Brainlet here,
Is this accurate?
Brainlet here,
Is this accurate?
No. It makes no sense at all.
not really, I think what it is going for is time jump-forward/reversal, but it isn't executed well.
integrate B you get A
derive B you get C
integrate C you get B
is this correct?
Change in milk over time (fermentation) = cheese
Accumulation of milk over time = fully grown cow
>is this correct?
what the fuck are you even asking?
sure is
kill yourself
it makes absolutely no sense because the units of x are not defined. time? distance? what?
integrate milk + beef constant to get cow.
what the fuck is x?
t. brainlet
But yes. They are inverses of eachother.
This image is so shit that it won't even help my little sister understand calculus.
Come up with something better loser.
It's just a wordplay. Cheese is a derivative of milk, and milk is in turn a derivative of the cow.
shut the fuck up you moron
>cows are 4 dimensional milk cartons
made me think
what a fucking moron, you got mad because I didn't give a shit about the spelling I use when talking to retards on Veeky Forums
Would make more sense if it was dt instead of dx, but it's still retarded
I left milk out and it shows no signs of turning into a cow.
ITT brainlets can't identify joke/bait threads
you need to integrate your milk, cut a piece of cardboard in the shape of an integral symbol and glue it to the milk, it will turn into a cow, just do it man trust me that's how I ended up having 100 cows in my house, it all started with me buying some cartons of milk
It says "dx" when x isn't really defined here. "dt" would be more appropriate since t generally means time.
Either way, it doesn't make sense. "the rate at which milk changes as time changes equals cheese" and "the accumulation of milk over time is equivalent to a cow"