Question about programming

Hey anons,

So, last year i got into the best uni of my state (by Mexico standars) to study software engineering. I really do find the carrer interesting, but i have a small problem, my programming logic. I don't consider myself a brainlet but i'm having problems when it comes to developing the logic to code a program. I often get stuck on how to program "x" code leaving me unable to continue some of the programs the teacher asks us to do.

What am i doing wrong?


Break the program into smaller steps.
Once you have the steps you can begin to determine the required functions you will need.
Reread notes/lecture materials to implement the smaller steps
Tie it all together.

Give an example.

Hispachan /Mex/ or /t/.

learn a language with easy syntax and dynamic typing like python, ruby or javascript. this way you can concentrate on the logic instead of implementation details. then go to a site with practice problems like or leetcode and just practice like 30 minutes a day.

There are lots of little tricks and things that are hard to solve the first time but then come up over and over again. Just practice, ese.

Why do mexicans eat this?

>easy syntax and dynamic typing
horrible advice. He'll learn nothing by learning magic languages meant for wizards. As much as people like to shit on it, Java is probably the most student-friendly language.

this is in america ya dip

>python or ruby
>magic languages meant for wizards.

No it's Mexican.

>Java is probably the most student-friendly language

ruby is definitely a magic language meant for wizards

Python is easy. Some people go out of their way to fit a bunch of logic on 1 line but I find that annoying personally.

People abuse metaprogramming in Ruby. It's one of the reasons rails is dying imo.

this, and it's really the logic pick up a computer science math book (discrete math, logic, boolean algebra and propositional calculus).

also this, it's easier to get to advanced concepts when you're working with an easy language. The naysayers think you should start with ancient assembly language, but you don't learn english by speed reading shakespear.

I just meant a lot of these script-ish languages do a lot of stuff for you/behind the scenes that a lot of other languages won't do. Learning something like python just teaches you how to write code in python but in my opinion does little to teach you programming concepts. Java only babysits you on things you might never need to know, depending on what you end up working on, like memory management.
how am I wrong?
>Python is easy
that's the point. It's TOO easy. You're not learning how to program, you're learning how to write things in python. It's like a scriptkiddie hacking. He's lost if conditions change.

What language are you learning? I imagine you've been instructed to use a specific one so these anons telling you what to code in are probably wasting their time.

>not Being this new

>how am I wrong?
Too verbose and encumbered by forced OOP.
Just look at Hello World in java compared to C or Python.

you also don't learn how to drive by cruising around in a tesla on autopilot. No one's saying you need to start on assembly, but you don't make things too easy.

It at least develops a very basic understanding and gives you a toolset with which you can experiment. It's not a professional language or anything but CS courses teach it for a reason. It's the software engineering courses which thrust your head into something with ungodly syntax right off the bat. By the sounds of things, Python is probably what OP should be learning if he's struggling with first year cs.

Agreed, Dutch software engineer here, we start with Java. I believe the majority of programming courses here do

OP, I'll need an example so Incan understand your thinking and problem.

What I do is to visualise the flow of the program. What needs to be done, and how to get there quickly and efficiently.

>learning something like python just teaches you how to write code in python but in my opinion does little to teach you programming concepts.
What do you consider "programming concepts" to be, that python doesn't require?

>that's the point. It's TOO easy. You're not learning how to program, you're learning how to write things in python
I suspect you don't understand what programming IS.

>It's not a professional language or anything
Somebody tell Google.

OP here. On the first semester i used C#, now in second semester i'm using Java.

So is it the switch between the languages that is the problem, or are you struggling with both languages?

You should probably start with C or C++ as it will teach you a lot more than you would learning something like C#, Java, etc

If you find it too difficult you're not trying hard enough

>le start with C may may

"""""mexican intellectuals"""""

No, i'm struggling with the logic behind programming. I can do easy stuff, but when it comes to something more complex i get fucked.

we wuz aztecs n shiet

>Mexican technology

>we wuz aztecs n shiet

go study mathematical modeling, start with linear optimization

I'd recommend you to make flowcharts describing what you want the program to do. Turning everything into individual functions which call each other is also a good way of breaking everything into steps. It's much easier if your program is just mathematical because we're used to doing long chains of mathematics to get to an end result.

I'd set yourself a little project or two, so that you've got all the time in the world and no stress behind a set of problem solving tasks. Once you start finding personal applications for code, I find practicing with those is far more valuable to your learning than anything prescribed in lectures. As a physics major I find I often want to run vast amounts of successive maths on data, and programming that has been a fun and rewarding process.



We started with fucking C

t. East Europe slav student

I'm a first year student struggling with Java and JavaScript. I had no background when I got here and I had to take it from beginning. Obviously my colleagues are advanced and I'm here struggling...if there's anyone who wants to practice their skills on my and spend some time online with me teaching me please let me know

>mexican intellectuals

you have to go back

Look up how other people did it or similar things on SlackerOverflow, it's literally what everyone does in the industry. If your teacher rejects your answer he's a faggot.