How do i deal with being a brainlet Veeky Forums?

How do i deal with being a brainlet Veeky Forums?

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Go into an easy field, like Psychology.

Through early morning fog I see visions of the things to be, the pains that are withheld for me. I realize and I can see...

that suicide is painless. It brings on many changes

Don't really feel like killing myself

I hope this is a MASH reference

Get a gun.
Attach it to a helium balloon.
Aim it at yourself.
Pull the trigger.

you can train yourself to be better

No one said life mustn't be suffering.

Learn to live with it. But don't worry. It will all be over soon.

Relax. Don't think about it. Enjoy some Big Bang theory.

This. 100% this. All intelligence is is just your ability to focus and remember shit, and you can easily train that.
>In short, it will reiterate the claim that training can do miracles to your mind. It will attempt to demonstrate that a majority of population can reach today's standards of genius.

I think it is

accept mediocrity and move on

everyone is a brainlet to someone

TFW the study is the application for the understanding of the most complex structure in the known universe.

most people are brainlets. work harder to make up for it. you can still achieve great success.

It's easy because said structure is so complex we know almost nothing about it, hence there is not that much to learn.

>just b urself bro
>don't worry user! I love you more deeply than I loved terence tao! it was just a fling!

Oh how naive you truly are.

the "work hard" advice is intended for those middle 50% of people. obviously a retard isn't going anywhere in life, and a genius doesn't have to work very hard.


As are you.

Go to bed Terry, you wife misses you m8 stop shitposting on Veeky Forums.

1. stop complaining about it
2. practice, focus, and use trial and error to your advantage
3. don't strive for perfection. you won't get anywhere if you stress the hell out of yourself because you didn't get a straight out 98%
4. have interest and dedication

and there you go. this is all from my experience

Just accept it. Surround yourself with smart people that will help you push yourself forward, but always remember your limitations.

Accept it, but also be happy that you aknowledge your limitations. It means you've still more brain activity than many, many other people.

What is the brainlet cut off? How do you tell if you are a brainlet?

False. That only works if you were smart to begin with.
Everyone has upper limits.

I've worked with people around 80-90 IQ before. These people have problems following basic instructions. These people will never understand things like basic algebra no matter how hard they try. They just don't have the hardware for it in their brain.

That doesn't sound like low IQ, it sounds like brain damage
I bet a fucking monkey could understand basic algebra

80-90 is lower than brainlet. Brainlet = ]100,120[

Nope, if you met them on the street you wouldn't think any different of them. Perhaps a bit on the dull side.

I'm sure you can find testaments online by googling of people not being capable of understanding algebra 1. These people don't have braindamage, and they are still capable of functioning in our society, as long as you don't ask them to anything that requires abstract thinking.

>These people have problems following basic instructions
I've the same problem.
Honestly even though I'm better at math than even many of my peers I just feel retarded..

Well i would like to take this time to talk about what i call "the theory of the RIGHT guy."

That is to say, if you drew a table with right and smart and wrong and dumb, you would end up with the possibility of being right and being dumb.

It is my theory that such right/dumb people are created at regular intervals in human history. Despite whatever they may wish, they are dumb, but they are also lucky enough to be right. And this entails its own nobility.

"A noble heart embiggens the smallest man."

good song

>I've worked with people around 80-90 IQ before
Where do you work then, user?
Please share some stories about these people or it didn't happen.

Well it is interesting to note that Einstein thought he was Dyslexic. He also learnt to read much later than the rest of his peers.

This indecates that while one region of your brain is lacking, this gives your brain time to focus on another region of the brain which is capable of being superlative.

Human brains do not evolve by the entire brain all at once. But by different regions having improvments piecemeal.

This is atleast, my theory.

Pretty much. Introversion forces introspection, I think. Same reason some autists develop hidden savant abilities sometimes.

Also probably the same reason math Veeky Forumsans are so illiterate about how psychology works.

Prison guard officially, but I often worked together with parole officers.

Not saying that only stupid people go to prison, but some some them are definitely stupid and end up in prison not because they're violent or dangerous but because they keep making stupid life decisions.

hmm, i remember in high school when the teacher tried to teach me simple algebra. Like for example: 4x+3x+7= ?
I remember not understanding how shit like this was done the whole year. I got to admit that i didn't work with my math skills at home, but this is some really simple shit.

