Refute this, brainlets


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So, Psychology majors?

Yeah I posted this on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums yesterday, one got deleted but both were full of butthurt

Refute what?

But I agree with this.

tfw they all have big broad foreheads and you don't

>Veeky Forums
NEET Wikipedia readers.
>Veeky Forums
Failed English majors.

Sasuga desu, but I'm pretty sure Veeky Forums would agree with this though.

Veeky Forums only contains nigerian princes

Jawlines too

eu quero

>Kerr-Newman, Jung, and the Modified Cosmological Model

Can't refute it except with several studies that have shown that all geniuses are physiologically deformed in one way or another, causing accompanying mental illnesses in virtually all cases. Many people manage these conditions quite well and so can still be quite happy. But obviously that would not be the norm.

Show me the studies.

larpers buying and selling bitcoins thinking its actual trading
chads using robinhood thinking its actual investing
about once a month you see and actual Veeky Forumsraelian most off them are just kids

Oh shit it's true

>do my research for me

>I posted this on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums
>still don't know what I want to see refuted
GTFO fgt pls

If it was just what you're saying then Veeky Forums would be fine. Problem is that majority of the threads are retards looking for and discussing get rich quick schemes aka scams.


There is a slight correlation between cranial size and intelligence

>Veeky Forums
projection of academic insecurity

>tfw 2 dum too figure out what this picture is trying to say

I just get out of the picture that really stupid people and really smart people are happy,and everyone inbetween is miserable.

See how all the scientists are content and happy?

even if intelligence and happiness were correlated (they aren't), geniuses have a higher rate of mental illness, particularly depression and ADHD

>See how all the tenured scientists are content and happy?

His head is fucking huge.
What gives?



I was asking rhetorically, because it's clearly bullshit. What am I supposed to do, type "physiologically deformed geniuses" into pubmed? What a crock of shit. Was Von Neumann physiologically deformed? Was Newton?

No? Then it's bullshit. Show. Me. The. Studies. Or. Shut. Up.

Why should we presume after a certain limit it makes someone happy again? What happens if you go beyond that then?

This doesn't hold up.

I come on the internet to shitpost, not to do research. This is not a science board. This is a board for shotposting about science. If you want to think it's bullshit, that's your problem and none of my concern.

Why is there such a preponderance of getrichquick fags in today's world? Or has it always been like that?

OK, just wanted to verify that you were bullshitting. I thought there might be a small chance you had actually read a paper but it's clear now that you're a lying imbecile.

>Or has it always been like that?
its always been like that. the internet just gave them a forum to run their scams .

>chads using robinhood thinking its actual investing

its not?

I'm not bullshitting. I won't post any studies though because I don't have to prove anything to you. You're welcome to think what you want.

I don't just mean the scammers. I mean the children who are always looking to become YouTube stars or something like that.

well i read a million studies that says your studies are wrong. so there.

Great! I'm real happy for you and Imma let you finish. But my studies are the greatest studies of all time. OF . ALL . TIME

nah, its always been like that man. the medium has just changed. before the internet it was telemarketing fraud and pyramid schemes.

many such cases and other things
you know it, i know it, everybody knows it


>"all geniuses are physiologically deformed. I read it in a study."
>"Well, what about all these geniuses with no evidence of physiological deformations?"
>"I don't care if you believe me"

OK, if you won't link a study can you at least tell me how these people were physiologically deformed?


For every person of genius with physical problems such as Euler or Hawking, there are geniuses who are healthy. How can you believe your hypothesis when the obvious evidence contradicts it?

Newton was autistic.

That's not a physiological deformation.

All mental illnesses are physiological anomalies.

I agree with this. Always have, always will.

Can I please just see the study?

That's a different stud(ies) Too many to list here

They just figured out how to manipulate themselves psychologically so they can let negative emotions atrophy and indulge in positive emotions. It does not change the fact we will all die and humans are psychopathic apes who would torture you for their own amusement if there were no consequences to their actions.

>figured out how to manipulate themselves psychologically so they can let negative emotions atrophy
I think a lot of people develop this ability as they get older. Some STUDIES (that shall remain nameless) show that that is in fact what happens to most people sometime between adolescence and adulthood

>humans are psychopathic apes who would torture you for their own amusement if there were no consequences to their actions

this knowledge terrifies me daily

Speak for yourself. I couldn't torture anyone for my amusement even if there were no consequences.

You won't know that unless there truly are no consequences. That's always the problem with this type of thinking. That's what the Stanford prison experiment arguably showed. That we can't know ourselves unless we're in the situation in question.

stephen hawking.

Hey, if you can't 'beat it'...


Then just give me one.

sorry i'm to smart but lazy to provide sources

This is what arrogance is.

Arrogance is people's willingness to disrespect those they don't have respect for, or otherwise harm them in small ways, because they know their status permits them to do so.

>they were full of butthurt

maybe that was because they don't like shit threads clogging their board


Both geniuses and brainlets are happy?

>stephen hawking.
he was happy before he became a potato

Here's another redpill.

a challenger appears

what's this chart saying and who are these people besides Einstein

>who are these people besides Einstein
Pls leave Veeky Forums

>who are these people besides Einstein
This proves that you're a brainlet.

Your picture seems to indicate more that successful people are happy.


It's almost as if healty people are taller, smarter, more symmetric and beautiful than poor people. WHO KNEWWWW?????

Refute this chinlets

That's because you are weak

>It does not change the fact we will all die
That's a good thing, it puts much greater meaning to our lives since we can die next year or next month or next week or next day or next hour and can't afford it on trivial bullshit.
>humans are psychopathic apes who would torture you for their own amusement if there were no consequences to their actions
Maybe a few who are irreversibly fucked, but I'd like to believe that the better side will win eventually.
I'd argue that the ones doing the torturing are weak.

Aggression is the 'easy' path of least resistance and puts you below animals, even bonobos can co-exist peacefully. Empathy is what has gotten humans this far, even if the ugly sides show more than the noble most of the time.

Good post five stars

You know it's true

We all knew. We know it instinctively. This instinct is built into each and every one of us. We've been endowed by evolution with the ability to judge someone's health just by seeing them.

>Your picture seems to indicate more that successful people are happy.
Obviously this

Wife is a 160 IQ. Received her M.D. and sold her first SF novel the same month, when she was 23. Pessimistic to a fault, some Autism lurking also.
Sample of one, I know.

There are literally tons of studies about this. I trip over them whenever I visit any science news site. OP is just lazy.

>160 IQ
no legit IQ test goes above 140.

think he may be a brainlet married to a genius

Can somebody help a newfag and give me a quick rundown on these guys?

I don't see why bodily deformations would be present in geniuses given genius is in the brain. However Newton was really, really fucked up. Possibly the most fucked up scientist I know of. He'd write delusional letters to people, hallucinated, and was just a generally bizarre person. He also fit in a jar when he was born.

Ramanujan was also really fucked up, but not as bad. Ramanujan was EXTREMELY emotional and sensitive.

Gauss I don't know much about. I'm guessing he was an eccentric, but mostly a normal person.

here is a comprehensive picture instead
