How plausible is the idea of terraforming the sahara or any other desert

How plausible is the idea of terraforming the sahara or any other desert

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Somewhat plausible, if we get a metric crap load of soil, desalinate water from the ocean and grab some tropical plants, it may just work. Also reversing global warming will add to the effect.

Damn near impossible, and a stupid idea too. It's a desert for a reason; their geographical location with respect to the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and global weather patterns starve the area of moisture and perpetuate an environment unsuitable for vegetation and large animal population.

Since terraforming means to make an environment more Earth-like, and since desserts one part of the environment on Earth, I'd say it would be remarkably easy.

1: Locate dessert
2: Do absolutely nothing.
3: ?????

Terraforming is dumb, just modify humans to be capable of living anywhere instead.

If we worked with vegetation, earth and universe, this earth would heal and all of it would be hospitable.
The problems exist today because society f'd with the earth; and most people's spirit is severely f'd.



The Sauds live in a dessert and have terrorformed successfully.

>Terraforming is dumb, just modify humans to be capable of living anywhere instead.
>make them all white

it can work. Just look at dubai.

Yeah, they are even exporting and funding the knowhow.
>maybe they got inspired by USA dropping democrazy from bombers.

>whites surviving in the blazing sun at 48 degrees celsius
Seems like a recipe for skin cancer

there have been a couple of proposed schemes to do this to the interior of australia.

they all involve basically just letting the ocean flood the place to increase evaporation

>what is clothes
>what is vehicles and buildings with ACs
>Of course they would all lie down naked in sand and shit with flies on their face, waiting for the next gibsmedat load from US and EU.

are you stupid, or do you not know how skin cancer works
either way just make your white people black, it's literally one or two genes

wish your retarded sacks of shit parents didn't have you

That's some kind of crazy dreamin'.

It works so, that if your skin does not receive sunlight, then (surprisingly) the sunlight doesn't matter really.

>modify humans to be capable of living anywhere
Why are you using ACs and clothes when we're discussing humans?
You fucking brainlet. Holy shit. Don't come to this board again. You're probably the stupidest person I've met here

Possible. Deserts are always adjacent to a mountain range that blocks the wer air from the jet stream, only arid air passes and dries up the other side. Think of the mountain as a water catcher.

The best land mass to 'terraform' would be the Australian continent though.

This mountain range hug the east cost. The jet steam providing wet air comes from the east/pacific side too. Thus, the tiny slivers east of it are wet and 90% of continent to the west is a desert.

Moving this mountain to the west coast would make Australia a ferile place, the arid zone would be in the ocean.

This all fucking crazy though you cant move mountains. Theories have bounced around about crearing gap in the range and builing artificial hollow or tall structures were you wabt the water laden air to concentrate, but it'd be a 5 century effort to do it the right way and we dont have the fossil fuels.

>can't move mountains
With enough nukes you can do anything.
>inb4 muh raditae.. radite.rad. muh mutants!

a mountain made of glass because of nukes is still a mountain of glass. Don't forget the poisoned air that you'll have to breath. Don't worry the world is gonna get nuked to hell anyway in a few years when america starts a nuclear war. Don't forget that russia has more nukes than you anyway.

you can, but the plants can get dry because of the climate in deserted regions. they're desert for a reason

>when we're discussing humans?
>modify humans
>not the conditions (which doesn't even need any new tech
All mods needed:
>kill the nigs
>ship in white people with brains

To terraform a desert you just have to trap enough moisture on its surface in plant to mass to change to change the weather patterns

How do you eat an entire Elephant by yourself?

One bite at a time.

It's definitely possible, blast it (nuke or conventional), build robust conveyor belt, redeposit. Were talking a long time, huge planetary ramifications, massive depletion of energy. Doable though.

kys brainlet

there's also white people without brains like you that are dumber than shit-ton of black people. Why don't we start by cutting your throat on camera in the desert first?

What trees and other plants survive best in desert, and could be modified to grow extremely deep roots?
How to control the constant movement of the sand?
The cheapest way to pump water?
What's your problem? Hurt your feefees?

