I still feel fucking stupid. Does this mean I can survive college? I'm taking physics now. I know IQ is stupid, I just want some motivation that it's not that I'm stupid, it's just I can't get my ass of the couch and work.
I still feel fucking stupid. Does this mean I can survive college? I'm taking physics now. I know IQ is stupid...
im studying physics, IQ is 20, getting A's in everything and will go on to do honors and phd. As long as you're reasonably smart hustle means much more than raw brainpower.. there are "lazy but smart" kids in my class that i destroy in every lab and finish in half the time they take because they're too "smart" to do the pre-readings, lol.
If you feel stupid that means you're learning content that's actually pushing your understanding. If things were always easy you'd never really be learning.
>20 IQ
>literally dumber than a chimpanzee
Anyways, are you admitting to being stupid?
iq is 120... lol, not 20. what am i, an engineer
Fuck OP here. Never bothered to go and open the book and read the text. Only read it during lecture as the professor is going through. Decide that I can wing it during the exam, got a C which is really bad for me. Am I even lucky with a C or do you need like >135 IQ like einstein tier to get away with it?
It doesn't matter how fucking smart you are, if you don't take the time to learn information you won't magically know it.
Fuck you cunt. I'm way too smart to be opening the book to purposely read fundamental shit. I'll at most much rather finish the problem sums.
This guy is correct, if you put down the time to actually study and do things, almost everyone with above average intelligence can do great.
The thing is that most people do not take their studying seriously, meaning treating it as a job that needs to be done. If you are very intelligent things will go faster, but there isn't really any way around just sitting down for hours and repeating problems until it's muscle memory.
I have a bachelor's degree in EE and a master's degree in physics with a B average in both.
And he wonders why he is doing poorly
Is this a online test or an actual in test?
>treats college completion as important life task
>chooses physics degree
online lol.
Well then, the score is useless, online in tests give everyone a high score
You're way too stupid to be reading the book, my dude.
That didn't happen for many people solving iqtest . dk, did it?
Got like 120 from iqtest.dk, just know I'm at least 88th percentile, taking into consideration standard deviation
This, cliché genius is a meme. Work is that matters once you have 130+ IQ.
Now you can stop studying for your exams because you're too smart to study
Was going to say this. The stuff you're learning took people millenia to realize. And the way books teach it is anachronistically and without explaining the motivation behind it. The more you learn, the easier it will be to deduce new things.
This is the reality that people don't want to hear.
Genius is a meme, being “smart but lazy” will get you absolutely nowhere.
Sure Terence Tao is smart but he's also been studying math 15 hours a day since he was 5 years old.
>IQ higher than literally 99% of the population
>I feel fucking stupid
I'm sorry what
Can confirm, 150+ IQ lazy piece of shit here, already had to drop a course this semester, about to have to drop another
Sounds like he was a brainlet
Sounds like you're a brainlet. If you were actually 150 IQ then you could've calculated the amount of work required to get rich quick
is this good? i'd like to work harder but i'm suicidal and extremely depressed, which really hurts my work ethic, i literally don't have the willpower to get out of bed some days... let alone do my work...
this is not an online test btw, real shit
How much did you pay for it? Good enough for a Ph.D. in maths. Other than that, if you don't put the pen down and work, you're fucked. Intelligence rarely compensates for laziness.
Again, I'm lazy piece of shit who's content with wasting my time shitposting instead of getting rich.
Read: Intelligence rarely compensates for intelligence. Stephen Hawking almost was forced to be a medical doctor during his time in Cambridge, at that time medical doctors are still prestigious but less prestigious than Cambridge educated physicists.
don't know, took it when i was 5
i'm shit at math bc work ethic thing i described before
not lazy, depressed (or it might be something else :/)
mostly fucking bc this:
>no goals in life
>no enjoyment out of anything
>haven't felt lasting positive emotion in years
>don't have a crush on anyone
>no extra curricular activities
>no hobbies
>spend all my free time trying to get a quick laugh or something ANYTHING
>put on mood stabilizers which just make me feel high (shitty high as well)
>parents don't understand my condition,
>brainfry from sitting in front of a screen all day
>just want to fucking die
>what's the point in living anyway
can someone diagnose me or something please...
Yea you have a gift, don't waste it son. Just find something you like and you'll be fine. God speed my man.
ever heard of big fish little pond user
Hard work is MUCH more important than Brilliance.
Average intelligence but mega hard worker will do much better in college than above Average but lazy.
Only a few are both Genius AND hard working.
Don't trust IQ test. I've done both the official mensa online tests (The swedish one and the Danish one) and got 140 and 115 respectively. Even the ones you can take with a psychologist are pretty bullshit, since IQ means nothing in an adult. Search for Mensa's groups on facebook (the official groups) and you will see that most of the people there didn't even go to college. MENSA only wants your money. IQ, height, skin color, etc. People here are always looking for something to feel insecure, I think it's because they want an excuse for their failures. The truth is that hard work is the only thing that will take you far in life.
If you are so insecure about a pseudoscience test that was made 100 years ago, then just practice pattern recognition, successions, geometry and get some of those "brain games" for kids (block design), vocabulary and reading comprehension. Practice these things for a couple of months and then take a MENSA test, I guarantee you that you will get 140+ in their test, that's how a lot of members got in.
If you want to
It's not that high, it doesn't give you almost any advantage to somebody with a 110-120 IQ, so i doubt it will affect you at all.
This man speaks the truth.
the IQ meme is only perpetuated on this board because people need something to shitpost about and lord over people, even on the science board.
No, it's something people use to tag on for their failures. People want to feel that their failures are behind their control. It feels better this way.
You're basically an idiot.
Fuck off. Brainlet. I bet you're one of those retards that read your textbooks everyday.