Mfw realizing in my degree plan that I stop taking math after differential equations and linear algebra

>mfw realizing in my degree plan that I stop taking math after differential equations and linear algebra
What? I didn't realize mechanical engineering never delved into any real I'm seriously considering switching to being a math major

What do?

i want to be a mechanical engineer, how hard is the math for someone currently passing algebra 2 with a B


Underage b8

How shit is you uni? I'm doing Industrial Engineering and I've already had more math than that.

ok but pls answer question

Far too hard for you. You should consider picking a non stem degree.

>I didn't realize mechanical engineering never delved into any real math
Then you haven't been lurking for long

forgot to include that i'm a freshman oops
>does it even fucking make a difference

also >inb4 newfag
i know jfc ban me or whatever

That is all you need.
I went to UCLA and we took PDE and complex variable, both taught by the ME department. The math guys had their own stuff. You sort of need this stuff for fluids and controls.

You are full of shit.

in highschool*

Just do math Minor.

Frankly everything past numerical analysis and linear Algebra 2 is just mental masturbation and can be learned from self study

I'm 20 you fuck. You must be one of those autists with their head so much up their asses that they think industrial engineering = business

then be a math major, many people i know who end up in engineering hate it because all of the jobs are, seriously, fucking boring

you think you're gonna get to build all sorts of exotic cool shit but really, you'll be doing QA for some asshat manufacturer measuring things with calipers all day.


You never really do any math beyond high school scratch on the job. Math is all about weeding students out.

Before you say anyrhing, 10 year engineer here making 150k

It's true then what they say: engineers can't do math

sounds boring.

>Frankly everything past numerical analysis and linear Algebra 2 is just mental masturbation and can be learned from self study
he said, clueless to how little he understood.

don't be an engineer unless you're already gay

uhh that's not me lol
i genuinely like engineering :/

90% of engineering jobs are boring cuck work

Just do the homework and you'll be fine. Electricity and Magnetism will be harder than any math class you'll have to take anyway.

As said above, I'm a career mechanical engineer with a PhD. Everyone knows that math is just a way to weed students out, and beyond linear algebra is mostly logic games anyway. You can do engineering work with a high school diploma, they just need to find the art people.

Everyone in the industry knows it, but Veeky Forums being mostly first year undergrads larping as cutting edge researchers dont

Just minor in Math then, you can take more courses that way

See, I knew this from the start (except I wanted to become an actuary). So I got my bachelor's in pure mathematics, and now I'm working on becoming an actuary.

Got a good taste of mathematics up till commutative algebra, complex analysis and topology.

>beyond linear algebra is mostly logic games anyway
You think math beyond LA is just logic games?

fucking kek



>mechanical engineer with a PhD

They're either handing out PhDs to complete brainlets, or he's lying.

Let's me guess? You watched Neil Degrasse Tyson talk about how super rad math is so you watched numberphile and fancyed yourself a mathmatician? I've been exploring concepts that would blow your mind for years kid. I've been to he'll and back with the Reinmann Hypothesis, I've scoured the depth's of complex analysis, and stared backat the abyss of point set topology. I understand reality at a level you couldnt dream.

I earned my PhD in a single year, my supervisors could barely believe it, and my viva gad no corrections. I had multiple corporations loozing to pay me for my research, but I respect the soul of academia too much to throw it to the galls of capitalism. My tested IQ is hyperbolic, one of the few of its kind. It's those like me that allow your world to stay comfortable. We are the ones that will unlock the secret's of the universe, while you stay locked in a plutonium cave.

I hope it's warm in there at least.

false flag

how is this not a copypasta

it is now

yeah but of you make a lot of money who cares what the fuck you do at your job all day
I can't even think of any job that wouldn't suck to do all day unless it were a cushy office job where you never have any real work and just browse Veeky Forums 90% of the time.

>all the jobs in field X suck, so study field Y instead, all the jobs in field Y are wonderful
>the set of all the jobs in field Y is empty
I wonder if I can become a cashier once I finish my math degree

That is probably for manufacturing.
if you actually delve into design then things become complicated.

And yes, I know the computer does a lot of it but you still need to be able to understand the results.
For example, anyone can put numbers in a CFD code, but you need substantial knowledge about PDEs and linear algebra if you want to set correct boundary conditions. Even more, if you actually need to code it yourself.

Get both degrees. I did it. It took one extra year to do. Engineer that took all tech electives in Mathematics.

those are the math classes by math department. mechanical engineering classes, especially higher level ones dealing with fluid flows, go deeper in terms of solving PDEs. also, as a phd studnet i was required to take at least 2 more graduate level math courses out of only 12 courses in total that are required.

discretization is another big thing. my university has multiple ME courses dealing with discrete math.

of course if you weren't a retarded, shitposting freshman you would know this.

>imaginary numbers add another dimension to the real numbers
why the fuck these faggots call them imaginary

DiffyQ and linear algebra are as far in math as you need to go if you ever want to do anything practical or useful with your knowledge and skillset. Applying it to study of materials was fucking awesome for me. First 2 years are terrible at any job, you gotta pay the toll, but then you get 3 or 4 fresh grads reporting to you and a legion of blue collar cucks who bend the knee when you walk by.
t. civil eng.

I'm studying Industrial Engineering and we see a lot of math & physics, i love when mechanical and chemical faggots try to say their specialization is harder, and I got higher grades in all math and physics courses (In my uni all especializations take the same basic courses) than them, when i show them they shut their mouths lel


how autistic do you have to be where your ideal job is browsing Veeky Forums

>Industrial Engineering
Iam curious, if you are so good at math and physics why didn't you do Electrical Engineering?

IE gives me way more money, and EE have a hard time finding a good job in my country

(Only around 5% of engineering graduates are EE in my uni)

>his mechanical engineering degree has less math than my comp sci degree
fucking kekd so hard

Yeah, your degree is pure shit.
In my mechanical engineering degree going up to analytical number theory, commutative algebra and algebraic topology was obligatory.

>implying complexity theory and algorithm analysis takes less math than whatever it is Engineers do all day.

engineering is 90% feels and intuition. the math is there to keep you from getting sued and to optimize a design you already know works.

when you do use math, you only do it once and you immediately build an algorithm with it so you never have to do it again.

how often you do this is a pretty good indication of how ambitious your projects are.

This is the first time I heared someone says that IE is in a high demand in his place. Most people says that your not a businessman nor
a real engineer so you will find hard time to get a job.
Anyway, good luck user.

But their specialization is harder you retard.
You getting good grades doesn't change that.
>this person actually exists and is above 13
Holy fuck, somewhere, something went horribly wrong.


Nice try brainlet