Now i'm almost done with my mechanical engineer bachelor and got top grades. I'm considering doing a master.
You don't have to be a brainlet anons.

And also, my physics teacher was a brainlet as well. He wanted to be a tour guide. Now he is taking is doctors degree in math and physics. The only reason that he decided to step it up was because his highschool teacher mocked him and told him that we won't be anything in life.

>the same reason math Veeky Forumsans are so illiterate about how psychology works.

I think the reason for that is that by using logical they ignore emotions. They forget that emotions are products, very often, of environmental stimuli. They have yet to learn how to balance their environment so that their emotional stimuli is changed and results in a lessening of pressure on the logical processes which results in improved cognitive function.

However i must add that i am NOT saying that emotions balance out logic, and i am NOT saying that we have to use emotions to understand logic. No the opposite is true, we need to use logic to understand emotions.


120 isn't brainlet by any means.
I'd say the brainlet interval is between 90 and 110

tfw Veeky Forums is your emotional rock.


Yes, they like to think people are all simple computering machines like themselves.

I get the impression math Veeky Forumstards want to label people with definite numbers to qualify which one is better while ignoring how people work and how it is too changeable and too maleable to be measured with normal methods. For example, the IQ thing is a meme because it can change depending on the person's focus on the ability of making tests and solving simple abstract problems.

Also, tecnically emotions are somewhat logical, but often conflict with the logics of the conciousness. Contrasting emotion with logic is wrong.

I was just about to make a thread like this..
>tfw too much of a brainlet to ever amount to anything
>tfw not enough of a brainlet to not realize this fact and live in blissful ignorance

people like us should have been aborted OP

>Contrasting emotion with logic is wrong.
Not really. Even though emotions function through a logical mechanism (as everything on the universe does), as a cognitive tool, is it quite the opposite of logic (I would use "reason" as a better word for that).
Furthermore, I don't think it is wrong to assign numbers to define human beings. The problem is that most people that try to do that disregard the impact that feelings have on human behavior (which os definitely not small).

I guess it depends on what you define as emotions. For me, emotions are instincts that define the way people should behave to survive and ultimately underlie logical thinking. Only someone that is not wise or intelligent enough to work with its own emotions would call emotions illogical.

No problem user. Anytime!

Don't worry man, I had my IQ tested and I'm definitely not a brainlet but processing speed and working memory were lacking. I even had reading problems as a child even though my verbal score was in the 98th percentile. Verbal instructions go right in one ear and come out the other and I always forget what to do even after I comprehend them. You might be the same way.

Being stupid has the advantage that you can live and forget, simply deluding yourself, succumbing to inherent instinct, and living life like every other animal on this planet. But nothing is worst than being smart and also knowing you bummed out.
>tfw smart but lazy
Sometimes I cry out loud, I cry "Ah, if only I bothered to try!".

>tfw too smart to be a animal

t. 120 iq brainlet

Just think. You could have been born A DOG. Oh wait... you basically were haha

According to everyone on his board,

Working hard sucks. The key is finding a niche where you reap the benefits of your intelligence with a minimum of effort. Grad school works well for me, but I'm only somewhat lazy.

Use big words and put other people down for any little thing they do wrong. You will fool 90% of people into thinking you are smart.

Also, when people bring up cliche anecdote #42, make sure you respond loudly with cliche other fact #25 and act like it was your own thought you had right there

wow damn that's harsh, still thou his high-school teacher was right

I think the story is pretty good. I'm not sure if the fact that he works as a uni professor counts as success. But i belive you have to educate for 2 years or something to get your doctors degree. So it's that at least.

Find any interest you can excel in. Your attitude wont change by butting your head up against a wall. Unless you want to excel at brain damage of course.

Study category theory

Just make sure the baloon can lift the gun, and that your hand is in a position that will release the gun after you died

Seems like you haven't been training too hard

you don't need to be super smart to work in a particular field, as long as you're driven.

if you think you'll ever amount to as much as the revered scientists of the 19th and early 20th century that's just not gonna happen today. Academia doesn't produce that kind of shit any more. Everything is too specialized and too obscure. Apart from that doing research on anything can be done by brainlets just fine.

>tfw 118 IQ