. You can explode with ecstasy this very instant if you so desire. All you need to do is let go. Let go of your personal self and you will realize you've been god all along. Then, every moment of your existence will be incomprehensible love, stretching in all directions forever and ever. That is who you really are. That is who you've always been.

>you can explode this very instant
prove this by exploding spontaneously on camera

All your mind ever wants is proof. But when confronted with the grandest of proofs, your mind runs away with its tail between its legs. This is because the truth is so powerful your mind is incapable of understanding it. It fears what it does not understand. But there is nothing to fear. You are pure magic. This is the fundamental truth of existence and your reality.

>he claims to be magic
>can't even cast a fireball
fucking wandlet

I thought this was going to be another Veeky Forumsmon thread, I am very disappointed.

I claim we are all magic. I realized it, but so can you. We are one and the same.

If I can't cast fireballs this realization is a cop out.

It's only your mind that wants things. Your eternal self knows it already has everything.

but magic is a mythological representation of chaos and the unknown

Magic is the placid lake, reflecting the moon and the stars. Chaos is the disturbance in the form of waves on the surface of the lake. Calm your inner self to the point of perfect stillness and you will understand everything. You will understand that you are it.

My eternal self is interested in fireballs but your eternal self is too much of a magiclet to comprehend it.

Let me do the math for you.
>(L)ight = 3
>(N)ature = 2
>(A)rcane = 1
>(V)oid = 0
>(F)el = -1
>(N)ecromantic = -2
>(S)hadow = -3

Now we'll define some traits of the universe, two very important to these calculations:

>Magical Part Divsion = MpD
This is that any resulting charges from the interaction of charges is divided between the amount of reactants.
>E.g: A+A=E/MpD=2A

>Magical Part Correction = MpC
This is a mechanic of reality that stabilises charges via rounding, either rounding up (for charges above 0.5) or rounding down (for charges below 0.5).
>E.g: A+V=Uc/MpD=2Uc+MpC=2A

Finally we'll define other expressions:

>E = Exotic charge
A charge above the given spectrum.
>E.g: L+L=E/MpD=2L

>Uc = Unstable charge
A charge that is charge or a charge that is a decimal.
>E.g: A+N=L/MpD=Uc(1.5)+MpC=2N

Closing notes:
>Nature magic
Nature magic also takes into account the basic elemental and their hybrids. That is: fire, water; earth and air, and their hybrids, such as iron.

by your analogy you cannot every achieve perfect stillness as chaos permeates everything and creates disturbances. Therefore magic isn't real. QED.

Your personal self can't achieve stillness, that part is true. But your inner self can. It knows the realm of stillness very well. It is born out of stillness. It knows how to get back. It is the most natural thing in the world. Don't use your mind to try and comprehend what I'm saying. The truth I am telling you is far more powerful than your mind can understand. You can only enter it through pure heart. Your mind can only complain, but your heart knows the truth. Become as a newborn child again and then you will remember magic once again. There will be no doubt about what I am saying now.

But what about fireballs?

You confuse true magic with the stories of magic you've been told. True magic is all around you at this very moment. The only reason you have forgotten about it is that you trust the little voice between your ears more than you trust your heart.

But you said magic can't be defined. Now you're saying there's true and false magic.

>tl;dr magic=/=magic

So magic cancels itself out. Good to know.

what you are saying is true op, but this is not the way for anyone to get what you mean unless they already do.


Please explain why do you assume I have not already done this transcending you talk about?

Why do you assume everyone here have not done it?

As scientists, most of you are too intelligent. You have chiselled your mind like a fine gem. You need to get dumber first to understand the truth of being. Then you get back to being smart.

unexplored chemistry

That is not an answer.

The question stands. You still assume falsely. Why?

There are many ways to get to where you think you are.

Magic was simply an antiquated way to explain things we do not understand.

Because their empiricism tells them that magic is only unexplained science.

They live like animals.

DMT is not it.

I like that, did you just make that up?

That gif is not moving OP, REEE!!
Oh I get it, he's meditating, so the gif is still :^)

Who said DMT?

In the Indian tradition, from where the OP comes up with his/her thoughts, one way to reach cessation of the fluctuations of the mind is to use the intellect to intellectually realize samadhi. Arguing that scientists, using their intellect too much, are beyond this and cannot get there is a misunderstanding of the entire tradition, regardless of what level of truth one ascribes to the tradition itself.

Therefore OP is comes off as a pretentious New Age faggot who is preaching about water to folk who have already stepped onto the stream, so to speak, Buddhist pun intended.

Enter zen from there.

You should drop all traditions. They are simply clothes. You don't need them. You are beyond traditions. You are beyond logic.

If magic was real, it would be a form of science and cease to be magic.

If one out of ten thousand understands, it is enough.

Yeah, I did.

It is fun wasting brainpower on useless shit, isn't it?

Yes, so much this, OP.

