>wanting kids
Fucking why?
Wanting kids
Because not everybody is a myopic shithead like you.
To further my lineage, increase the number of white natives in my homeland, teach my values to more people and increase the chances that my relatively good genetics are part of the future gene pool.
No, I have the foresight to realize that raising kids is a terrible investment, in every way possible. Plus, I have the intelligence to realize life is a meme. Project harder.
>too much of a brainlet to not realize that you're more than simply an individual
>too much of a brainlet to realize that the purpose of life is to propagate your genetics
>tfw you'll be the first genetic failure in your lineage since the beginning of life on earth
>too much of a brainlet to not realize that you are seriously afflicted with special snowflake syndrome
>too much of a brainlet to realize that proposition is literally primitive, caveman era mentality and that modern society has redefined the purpose of life to be a miserable wagecuck stuck in the neverending rat race
>tfw you'll be just another brainwashed automaton in your lineage living to procreate and indoctrinating your offspring to ceaselessly repeat this cycle without questioning the purpose of existence
>too much of a brainlet to stop assign arbitrary and ultimately useless ideas such as 'purpose' to propogative cycles.
If you're a goalless sack of meat, why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Human nature.
Good question.
I guess because I like gardening with knowledge. Planting seeds in a young person's mind and seeing it grow is a very rewarding thing. When you see them go achieve great things and attribute them to you it is like no other feeling.
I think that's the best I got.
Because the self-propogating adaptive cycle has adapted such that it is less likely to self-terminate as those cyclebranches that did not were more likely to self-terminate and thus not continue that developmental path.
i'd really like to a raise a mini version of me to continue my dreams and my work
>not wanting to impregnate
What a fag
>this image triggers the leftist
I think the reason is that as women are not real human beings (they don't have emotions, feelings or personalities, they just come pre-programmed with some functions), they just come with the idea of wanting kids. They are programmed to want kids and then when they hook a man in then they make him just go with it.
A good example would be myself. My girlfriend talks all the time about how she wants to marry and have kids and I don't give a shit about that. Maybe marry because I think there is a tax break for that so free money but kids? That is the opposite of free money! Everytime she brings this up I dismiss with "Of course we will have tons of kids, but after we finish college and are in a good position to start a family" and then her primal child-wanting impulses calm down but then the next week she is back at thinking about our future with kids and shit.
Isn't that weird? I don't know why evolution "made it" so that only one gender would evolve consciousness and emotions, while the other remained basically a high-functioning program like a turtle or monkey. So fucking weird.
you sound like a real catch
Don't worry, when you get a virginity, lose that v-card, and stop putting women on a pedestal you will realize that all I am saying is true. Everyone realizes this at some point, and similarly everyone thinks that women are real people for at some years of their life.
You'll grow out of it.
Why not just kill yourself if you don't have any life goals.
I have life goals, but they aren't primal and savage like yours.
My lifegoal is to become a globally recognized mathematician, probably because of my future magnificent proof of the Riemann Hypothesis in which I actually show that all the remaining millenium prize problems are equivalent and then prove them in one go with a simple argument by contradiction.
And if I can't achieve that then I guess just being another math professor is good enough. I am sure I will prove some interesting lemmas at least.
What is the point of that when all the literate people of the world will be dead in 100 years because they all had the same idea that you did?
Children are annoying as all hell to deal with at a young age, they never shut up, they're always agitated in some way. I certainly won't be having any kids, mainly because I hate women for being manipulative cuntbags and that I'd much rather spend my time on doing things I want to do.
Before some faggot "alpha" decides to say, "Your whole purpose as an organism is to reproduce", maybe with simpler organisms, but not really humans. Human society has changed dynamically in less than 200k years. We aren't cavemen anymore. And don't even start about the genetic legacy bullshit. Your genes disappear after a few generations. They'll probably get mixed in with some nigger genes too.
That's great if you were raised by loving parents. I can't sympathize with this sentiment at all because my dad was a tyrannical shithead whom I loath with every fiber of my body.
>What is the point of that when all the literate people of the world will be dead in 100 years because they all had the same idea that you did?
What is the point of anything. In 100 years I'll be dead too. The point is I enjoyed my life.
If you don't care about your life then why should you have input on others?
that's a logical fallacy
You're right. You should start a foundation that provides him and men like him with nubile women which they impregnate, so the foundation can raise the kids without them ever knowing or bothering the father.
It's sexual dimorphism, we see it in other species like spiders (black widow off the top of my head). Men are shown to be better in all ways possible in humanities case.
>If you don't care about your life then why should you have input on others?
I can have input on anything I want. You could think of this as simply comparing goals.
My goal is honest and personal. It comes from a decision I made for myself. A decision so unnatural (humans are not born with the desire to be mathematicians, nor is there any biological desire of any form to become one).
Your goal is basically the most primal and basic shit. Not only that but (assuming you are a man), it is not even a goal you decided for yourself. A computer program (woman) put it into you.