Why do fat white neets turn into such twisted people?

There is probably a critical mass at which a forest being sustained by human technological effort in a desert will eventually start to spread unassisted beyond the confines of the desert it was planted in. The size of a jungle scape that could do that in the middle of the sahara is probably really fucking big because it has to be able to generate enough evaporated moisture to drastically effect the weather patterns in the region(creating rain) but my guess is the very sand surronding the the jungle may contribute to precipitation (sand particles and such). It would taken an initial mass of organics and a steady supply of water, your best bet being desalinating ocean water and bringing into the mix. I think you could do it by filling a huge region with a shit ton( and I mean a huge fucking ton it might be billions or trillions of tons) of decaying matter, trees, carcases, so on and so forth and keeping it hydrated with desalinated water from the ocean, then you would start to cultivate the land without harvesting for 100s of years. Faster growing organisms would be ideal but you would want some solid stuff. Defiinitely want to work with tropical species.

You would basically pool decaying matter from all over the world( dead trees, human corpses. anything you could find and then use technology suction huge amounts of water from the ocean desalinate it and use that water to keep all the decaying matter moist and start cultivating it. It probably really simple you're just working with huge quantities to jumpstart a large enough ecosystem to become self sustainable

>white people without brains
That is exactly why I said: WITH brains
cutting your throat on camera in the desert first?
>kill the guy who tries to tell you the truth and solve the problem
Yes, well... That's why the nigs must be gassed first

I do not believe there is any pure black person alive more intelligent than I am. Maybe a mulatto or two..

You're dumb

Just think how great that mulatto couldve been with both white parents.

Its the effect of self shaming in an echo chamber, your brain partitions itself to associate its understanding of its worthlessness as an organism with an externalized other. Everything these people say is actually just what they believe about themselves. Its a survival mechanism

why are whites defending themselves so hard on the internet and in real life?

>Sahara/Australia was lush and inhabited before ind. revolution

go fuck yourself.

>survival mechanism
Like a genetic throw back to collectivism? Where the weakest nonproductive member was ejected from the group? Thus you are clearly one of the weakest, identify as such, and naturally defend who you see as the weakest members (blacks etc) so they are on deck and not you?

>defending themselves
Not really. It is a fact: Nothing that I do or say really matters, because I am the one setting my own standards of what matters - It is rare for any random passerby to fulfill/reach them - and the ones that do would really do so anyways.
But from a different point of view, it doesn't really mean much to me if retards die in hunger or kill each other somewhere, but I guess it would be a nice project to try and make them see truth, and understand even some basic logic. Even without any profit, - just to pass the time - that I have a lot, because I have arranged so, -and have had some luck too. But retards always kill their helper, so it would be more efficient to get rid of them, and then just focus on preventing newborns to become like them.

not him, but it's defending white people

despite all the scientific measurements, statistical indications and anecdots of asians (both females and males) outperforming your race in terms of intellect, i will defend you and your tribe

This it's more complicated that what it sounds, for starters desalinization takes a lot of time and transporting the water it's also complicated, tropical plants need an stable amount of water and air humidity.

It has been achieved many times before since the hanging gardens of Babylon.

This it's a good idea.

Small portions they're not actually making the desert less arid or dry.

This it's a real plan and it's terrible.

This effect it's limited and more complicated than it sounds, consider that the Gobi desert and the Atacama desert that are some of the highest deserts, have plenty of mountains but the water it condensates it's not enough.

Again mountains don't do the trick by themselves.

You need water and humidity to start, only real option it's to make biodomes and expand from there, but that's always limited by the amount of water you can generate.

>Identity politics.

It's like you don't want this desert terraformed.

Please. I bet you're not even in college, let alone a researcher.

>despite all the scientific measurements, statistical indications and anecdots of asians
I for one, do not have anything against Asians, and for the thread being what it is - the Africans and maybe some middle-eastern people are more of a problem. Problem mostly for them selves.
Middle-East is different in many ways of course. They may partly even have some reasons for their fuckery. ( I'd like to say had, and they have crossed the limit of "healthy craziness" )
>help us!
>ok, now stop taking our resources, now when it's all so stabile! - or we kill you!
>sure mate, I' out
>few years pass
>everything is fucked up
>help us!

