What's your favorite element? Mine is manga-nese

What's your favorite element? Mine is manga-nese.

My have is probably Iridium

>not chromium


Young adult non-Asian men that consider anime and manga as part of their hobbies and interests tend to have lacked a strong father figure or a healthy relationship with their fathers growing up.

Japanese student here.

Can confirm.

causes caner

Scandium or fluorine

>tfw black weeb

So would any Alpha.

I'm Central Asian. Am I in the clear?

18 valance electrons
its pretty dope

Source? I'm actually interested

In my case, this couldn't be any more wrong.

>Tfw my dad's an alpha orthopedic surgeon and talks about drills and screws and other mechanical shit all day
>I'm a giant weeb who sits on the computer for hours
Genes are a meme


>Manga knees

Forgot image... Frick...

Not a super weeb but I have a good relationship with my dad

Can confirm, my only hobby (unless you count math as a hobby and I shouldn't give that now it is my "career") is anime and mana and I hate a fucking terrible relationship with my dad growing. Even now I don't really like him that much but now we are all adults so it doesn't matter.


Tungsten, motherfucker




I unironically like manganese for three reasons
>each oxidation state of Mn is a new pretty colour
>oxidises aldehydes to carboxylic acids

>Any answer other than Bismuth

I want P&G shills out of Veeky Forums.

Molybendium because... lol 42!!! (srry if u dont get that ref)



I grew up in a moderately high-income household and turned into a weaboo in college. I genuinely think it's because I subconsciously hate my dad. He was a very nice guy and morally upstanding man. The reason I hate him is because he would leave me to go to work. He left me with my bitch cunt of a mom:

>Before I was in kindergarten, I would stay home all day with my mother.
>My older sister would be in school, father at work, little sister not born yet.
>She would yell at me, hit me for making foolish mistakes or damaging anything.
>I would have problems like shitstains in my underwear, although I was just 4 so it should have been treated with understanding. She shoved it in my face and screamed at me.
>I have a foggy memory of her telling me to jump about 15 feet out of the window in my room for "practice to escape from a fire"; but I screamed at her until she stopped making me because it would obviously have hurt me
>She would literally schoolyard bully me for some of the problems I had (I had to wear pull-ups for overactive bladder til I was 9 and she got pissed and made fun of me for it).
>Got screamed at for telling school counselor that I sometimes argued with her, got told to "never tell him shit like that again", when I was like 10.
>Screaming and yelling every single morning before every day of middle school
>Would steal jokes she heard me tell and would claim them as her own at family gatherings.
>When high school rolled around my older sister and I teamed up against her and stood up for ourselves, finally getting her to stop with a lot of her stupid shit

As for my dad:
>Is super nice and was the "fun parent"
>Never talked to him about sex. Had to learn it in school
>Never talked to him about how to get a girlfriend or girls in general.
>Relationship is very cold and distant.
>I don't think he likes me anymore

My favorite element is arsenic.


I call bs until you explain how anime is in anyway connected to parenthood, let alone fatherhood.

delet this

This is bullshit and you know it. Fuck off with this pseudo-science. I know the word "tend" leaves room for confirmation, but I bet you have no scientific evidence to back it up.


the deadliest sound


Mostly bc i'm french, and "Antimoine" is like "Anti-moine", meaning "Anti-monk" and it's fun.

>ctrl f carbon
>no results

ungrateful fucks

Literally a fucking thef. Fuck you.

dude what if anime was real all along?



Mine is ani-mu

That is a very hard choice. Quite a few top contenders.
I quite like wolfram (tungsten) especially when it joins up with my main man carbon and makes tungsten carbide.

Alumium is good too. Super useful and nicely recyclable.
