
Can any Veeky Forumsentists explain to me why it is that certain variants of synesthesia are more common, or why the link seems to go in one direction more often than the other?

I mean, for instance, grapheme-color being as common as it is, or the propensity of words to invoke taste in particular, and not taste evoking words. Why are some cross-wirings relatively common? Why does sound>image seem to outweigh image>sound?

I'd also be interested to know if any of you guys are synesthetes, and what variants you have. I have multiple-synesthesia myself : Ticker-tape, sound>tactile, number-form, spatial sequence, smell/flavor>color, grapheme-color, and music>color.

Also, why is A always red?

Other urls found in this thread:

Can you stop making synesthesia threads you fucking retard

>my brain is damaged I taste and see farts
>daddy Veeky Forums why does x
>x me on y
>simulated x
>do I have x on my y
>x y sometimes z checkmate!

Probably something about certain areas of the brain being nearer together, therefore, cross-wiring is more common as it is more likely to occur due to locality.

Just so you know, I'm not a neurosurgeon, or a neurologist, I'm a mathematician, physicists; electrical engineer and freelance programmer.

This is my first post on Veeky Forums in weeks, though. Has this become an overdone topic or something?

Er, okay.

I guess that sorta makes sense. Like tasting words because the parts wired to your tongue are nearby. I just dunno enough about neuroscience to parse this out.

Red is always 3 for me, 4 is blue.

But anyways synesthesia is fucking weird but cool at the same time. I have color synesthesia, smell synesthesia, music and mirror touch. Whenever I see someone tapping someone I can feel it.

>whenever I see someone tapping someone I can feel it

Holy fuck; I didn't know that's what that was. It's annoying as fuck. Do you get it with inanimate objects, too, or just people? Because I swear to God I can feel the way my grandpa rubs his steering wheel with his thunbs and it drives me bonkers to feel it in my hands.

For me, a sudden sound will cause a visual flash in my eyes. The type of sound determines the type of flash. Most are like spots of light or the image of an old TV displaying static for 1 frame.

If mostly only happens when I lay down, everything is really quite then something like the house shifting will make a sudden sharp noise. Sometimes the very first part of someone talking will do it, if everything was quiet before for a while. The tone seems to affect the flash shape, density, and such.

Yes it's Mirror-Touch synesthesia. I get it from objects too, usually when they move I can feel the texture in like my hands or something.

I can also feel physical touch sometimes depending on the action. Whenever I see someone patting someone on the shoulder or something I literally feel it on my own.

Watching gory movies is no fun either.

>Mirror-touch synesthesia

So, what's it like watching porn?

Painful (I'm a trap who likes anal), but good.

mental illness should be grounds for extermination.

Synesthesia usually isn't an illness. No more than being an asshole online is an illness.

I feel like that mirror touch one is the most common, people just don't really notice it all that much.

I don't have synesthesia yet that happens to me every once in a while.

Is this becoming a natural question in the discourse of these boards now?

Nah, how about no.

I have the color-grapheme one, which is I guess the most common.
What's with the multiple synesthesia threads?

no idea

flashes mixed with sounds?

Whenever people blow raspberries or make fart sounds my lips tingle really fucking annoyingly. I don't tell anyone because they immediately think it's hilarious to do the sound cause it makes me visibly uncomfortable, but I add them to a list of people I will murder before I die.

Is this synthesia or whatever the fuck? Because if it is i fucking hate it and wish I heard colors or something instead.

Sounds that cause the flashes.

It just makes your lips tingle? Is it a result of hearing the fart or smelling it?

Does the color vary?

Hearing. I have to mute tvs and videos whenever they start making that noise. Couldn't even finish the one episode of spongebob as a kid where he went to the bottom of his town or whatever and they spoke in a fart noise language cause of how much my lips kept tingling. It's the same tingle you get when a limb is asleep and you try to move it.

No, just point intensity, position, and pattern. The "color" is black and white/grey scale. The static one in covers the entire visual field, but there are some that have larger spots which cover the entire field or just the edges. Rarely, it will look like a grey scale health damage from a video game.

It is most noticeable with eyes shut or in the dark. Duration is shorter than snapping your fingers.

I'm not sure if that's synesthesia but it could be since your feeling that specific sound as well as hearing it. Every once in a while, i'll get a tingly buzz from certain tastes as well but it never feels like a sleeping tingling.

Have you ever played a didgeridoo? That's how my lips feel when I play one for a while.

Never played one, but I do know how a sleeping limb feels.

why do you need three of these?

I don't think I'm a synesthete, but sometimes I'll tell my doctor I have a "yellow" feeling, for lack of better words. It's I suppose like the feeling of butterflies when nervous. I suppose. I don't recall the specifics.

I don't know if this is synesthesia or a very high empathy. Whenever I see any source of a taste or hodor, my mind replicates it on my senses, automatically. When I see anyone suffering pain, or being touched, if I concentrate on the movement I feel the same stimuli on my body.
And, to remember things, I associate concepts, ideas, words, pictures, and digits to colors or geometric shapes. Though I do by convenience, not as a mind impulse.
(i.e. my country's phone ID digits are blue and make a triangle)

>le special snowflake girl(male) with synesthesia
>learn my synesthetes shitlord

This is the most attention-seeking thread I've seen in a while.

pic related sums this thread up pretty well desu.

>3 is red
>4 is blue

I can't even handle how different we must be.

whenever im in the presence of really oily food, i feel it all over my neck, always on that part, and i can't walk straight because i feel so bizarre

i assumed this was because i had a tendency to chew on the collier of my shirts as a 3-4 year old, which would then get wet and be really fucking annoying. its the exact same feeling.

is this a form of it? i feel like its just a part of living with anxiety/ptsd, but the anxiety i feel could be a side effect of it

I have hearing-motion synesthesia

I have schizophrenia so I see hallucinations and shit. That's pretty cool, right?

>Also, why is A always red?
Were you raped as a child?
That's a common pattern.
You may have repressed the memory.

I have this when I'm trying to fall asleep.
Sometimes flashes. TV static has happened.

>Is this becoming a natural question in the discourse of these boards now?
This is usually done in /x/.

Synesthesia is a meme perpetuated by this buffoon.

Only 2 were mine