Does anyone know any practical uses for synesthesia? Could it be used to hypothetically draw out some sort of sense outside of our 5 senses or perhaps allow us to reach a point where we could manipulate our environmental landscape with our minds?
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Isn't it a meme condition that unique and different millenials fake to gain attention?
I don't mean the condition, I mean the act of triggering multiple senses at once in itself due to some sort of stimulus. Supposedly you can trigger synesthesia with small doses of LSD.
I'm sure it would be very helpful for a creative person, an artist or writer or something. Can't imagine there's any practical use for it, tho.
But what if it could draw out a sense that could hypothetically manipulate the environment sort of like telekinesis or something of that nature.
It helps with memory, language and creativity.
No. Do some research and you'll see it's real. Fucking Feynman had it.
Synesthesia allows you to repurpose parts of your brain foreign to the task. Memories that never made sense to combine result in new thought attempts, and thus outside-the-box results. The dna helix structure was first thought of thanks to that, as a prime example. Its also useful with math. You can easily visualize what colors complement each other, or even what they look like mixed. In your brain colors are values, and you have a lot of background workers sorting though what you see. Synesthesia potentially allows you to use these structures for math, also shown in early LSD experiments.
My personal prime experience of synesthesia was being able to "see" music, and get a visual understanding of the sound structure. Another was seeing the viewcones of cameras in a scene showing camera men running around. I also can visualize the flow of data in a program, to determine bottlenecks or optimization opportunities, but i trained myself to do that, without LSD.
There is a genetic disposition to if you naturally experience synesthesia, and what it allows you to do. There is a correlation between groundbreaking new discoveries and synesthesia.
Don't expect to take a psychedelic drug and get super math powers, as you might just get really good at calculating bathroom floor tile distribution while shitting your guts out.
Has there ever been a documented case of extrasensory manipulation or perception through synesthesia though? Or can you think of any scenarios in which it would be possible?
1. doing high level arithmetic, knowing calenders days by heart, being able to balance rocks really well etc
2. No
>being able to balance rocks really well
What the fuck? I have synesthesia and I can't really do that. Sounds like something related to spatial reasoning. And my spatial reasoning is pretty mediocre (anedoctal reference obviously).
I can't believe nobody commented on the "5 senses" part.
synesthesia varies from case to case but in most synesthetes it's just a useless oddity (tasting colors, seeing music etc)
That's because the 6th sense bullshit is pseudoscience.
Seeing music is very helpful if you are a musician.
I had a friend who could listen to a song and play it relatively well on the piano because she knew what colors all the notes were
>having brain damage and being retarded will slowly turn us into psychonauts able to manipulate the fabric of space time with our minds
Lmao op, you are a fucking retard. Somebody has been watching too many john travolta movies.
What makes it bullshit, the fact that you can't prove it? Isn't a big part of science delving into areas we don't understand in order to better understand the unknown. If you completely disregard something as impossible or simply a pseudoscience because there is no immediate answer or proof, can you really claim to be knowledgeable in general.
It's fine not to know the answer, but to completely disregard something because it doesn't sound realistic is how you miss out on some of the more interesting answers in life.
After a certain point, imagination becomes reality. So while it's considered a disease because it deviates from the average brain function, people with synesthesia do have significant advantages over those without it.
Science works by observing nature, then theorizing about it, not the other way around. When that happens, you have what we call pseudoscience. I'm not saying that it's not worth delving into it as a researcher, but it is not on par with scientific knowledge, not until it's proven to be true.
Here's how it works, if it isn't just brain damage then it will provide a slight advantage and those genes will propagate. Or what is more likely is that most of these people are autistic as fuck and will probably impart autism onto their children.
It's like people coming in here asking if pschizophrenia is a higher state of being, as if people have been elevated somehow.
No they are brain damaged retards who can't separate their autistic child-like imagination from reality.
Grow up.
Alright, I can respect that conclusion, but it's a shame that many have such a negative disposition towards pseudosciences since they can't be proven. I'm sure if more people looked into investigating them, they might be able to come to a practical conclusion.
I've never heard anything about the correlation between synesthesia and autism. But to be fair all I know for certain about this is that it's the melding of senses occurring naturally or through drugs.
The thing about imagination is that we get all of the ideas that eventually propagate and manifest into technological advancement from it. Do you really think scientists that simply dismissed the seemingly impossible as worthless endeavors ever amounted to anything? Just because there's no direct path to the answer doesn't mean it will never be reached.
Understanding chords/melodies/harmonies/ect.
Synesthesia is good for stumping brainlets who answer yes to
>If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?
because they are by the same token admitting that the falling has a color even if there are no synesthesiacs around.
I don't think synesthesia is precise enough to really be an advantage. When the brain is growing some connections need to be pruned so different parts of the brain can specialize but in synesthetes some of those connections stay intact. That's why you get the characteristic crossing over of senses. The only psychoneurological condition I can think of that actually actually lends an advantage sometimes is autism.
What if you were artificially triggering synesthesia? I don't mean if you had the condition but creating the effect with the use of a drug or other stimuli. Could it be utilized as a helpful tool then?
Take it from someone who has synesthesia, it kinda sucks. I'm sure there's advantages to having it for certain people but it's mostly a hindrance. Knowing that you have a fucked up brain can be really discouraging. I can only imagine how bad it's going to be 20 years from now.
When its just in your head it's not so bad. I think it's called relative synesthesia? When shits just in your head it's not that big if a deal. I think to a certain extent most people have that. But projective synesthesia is when it starts to really suck. It's much harder to ignore it when you're reading all day or listening to music. It's honestly killed my ability to listen to certain songs because they're too fucking bright.
Considering that it gets worse over time (atleast mine has slowly been progressing) I can only imagine how bad it's going to be in twenty years. Supposedly some people see images when they experience certain emotions. Really not looking forward to that. Hopefully my brain never makes those connections but only time will tell.
All in all its really depressing knowing that your brain is super fucked up. I'm pretty sure it's genetic too so I'm probably never going to have a kid. It also sucks because (atleast for me) Im too afraid to try out any mind altering substances for fear that it will rapidly progress my brain disease.
Obviously I'm kinda salty about it. I'm sure some people love having it and it just makes their day knowing that they're a special little snowflake but iv always just wanted to be normal. Is that so much to ask?
Maybe you could try brain surgery?
Perhaps there's a way to rewire your brain naturally? Maybe meditation might yield some results?
Is this a meme now?
Why does this thread keep popping up?
How is it helpful?
How would meditation help?
You can't artificially trigger synesthesia as far as I know. Hallucinations are not the same.
three threads?