Even if you don't have a gf, I know from experience that moms tell you that shit all the time. Because they are computer programs, and you decided to believe them. So retarded and so primal. Go back to the stone age where you belong.
Yeah, it is sexual dimorphism but it is weird that women wouldn't also evolve consciouness with us. But if you think about it, it makes a little sense.
One sex gets consciousness and is able to dream outside of biological bounds. Then that sex innovates and creates all types of shit.
Then the computer program sex comes and says "Hey, nice space rocket but don't forget to impregnate me." and then of course, you impregnate her and then continue. It is a nice balance, I guess. But it would be practically better if women were also real human beings so that we could earnestly treat them equally and maybe have them help with the rockets.
>women are not real human beings (they don't have emotions, feelings or personalities
>My girlfriend
how the fuck do you have a girlfriend if you think this way about women lmao
You can't drive a bike forward without cycling the wheels.
Remember people, the goal is to conquer the universe by 3017
>how the fuck do you have a girlfriend if you think this way about women lmao
Women are nice after you tame them and vaginas feel nice. She also goes to my university and she is in a position where she can come to my house for the weekends instead of it being the other way around, so I have to put very little energy into this.
So you're one of those "the universe revolves around me" faggots. If you truly believed it's all gone when your arbitrarily defined form becomes another arbitrarily different form, why bother doing anything? It shouldn't matter either way.
Not necessarily, if you have nothing to lose by talking to a subject (credibility, reputation, etc) then what do you lose by being wrong? Providing nothing but the answer without explaining how you got there doesn't help anyone figure out why your opinion is superior.
Step your brain up user
I was just asking a generic question based on other logic. I honestly don't care what your view on life and other things is. I only care to learn about the logic that you approach things with.
I'm extremely detached from caring about people, but I find the logic that drives people very entertaining.
unfortunately you're a retard, one of my exes and my current gf hate kids and never want them, as I don't either. So actually it's a roll of the dice and you aren't really right at all
So many women on this board. You should all focus on science, not on spawning a disappointing child.
>why bother doing anything?
Because even if I don't care about it, I exist now. And there are things that give me pleasure, like being praised for great achievement and earning something I care about, in this case knowledge.
But we were all put on this bike against our will.
>one of my exes and my current gf hate kids and never want them, as I don't either. So actually it's a roll of the dice and you aren't really right at all
Heh, they don't want kids... with you.
F5 that facebook feed in a couple of years, you'll see their 3 kids sucking milk out of their tits.
If you lack long term thinking, you are dysfunctional as a human being.
I'm just participating in the discussion. Would you rather be talking about IQ? Because that is apparently the most fascinating thing on this board.
I am sure that putting all my energy now for something that will not pay off in at least 10 years is what counts as "long term thinking".
If for you "long term thinking" means thinking generations ahead then congratulations, you have found your head right up your ass.
logic doesn't bend to how stepped up your brain is
>implying women visit Veeky Forums, let alone a STEM focused board
You're right man cause literally every single woman has had a kid/wanted kids right? kek
>I think the reason is that as women are not real human beings (they don't have emotions, feelings or personalities, they just come pre-programmed with some functions), they just come with the idea of wanting kids.
b-b-but my disney fairy tales!
It's the only explanation for all this breeder mentality. Men of science should stay away from families. Forgo the warm embrace of a wet pussy.
Not women, just cucks, beta's, and sympathizers. Spoiler, they all wear fedora's and call women "m'lady"
Because fuck the future, right? Too bad the people of the past also didn't think this way, just think of where we'd be right now.
Agreed, Almost all of the greatest scientists known to mankind were not married. Not saying that married men can't be great scientists, it's just that it hinders your ability to succeed.
Veeky Forums is no place for women like yourself.
I agree, but cooking and cleaning is one less thing I would have to take care of. Why do you think Albert Einstein married ugly bitches? He didn't actually care about them, he just needed someone to wipe his shit while he explained the universe.
>the future
Just what exactly do you believe the future has in store for us? Are you one of those faggots who has so much optimism to look forward to in life? You've never known true adversity, have you? The kind that fucks with your psyche and prevents you from experiencing any semblance of joy and hope? The majority of us are miserable fucks who grew up in squalid conditions and want nothing more than to just fuck off out of this world. Only thing stopping us is a surefire and immediate method of self execution.
*the lack of a surefire
My yeast cultures can "propagate their genetics" faster and more often than you ever will. While brainlets like you try and fail to rise up to the standards of success of unicellular organisms, we labor so that men may rival and surpass the mythological gods.
> cooking and cleaning is one less thing I would have to take care of
Not really given how women now have careers and men are expected to do house shores. Plus you'd be expected to raise the ugly kids you produced with your wife.
is this some kind of pasta?
buy a rope and tie it around your neck EZPZ
Not very immediate.
I'm not talking about kids, I'm talking about the wife. Imagine being at peak mental performance because of this. No need to disrupt thought for petty chores.
>pic related
beggars can't be choosers now can they? Pussy.
