As engineers, how accurate do you think this image is?
As engineers, how accurate do you think this image is?
that's how it goes
I don't know which one it is.
Do you have to study all day to get good grades or is calc so easy that you don't need to do anything? One minute Veeky Forums makes fun of you for saying you had to study your ass off, the next minute they say you're supposed to.
marginally. i fucked off all week and still graduated in the top 50%. some people are smarter than others.
busting your ass to do the best you can will never, ever hurt your chances though. i wonder where i could be if i put more effort in my studies...
>top 50%
LMAO great achievement you fucking failure
:( exactly
you don't necessarily need to spend your whole day studying at home. at least 1-4 hours is good (depends on how hard the subject you're studying currently)
Not enough gay sex on the right.
The right one isn't the engineer
> hurrr I have a big dick and you don't
True for the most part.
But some people are stupid no matter what.
the material usually is not very hard, some professors just try to overload you with work.
the further in you are, the less work the classes generally are. in my last year and a half of undergrad, and through all my grad courses i would only spend about 3 hours studying the day before the exam and a couple (2) hours per class per week doing homework.
controversial opinion here:
for the most part, people are not fucking stupid. I'd guess ~90% of the human race has the potential to understand higher level concepts in fields of engineering, science, and mathematics. It's all about the amount of effort they have to put in to get to that point.
engineers are some of the stupidest people I have ever met. dont get me wrong, there are smart engineers, but scientists by far do much more intellectually stimulating work. this is not a meme.
Im in graduate school working on a chemistry PhD. I work jointly in a materials engineering lab and an inorganic lab. my chemistry is WAY harder and more laborious than the engineering work. The engineering work was much easier to learn and understand than the chemistry. the engineers I took courses with didnt understand basic chemistry despite having projects where they were solving problems rooted in it. its embarrassing. The odd thing is the professors are smart and seem to understand the divide between the fields. they know their shit in both subjects. the students just dont give a fuck. as a result you get *the engineer*.
engineering just isnt that difficult. you take what other people have discovered and you put it together. ive done both. its not a meme. you wont understand it unless you are a researcher/graduate student. rant over.
Engineering students are not engineers, and only normies are on the left.
It's almost as if the imageboard is made up of many different individual members each with their own opinion(s) on the subject.
I'm the guy on the right, but with a lot of afternoon naps thrown in.
>tfw applying to do engineering in university
>have a math test in 8 days
>not coming from a traditional educational background and doing one of those 1 year university entrance courses
they told me they're going to be testing me on numeracy, algerba, trig and intergration/differentiation. i haven't even covered most of these on my course yet. how fucked am i and how can i revise this shit in 8 days?
But hardwork does make you smarter
This, as a former brainlet who's now a graduate math major in a very decent university
>top 50%
If you sleep at night you're a normie
being so pathetic and hating yourself so much that you have utter contempt for those perceived as having "normal" lifestyles, what ever the fuck that means
more like this tbqh
Correct, I despise anyone who is good looking or benefits emotionally from their own gullibility and stupidity.
>Forgetting about 300K starting
>hating yourself
nice normy meme
What does it mean exactly? I don't point at myself in the mirror and go "grr I hate you". I just hate normy bullshit like some beta orbiter who pretends to be your friend then leaves the moment the girl leaves.
If youve never done any of this before, you are most certainly fucked beyond hope.
Depends on the subject. There are several "great filters" that you need to study all day (practice problems) but for a lot of others you don't need to stress that much if you have common sense in you.
Get on Khan Academy and use your time productively. You can learn the essential concepts in 8 days easily.
The secret is this: Put in a little fucking effort you lazy piece of shit.
Alright, chill your beef billybigballs. I'm totally gonna take you at your anecdotal evidence
>graduated in the top 50%
Lol I drank every friday in HS and still got straight As in math. Literally just listen and understand what is being told and practice till you fill confident. Now you can get serious in uni.
>top 50%
what a fucking accomplishment it is to be average.
No problem, just have an eidetic memory, look over good textbooks covering those subjects, then hope that the specific problems of the test (or some very similar ones) are written somewhere in those textbooks, and just read those textbooks in your head while taking the test. Shouldn't take you more than a couple of minutes to prepare for the test.
Reminder that if you need to do weekly studying for an engineering degree you are a brainlet. I do nothing all term and then cram in the week before exams and I'm in the top third of my class.
Replace 3 of the frames on the right with jerking off to gay porn, and it's spot on
top third means jack shit, what do you think the bottom 2/3 are doing in their free time? if you want to be someone you better start trying
Who gives a shit what they're doing, I've got 2 years of engineering experience thanks to my co-op program so grades don't even matter.
And at the end they have gay sex.
Joke, you can combine social life and studies quite well.
Should switch the two sides desu
This user, khan academy is a lifesaver
How big is your dick user?
stupid weeb detected