What a joke, mate!

That is a very sad thing to think about..
And all the other potential wasted.. Horrible!

>What a joke, mate!
So, you actually aren't currently in or a graduate from an institution of higher learning. Figures.

Also, why don't your type refer to averages? You could have easily said that you're smarter than MOST pure black people, which isn't much of an achievement, but you essentially wrote off a billion people including professors, doctors, and researchers. I guess you're smarter than them too?

You're not going to respond to this.

Intelligence is racial. Skin color determines your IQ. Those people aren't really smart. Races have different brains.

Yes, that is correct, I am smarter than them.

Schools are in general a joke. People with IQ of 90 can get trough them, and that alone makes it useless to mention them at all.
Not that I wouldn't spent the time there too, though it didn't mean shit, and I knew that then already, so focused on business early.

*didn't spend
And it isn't about me or you or some specific guy here or there or anywhere, but the whole populations of some areas, and what is needed to do to them for them to be self-sustaining and even making some progress.
A progress that would help them.

I bet einstein was a joke. College is a joke. Doctors are jokes. Anyone with an IQ of 90 can become a doctor. You don't need to go to school to be useful. All you need is to be white. Wow AT LAST I SEE. Being white is so great holy shit. Being white means you're too cool for school. You are smarter than the CEO of google because he isn't white. Wow

probably the worst post I've seen in my life. I just lost IQ points reading it. Did you ever realize that this is why most of Veeky Forums treats you racists like niggers?

it's pretty amazing why idiots like that actually crawl out of /pol/ to post here. I wonder how they find keys to type out sentences

>All you need is to be white
Have I said that? No.
Intentionally misunderstanding is one of the signs of people who are ready to kill the helper too. Reasons for this are many, and few are represented already ITT.
In my country that is the number1 reason why poor people are poor - and they are mostly white. So how to help even more retarded population?

>Anyone with an IQ of 90 can become a doctor
I didn't say that either. Can you even into thinking?
The fact, that many people with slight retardation pass just as the geniuses does absolutely mean, that mentioning school as good measurement of anything by itself on a one specific persons case does not work.
Other indicators must be used as well.
But again - it is not about any one person.

Well, the topic of this thread is what it is, and I have simply brought up the biggest object on the "terraformings" way. But science and truth is raycis!!!

Thats a perfect example of my point though. Andes mountains, one side the Amazon the other an arid desert

The Gobi desert is an even better example.

The wiki even discusses my point, it is a "rain shadow" desert formed by the Himalayan mountain range blocking watercarrying clouds from the indian ocean.

Im not sure why you disagreed with me then brought up two perfect examples of how i was right and you are ignorant and uninformed.

Yeah, sure. But you still have no arguments? You know that I'm right. And it hurts..

you're just a program that's typing to me. You're obviously typing out stuff but are you actually "feeling" that you are talking to me? Probably not.
You win. Go enlist and shoot some people that aren't white

I probly "feel" more than you. i have 0 urges towards violence. But some love for truth, that is also useful/practical. Like I said, the people are their biggest problem, no matter what people we are talking about. Some groups just are bigger problem for their selves than others.
Feelings are just fine - but when something has to get done, one should be able to control them at least to some extent. If feelings are more important than logic on Veeky Forums, it is lost.
People who can't talk about, and research everything, any subject, -cannot get very far on it. And if one hurts ones feelings just by studying a topic that "feels" unconfortable, so what? That doesn't really hurt you, and you don't have to even agree. But not thinking and studying a case trough every point/aspect means work badly done.
Oh, the evil reality!

The sahara used to be a jungle. After egypt fell all the niggers went to the jungle and killed / raped everything which made the desert grow into a fuck huge death zone. Even the romans tried to bring it back by planting fig and olive trees. That was like 1500 years ago.