That doesn't mean acting like an autist will guarantee that you become a great scientist. Anybody who is actually destined for greatness wouldn't be posting in this thread because they would either be doing something more productive or they'd understand that the majority of first world humans have to reproduce or else society will collapse.
I just believe the universe operates in a reasonable way and that all the mystical bullshit about humans being special snowflakes is a big misinterpretation.
I feel you, but you're half a century late.
>Anybody who is actually destined for greatness wouldn't be posting in this thread
Veeky Forums is where geniuses are born son.
Nah, just move to a very rural area. You will find plenty of fish flopping around. They are usually land whales, but you can find a good looking retard here and there.
Rural areas aren't the best to do science though, unless you want to be a citizen scientist. But that too seems less and less likely given the high cost of producing science nowadays.
just start the fallout vaults and conduct psychological scientific tests
Fair enough. I've lived in several major cities and I think I would have to settle for a less noisy/smaller one. I think Boise was one of the nicest cities I lived in when I lived out west. As fun as London was I don't think I would be able to focus.
>yeast and humans are equal
Do i even need to refute such a retarded thought process?
>I think the reason is that as women are not real human beings (they don't have emotions, feelings or personalities
lol I'm done
>im done
That is not an argument against the point though.
I guess /r9k/ doesn't call you "arguments with holes" without reason.
I'm not the one who thinks humans and yeasts should have the same aspirations.
nor am i, yeast cannot create humans
Your point is stupid and backed up by absolutely nothing in your post. Not only is there no even remotely scientific backing in your post, not even your anecdote supports your theory that women don't have feeling emotions or personalities.
And calling me a woman isn't an argument against anything either you, idiot. Maybe you should go back to your buddies on /r9k/.
had a good kek at this
>his goal is just churning out more humans
Brainlets, when will they learn?
>Not only is there no even remotely scientific backing in your post
There is, actually. Throughout history we see that men go in all directions in life. If I give you a male baby you couldn't even try to predict what that baby will be doing in 30 years. Will he be a politician? A businessman? An astronaut? You can't know.
But women? Yeah you can. Easy, she'll be a housewive. All of them will be housewives actually. Well, that was before. It is only now after the 1950s that women started having a divergence of paths like men and it was just because of political indoctrination of the political class needing more laborers in the market to drive wages down and be able to support a less expensive economy.
That is why the rise in female "empowerment" has come with the decrease of female happiness. You are machine made for one purpose but now you live in a world full of forces trying to divert your attention and turn you into a pawn in their little political game. And it has worked. Good luck with crippling depression.
The goal is to be as close to immortal as possible and to live as long and the closest current way of that is having your genetics live on in someone else.
The goal is to be the ancestor of the very last human or organism in the universe, or on Earth if you want to think smaller I guess, and win the game of evolution. It's unlikely that it'll be you but this early in game, you have pretty much as good a chance as anyone else on earth.
I guess whatever the modern ancestor of humans were has already won. And whatever the first organism was is definitely part of the winning line.
false, the only goal is TO GET A KGF
Might help your chances. It's a good short term goal.
>this is what passes for science on /r9k/
Please fuck off to the humanities containment board.
>denying thousands of years natural human development
There is a reason things were like they were before. There is a reason why we naturally developed patriarchal societies.
I know that the politicians playing you like a piano have instilled you the idea that patriarchal societies were just a coincidence and that you can dismiss this, but reality is reality even if you don't believe in it.
You can have all the feminist indoctrination you want. I have hundreds of thousands of years of human history. Why didn't women get rights before politics? WHOOOOOOOOO KNOOOOWSSS AM I RITE?
I already told you:
I can almost taste the jew behind this thread
Oh fuck, I thought you were programmed to send me to /pol/.
I see you got one of them fancy re-write themselves programs there huh? That's good, but it seems to be very primitive. If you had one like mine you could come up with an argument instead.
>you'll be the first genetic failure in your lineage since the beginning of life on earth
In my direct lineage, yes. But I have plenty of ancestors/relatives who didn't breed either. My uncle who died at the age of 10 from a disease, for example. Or my older brother - while technically not my ancestor - is a hikki NEET and will never breed either.
I plan to breed eventually, just not with a white woman. I'll make superior Elliot Rodger babies and then watch the world burn
>win the game of evolution
What's the prize?
a utopian all-white society of course
>not having kids
enjoy dying in some cold institutionalized hospice home where they beat you and steal your meds.
>shooting kids out of your hog pipe and enslaving them for your own selfish needs in the hopes they'll take care of you unconditionally
Your privileged liberal stink is exactly why Trump won.
>implying my former students won't take care of me better than my ungrateful spawn ever would
Holy shit this is either some good b8 or you are just one of the most socially incompetent people I have seen.
your former students will ravel in the day that they get to take a shit on your grave.
But liberals hate trump wtf is your logic
>being plue pilled
good beta
I guess it makes that a science and math board would have this much autism.
11/10 would read this BTFO poast again
Not wanting kids is a sign of mental illness.