Embarrassing uni stories thread?

Embarrassing uni stories thread?
Today I went to one of a lecturer's office in the cs dept that I've never seen in my life but passed his class. Unfortunately I forgot to register it in this year's classes so I had to sort things out with him. I knew his name so in the cs dept I asked a young guy outside some offices whether he knew where Mr X was. He was in front of me. That ought to be my most embarrassing uni story.

that's all?

one time i spoke with a lecturer and when i got up from my chair i noticed i left a huge ass sweat mark on it, i looked at it for half a second and I must've had a surprised look on my face something like "oh, wow, interesting" because the lecturer then immediately looked at what I was looking and noticed the ass sweat too. He stared at it for a fraction of a second but had a look on his face that expressed disgust and contempt.

I always leave ass sweats on chairs and people notice all the time

i like to think that they analyze me and try to mentally insult me and critique me. I bet they're all like "man living life as an autist must be hard, that guy is laughable, leaving ass sweats everywhere, he is full of anxiety and depression, his ass sweats will be the only thing left of him in this world after he dies. A truly pathetic autist, he has no future."

a few weeks ago I was so fucking tired that I really had to take a stimulant, I had to have some coffee but fuck paying 1.2 pounds for a shitty espresso from Nero, I went to the supermarket and bought a small bag of Lavazza, for 3.75 pounds, the best shit there is, and I went to a uni bathroom and just ate some coffee

eating it makes you absorb 100% of its caffeine

other methods of preparing coffee are not as efficient

I refuse to believe this happened

Here's a greentext that I wrote a while back
>meanwhile, in the neuroscience department...
>first time lecturing 80+ students for two hours
>very nervous
>took me two weeks to prepare the lecture
>start 15 minutes late because no one seems to be there on time
>have to rush through the most complicated part
>get strange looks from the people in the front rows, but too nervous to figure out why
>my wearable microphone drops
>as I try to grab it off the floor, I step on it
>everyone cringes in agony as a loud screeching fills their ears
>have to finish the rest without a mic, basically screaming at the lecture hall
>45 minutes in, everyone actually seems to follow better than expected
>I calm down, continue the lecture
>going quite well now, students ask insightful questions
>the spaghetti in my pockets is firmly in place
>feeling great
>still get funny looks from people in the front rows
>after the lecture I notice my zipper was wide open the entire time

try snorting it, or better yet, directly slamming that shit down your main line like a true pro

I had an exam and when I got to the venue I realized that I had forgot to take nootropics. I searched through my bad and found 8 pills of 800mg of piracetam each. I tried to hide behind a wall so that the invigilators / security guys / other students didn't see me ingest 8 fucking pills of piracetam like some drug addict. (there uni employees everywhere, checking your card and answering questions for confused brainlets).

The pills were placed in a piece of crumpled up toilet paper.

But fuck, exactly when I was trying to shove 8 pills in my mouth some security guy came running to me, showed up from behind the wall and with a shitty northern English accent started asking me questions.

>oi mate
>u alright?
>whats with those pills
>u sick mate? want me to call the ambulance?
>nn-n-no, it's okay
>i just have anxiety
>they're anxiety pills

man the levels of autism in that scene must've been otherworldly, imagine a lanky 1.90 autist trying to swallow 8 pills while some fat british security guy tries to process and analyze the whole situation

and you know what sucks the most?

piracetam takes about 1hr to be fully absorbed and enter the bloodstream, the exam was just 1 hour long, but I was so tired that placebo probably mattered more than the actual effects of piracetam

I refused to believe it too but I think it was caused by condensation, body heat and maybe sweat vapors going through the jeans if that's possible

you sound like a retard

i agree
thanks for the laugh

The other day I was writing my master's thesis and then my country got invaded by Russia.
Ugh... It's so embarassing, really.

>enter a classroom
>nope, not the one I'm looking for, and I've just interrupted the lecture
>panic, hurriedly exit walking backwards
>have a backpack at the time, slightly feel bumping something
>say "sorry" without looking at who I bumped to, continue to the next classroom
>hear someone yell "sorry won't cut it though"
>it's the fucking department head, drenched in hot coffee
>bumble some apologies about being in an awful hurry about something something
>literally run away without waiting for response

worst part is he works in my field and I keep seeing him in conferences etc. I had my hair long then, I can only hope that he doesn't recognize me


>I tried to hide behind a wall so that the invigilators / security guys / other students didn't see me ingest 8 fucking pills of piracetam like some drug addict.
Have you never heard of a fucking bathroom

I walked out of my phd interview, looked down, and realized my zipper had been open the entire time. I'd been drawing diagrams on the board and demonstrating stuff. They definitely noticed.

Still got in somehow.

I hate leaving ass sweat. I think other people are extra disgusted because they might think you made a massive diarrhea and it's seeping out. It might seem like the natural assumption for people who aren't familiar with ass sweat

>running late
>get to class 5 minutes late, just go straight in
>sit down at the back
>its dark for some reason
>people keep looking back at me and giving me funny looks
>lecturer is talking about plants and shit
>wtf this is a signal analysis class
>try to look for people I know but its dark
>check timetable, yep, definitely in the right place
>take out my stuff
>lecturer is still talking about plants
>eventually hear lecturer say 'ok that'll be all for today. looks like we went a bit over time'
>walk out
>my class are all outside
>they all watched me walk right past them into the lecture hall
>class I was in all giving my funny looks as they walk out

pic related

>be me
>hanging out with friends in class
>banter back and forth
>guy tells me thank god I will never have kids
>later on as I continue to think about what he said, a tear comes out of my eye as I am laying in bed

I'm 29 years old and never had a girlfriend. What could this mean?

Absolutely nothing, your thoughts are just a rationalisation of a generic 'bad feeling which is further perpetuated by the narrative you tell yourself("If only I had a girlfriend, then everything would be fine"), the actual content of the thought doesn't matter.

it means you should either get a girl or off yourself.

pump bump
