When did you take the simulated reality pill?

>As technology increases exponentially, it is feasible that an advanced civilization could create a powerful method of computing that could generate our universe
>The reason our universe seems "reality-ish" is because it needs to obey the same fundamental set of laws as the parent universe that generated it

I used to think it was just a retarded viral marketing campaign by Elon Musk (tm), but I recant. Simulated reality is real.

Brainlet in the past
Brainlet in the future

You're still too much of a brainlet to claim whether or reality is simulated or not.

why would it need to obey the parent universes laws? wouldnt that just be a recursive universe then?

btw planck length/ plank time = pixels/frames in the simulation

>it is feasible that an advanced civilization could create a powerful method of computing that could generate our universe

Because those conditions are the map to create a world where life can exist. Where consciousnesses can come into being, question their existence, convince themselves that they have a purpose and are loved

what a retarded fucking idea.

> planck length/ plank time = pixels/frames
thats where it all falls apart

Intelligent design is bullshit.

So they somehow managed to create a perfectly random value generator for their quantum_phenomenon.exe. Wow, real intriguing. Tell me more.

Time is not discrete or quantitized, or is the plank time any kind of set limit like the plank length, it's just another unit to measure time.

Because I'm not a theist


I don't think you know what Planck units are

A universe pixel size doesn't make sense with Lorentz invariance

>it could possibly maybe technically maybe theoretically be done in the far future if we stretch our imagination enough
>this means that it has been done and that we're living as a result of it
That doesn't make any sense whatsoever, why is this even given attention by anyone?

>convince themselves they are loved

So it failed

>>The reason our universe seems "reality-ish" is because it needs to obey the same fundamental set of laws as the parent universe that generated it

I see no reason for this. "Reality" is simply what we have become used to. The outer universe could be so different that creating a simulation needn't imply intelegent life. It would probably need more than three dimensions to accommodate all the information in our universe.

Ultimately, unless you can find a way to test this, it is probably more a religion than science, and isn't worth more than recreational consideration.

He said its like the pixels which have to be quantized. Ant time isn't quantized, neither are spatial dimensions.

what is the point of simulating the universe

Every computer program has bugs. The larger the scale the more likely a bug will occur in any program. Why wouldn't we be seeing bugs occur in our everyday life if that was the case?

I took a survey of theoretical physics as one of my grad classes.

Loop Quantum Gravity literally says that spacetime is a discrete, triangulated mesh. The coincidences are just too much.

>When did you take the simulated reality pill?

When I gave myself retardation with a hammer to the head.

There is a cataclysmic event in the future. No one really understands what caused it. The approach is simulate the universe from the same initial conditions until the cataclysm to better understand it.

Who says we don't?

Enjoy your roller coaster ride into schizophrenia. Why would they simulate the entire extent of human history instead of just the event.

Fuck off retard, go finger your peehole or whatever brainlets do when they realize their own mortality and succumb to death anxiety.

Buckle up motherfucker, because we are all going to die and get buried in the ground.

>I'm a ghost inside a meatcage inside a simulated universe inside a computer inside another dimension

enjoy your psychosis.

>>The reason our universe seems "reality-ish" is because it needs to obey the same fundamental set of laws as the parent universe
lol, no
if reality were a little different than it is now, then we'd consider that "reality-ish"
if it were even more different than that, we'd just consider That to be "reality-ish"

the entities capable of thought in the simulation will always find that existence to make sense to them